RATIS CI scripts

These scripts are called from jenkins for ratis pre-commit and nightly build jobs.

On jenkins, the repository is checked out to a subdirectory (sourcedir) and the script is called from the parent directory which is also used to store temporary files (yetus/out/...).

IT'S NOT RECOMMENDED to run it locally unless you know what could be expected. The script runs in sentinel/robot mode, so:

  • Old docker images are removed by the script
  • Local commits are removed by the script

Running locally

To test the jenkins build locally:

  1. create a new directory
  2. Clone the ratis repository to a subdirectory: git clone git://github.com/apache/incubator-ratis.git sourcedir
  3. Run the script fro the parent directory ./sourcedir/dev-support/ci/nightly-build.sh

For nightly-build.sh you can set the BRANCH environment variable to define which branch should be tested.

For precommit-build.sh you should set ISSUE_NUM (eg. 122, RATIS prefix should not be added).

The variables are set by the jenkins.