tree: 76ddc43e4805b37dd0f4a5acc895752a90a41843 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Properties/
  2. HelloDriver.cs
  3. HelloDriverYarn.cs
  4. HelloREEF.cs
  5. HelloREEFYarn.cs
  6. HelloTask.cs
  7. Org.Apache.REEF.Examples.HelloREEF.csproj
  8. Org.Apache.REEF.Examples.HelloREEF.DotNet.csproj
  9. packages.config
  11. Run.cs

# HelloREEF This project contains a simple example of a REEF Program. It contains the following classes:

  • HelloREEF: This is the program that submits the driver to the local runtime.
  • HelloDriver: The Driver requests a single Evaluator and submits the HelloTask to it.
  • HelloTask: This Task prints a greeting to STDOUT of the Evaluator.

Running it

Just run the main class, HelloREEF, followed by the runtime you want, e.g. local.

Using as a Standalone Application

To use HelloREEF as a standalone application, the only changes necessary are installing dependencies and adding a build step to the .csproj file.


  1. Copy all the *.cs files to a new directory
  2. In Visual Studio, create a new project from these files
  3. Change the namespaces to HelloREEF
  4. Change the .NET framework to 4.5.1
  5. Change the target platform to x64
  6. Use the NuGet to install all dependencies necessary to build the project
  7. Add the following References to the .csproj file
<Reference Include="Org.Apache.REEF.Evaluator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c27bf5b2e9a7ddb9, processorArchitecture=AMD64\">
  1. Build the project one last time

Now HelloREEF can be used as the first step of writing a new application with Apache REEF.