blob: cd32f4a5cd867c231b1bc6d3f4e87858302fee9a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<Project InitialTargets="PrintMessage" ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
<PackageReference Include="RoslynCodeTaskFactory" Version="2.0.7" />
Extract the REEF Version from the POM file
<!--A Task that extracts the version from the pom in a given folder.-->
<UsingTask TaskName="GetMavenProjectVersion" TaskFactory="CodeTaskFactory" AssemblyFile="$(RoslynCodeTaskFactory)" Condition=" '$(RoslynCodeTaskFactory)' != '' ">
<ProjectFolder Required="true"/>
<Version Output="true"/>
<NugetVersion Output="true"/>
<Reference Include="System.Xml"/>
<Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq"/>
<Using Namespace="System"/>
<Using Namespace="System.IO"/>
<Using Namespace="System.Linq"/>
<Using Namespace="System.Xml.Linq"/>
<Code Type="Fragment" Language="C#">
Version = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(ProjectFolder, "pom.xml")).Descendants()
.Where(x => x.Name.ToString().Contains("version"))
var snapshotNumberAsString = ($(SnapshotNumber) >= 0 && $(SnapshotNumber) <=9) ? "0" + $(SnapshotNumber) : $(SnapshotNumber).ToString();
NugetVersion = $(IsSnapshot) ? Version + "-" + snapshotNumberAsString : Version.Replace("-SNAPSHOT","");
<Target Name="PrintMessage">
<Message Text="Roslyn code task factory is $(RoslynCodeTaskFactory)" Importance="high"/>
A Target that extract the REEF version from the pom and makes it available as REEF_Version
<Target Name="ExtractPOMVersion" BeforeTargets="Build">
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectName is $(MSBuildProjectName)" />
<Message Text="MSBuildProjectDirectory is $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" />
<Message Text="SnapshotNumber is $(SnapshotNumber)" />
<Message Text="The root directory of the source tree is $(REEF_Source_Folder)" />
<GetMavenProjectVersion SnapshotNumber="$(SnapshotNumber)" ProjectFolder="$(REEF_Source_Folder)">
<Output PropertyName="REEF_Version" TaskParameter="Version"/>
<Output PropertyName="REEF_NugetVersion" TaskParameter="NugetVersion"/>
<Message Text="Extracted the following version from the POM: $(REEF_Version)"/>