blob: 83cf0d7f7a83f3445ef66928efc5a0bcedc8d956 [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Our directory variables. If you change
// the app's directory just change the variables here
rave: {
bower: 'bower_components',
src: 'rave-portal-ng/src',
dev: 'rave-portal-ng/dev',
prod: 'rave-portal-ng/prod',
mockAPI: 'rave-portal-ng/mock-api'
// Completely destroys the built version of our app
// dev is the development version. prod is the production version.
clean: {
dev: '<%= %>',
prod: '<%= %>'
// Anything that doesn't get compiled needs to be copied
// from the src directory to the one that we're serving
copy: {
devJs: {
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= rave.src %>',
src: ['**/*.js'],
dest: '<%= %>'
devHtml: {
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= rave.src %>',
src: ['**/*.html'],
dest: '<%= %>'
devImg: {
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= rave.src %>',
src: ['images/**/*.{jpg,gif,png}'],
dest: '<%= %>'
devMockAPI: {
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= rave.mockAPI %>',
src: ['**/*.js'],
dest: '<%= %>/api'
// Lints our source code & unit tests
jshint: {
dev: {
options: {
jshintrc: '.jshintrc-dev'
src: '<%= rave.src %>/**/*.js'
prod: {
options: {
jshintrc: '.jshintrc-prod'
src: '<%= rave.src %>/**/*.js'
mockAPI: {
options: {
jshintrc: '.jshintrc-mock-api'
src: '<%= rave.mockAPI %>/**/*.js'
tests: {
// Compile our less
less: {
options: {
paths: ['<%= rave.bower %>', '<%= rave.src %>/less']
dev: {
src: [
'<%= rave.src %>/less/rave.less',
'<%= rave.src %>/**/*.less',
'!<%= rave.src %>/less/*/*.less',
'!<%= rave.src %>/less/global-imports.less',
dest: '<%= %>/style.css'
prod: {
src: ['<%= rave.src %>/rave.less', '<%= rave.src %>/**/*.less'],
dest: '<%= %>/style.css'
// Build our Javascript assets
requirejs: {
prod: {
options: {
mainConfigFile: '<%= rave.src %>/config/requirejs.js',
name: 'assets/bower_components/almond/almond',
out: '<%= %>/script.js',
paths: {
templates: '../'
deps: ['core/index'],
insertRequire: ['core/index']
// Serve up our client-side code (for development in lieu of a Java server)
// Also lets you test the production code, although it is not a replacement
// for a production server.
connect: {
dev: {
options: {
base: ['<%= rave.bower %>', '<%= rave.mockAPI %>', '<%= %>'],
livereload: true,
keepalive: true
prod: {
options: {
base: '<%= %>',
keepalive: true
watch: {
options: {
livereload: true
grunt: {
files: ['gruntfile.js']
less: {
files: ['<%= rave.src %>/**/*.less'],
tasks: ['less:dev']
html: {
files: ['<%= rave.src %>/**/*.html'],
tasks: ['copy:devHtml']
js: {
files: ['<%= rave.src %>/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['jshint:dev', 'copy:devJs']
mockAPI: {
files: ['<%= rave.mockAPI %>/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['jshint:mockAPI', 'copy:devMockAPI']
// Watch and connect are long-living processses,
// so they need to be executed concurrently
concurrent: {
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
dev: ['connect:dev', 'watch']
vagrantssh: {
server: {
commands: [
'sudo mvn cargo:run -f /rave/rave-portal/pom.xml',
callback: function(grunt, output) {
grunt.log.writeln('The app is running at localhost:8080/portal.');
grunt.registerTask('start-api', 'Start the API', ['vagrantssh']);
grunt.registerTask('dev', 'Build the dev app & set up the app environment.', [
grunt.registerTask('connect-dev', 'Start the mock server for the development build', [
grunt.registerTask('connect-prod', 'Start the mock server for the production build', [
grunt.registerTask('build-dev', 'Build the development version of Rave', [
grunt.registerTask('build-prod', 'Build a production version of Rave', [
grunt.registerTask('test', 'Lints code and unit tests', [
grunt.registerTask('default', 'An alias for running tests', [