
Apache Ratis uses Apache Maven to build the artifacts. It is required to have Maven 3.3.9 or later. Apache Ratis is written in Java 8. Therefore, it as well requires Java 8 or later.

When building Ratis the first time, shaded files need to be generated by the following command:

$ mvn package -DskipTests

After that, mvn compile or mvn test can be used as normal. For example, we may run the basic tests by

$ mvn test -Dtest=TestRaftWith\*


We shade protos, protobuf and other libraries such as Netty, gRPC, Guava and Hadoop so that applications using Ratis may use protobuf and other libraries with versions different from the versions used here.

Ratis requires the shaded sources for compilation. The generated sources are stored in the following directories.


They are not checked-in to git though.

If you want to force compiling the proto files (for example after changing them), you should run

$ mvn package -DskipTests -Dcompile-protobuf

For removing the shaded sources, run

$ mvn clean -Pclean-shade

Note that mvn clean alone does not remove the shaded sources.

What are shaded?

Original packagesShaded packages

The protos defined in this project are stored in the org.apache.ratis.shaded.proto package.

How to deploy

To publish, use the following settings.xml file ( placed in ~/.m2/settings.xml )


Then use

$ mvn deploy
$ mvn -s /my/path/settings.xml deploy

We also use release profile for building the release

$ mvn install -Prelease -Papache-release