tree: b90c7b6de09d142c8f7b16c24917867f6009bd20 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Apache Ratis Examples

Building and Running The Examples

Compile the repository using mvn clean package -DskipTests under the project root directory; see also

All the scripts for running the examples are located in the ratis-examples/src/main/bin directory,

Example 1: FileStore

FileStore is file service supporting read, write and delete operations. The FileStoreStateMachine is implemented using the asynchronous event-driven model. The source code is located in


To spawn a FileStore server, run

  • filestore server --id <SELF_ID> --storage <STORAGE_DIR> --peers <ID:IP_ADDRESS,...>

where <SELF_ID>, which must be in the peer list, is the id of the instance being spawned.

For example ratis-examples/src/main/bin/ filestore server --id n0 --storage /tmp/data --peers n0:xx.xx.xx.xx:6000,n1:yy.yy.yy.yy:6001,n2:zz.zz.zz.zz:6002


To spawn a FileStore load generation client, run

  • filestore loadgen --size <FILE_SIZE> --numFiles <NUM_FILES> --peers <ID:IP_ADDRESS,...>

where <FILE_SIZE> is the size of the files to be generated in bytes, <NUM_FILES> is the number of files to be generated.

For example ratis-examples/src/main/bin/ filestore loadgen --size 1048576 --numFiles 1000 --peers n0:xx.xx.xx.xx:6000,n1:yy.yy.yy.yy:6001,n2:zz.zz.zz.zz:6002

Example 2: Arithmetic

Arithmetic is an implementation of a replicated state machine. A variable map is stored in the ArithmeticStateMachine which supports assign or get operations. Clients may assign a variable to a value by specifying either the value or a formula to compute the value.

In TestArithemetic, it uses Arithmetic to solve Pythagorean equation and compute π using Gauss–Legendre algorithm.

The source code is located in


To spawn an Arithmetic server, run

  • arithmetic server --id <SELF_ID> --storage <STORAGE_DIR> --peers <ID:IP_ADDRESS,...>

where <SELF_ID>, which must be in the peer list, is the id of the instance being spawned.

For example ratis-examples/src/main/bin/ arithmetic server --id n0 --storage /tmp/data --peers n0:xx.xx.xx.xx:6000,n1:yy.yy.yy.yy:6001,n2:zz.zz.zz.zz:6002


To run an Arithmetic client command, run

  • arithmetic get --name <VAR> --peers <ID:IP_ADDRESS,...>


  • arithmetic assign --name <VAR> --value <VALUE> --peers <ID:IP_ADDRESS,...>

where <VAR> is the name of the variable and <VALUE> is the value to be assigned.

For example ratis-examples/src/main/bin/ arithmetic get --name b --peers n0:xx.xx.xx.xx:6000,n1:yy.yy.yy.yy:6001,n2:zz.zz.zz.zz:6002

Pre-Setup Vagrant Pseudo Cluster

One can see the interactions of a three server Ratis cluster with a load-generator running against it by using the script found in dev-support/vagrant/. See the dev-support/vagrant/ for more on dependencies and what is setup. This will allow one to try a fully setup three server Ratis cluster on a single VM image, preventing resource contention with your development host and allowing failure injection too.