[REEF-1987] Visual Studio 2017 Project Conversion

  The goal of these changes is to migrate over to the new DotNet projects.
  Part of this effort is to be able to execute the build and tests via the
  build system. Therefore with this change, the DotNet projects now build
  .net452 by default and target the bridge. The build and tests can now
  run using msbuild -- almost identical to the commands that are in the
   -msbuild lang\cs\Org.Apache.REEF.DotNet.sln /t:Restore
   -msbuild lang\cs\Org.Apache.REEF.DotNet.sln
   -msbuild lang\cs\TestRunner.DotNet.proj

  If there is a need to continue to use .net core builds, the
  EnableDotNetBuild variable can be set to make this happen.

  This completes the following sub-tasks:
    [REEF-1986] DotNet project needs to support different build projects
      - Added EnableDotNetBuild parameter in build.Common.DotNet.props.
      When active, the projects will build .net452 and .netcore but will
      target the Bridge.CLR project. If false, will target .net452 and
      existing bridge project. Defaults to false.
    [REEF-1985] Update DotNet projects to target .net 452
      - Updated all *DotNet projects to target .net 452
    [REEF-1984] Port test-runner project to the DotNet project
      - Added a DotNet test runner project, works like the old test runner
      but supports the new projects. This project can be ran using
    [REEF-1983] DotNet client project supports embedding jar files as resource
      - Client project has changed to run the Custom code task that will
      embed the bridge exe and java jar files as resources into the file.
    [REEF-1982] DotNet port of Bridge and BridgeJAR projects
      - This add DotNet versions of the Bridge and BridgeJar projects. The
      DotNet build will now build the java project and copy jar files
      over. Bridge project builds as a .net452 exe.


Pull Request:
    This closes #1435
53 files changed
tree: 3cd0d55f7a9094cfd054322c4762b4de05751c8e
  1. bin/
  2. dev/
  3. lang/
  4. website/
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. .travis.yml
  8. appveyor.yml
  9. Doxyfile
  10. HEADER
  12. NOTICE
  13. pom.xml
  14. README.md

Apache REEF™

Apache REEF™ (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a library for developing portable applications for cluster resource managers such as Apache Hadoop YARN or Apache Mesos. For example, Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics is built on REEF and Hadoop.

Online Documentation

Detailed information on REEF can be found in the following places:

The developer mailing list is the best way to reach REEF‘s developers when the above aren’t sufficient.

Build Status

REEF JavaUbuntuBuild Status
REEF.NETWindowsBuild status

Building REEF

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