tree: dffa994176db540af57187398afb57b0cdcb4459 [path history] [tgz]
  1. config/
  2. dist/
  3. patches/
  4. scripts/
  5. .dockerignore
  6. .env
  7. .gitignore
  8. docker-compose.ranger-base.yml
  9. docker-compose.ranger-build.yml
  10. docker-compose.ranger-hadoop.yml
  11. docker-compose.ranger-hbase.yml
  12. docker-compose.ranger-kafka.yml
  13. docker-compose.ranger.yml
  14. Dockerfile.ranger
  15. Dockerfile.ranger-base
  16. Dockerfile.ranger-build
  17. Dockerfile.ranger-hadoop
  18. Dockerfile.ranger-hbase
  19. Dockerfile.ranger-kafka
  20. Dockerfile.ranger-solr


Docker files in this folder create docker images and run them to build Apache Ranger, deploy Apache Ranger and dependent services in containers.


  1. Ensure that you have recent version of Docker installed from (as of this writing: Engine 19.03, Compose 1.26.2).

  2. Set this folder as your working directory.

  3. Update environment variables in .env file, if necessary

  4. Using docker-compose is the simpler way to build and deploy Apache Ranger in containers.

    4.1. Execute following command to build Apache Ranger:

     docker-compose -f docker-compose.ranger-base.yml -f docker-compose.ranger-build.yml up

    Time taken to complete the build might vary (upto an hour), depending on status of ${HOME}/.m2 directory cache.

    4.2. Execute following command to start Ranger, Ranger enabled HDFS/YARN/HBase/Kafka and dependent services (Solr, DB) in containers:

     docker-compose -f docker-compose.ranger-base.yml -f docker-compose.ranger.yml -f docker-compose.ranger-hadoop.yml -f docker-compose.ranger-hbase.yml -f docker-compose.ranger-kafka.yml up -d
  5. Alternatively docker command can be used to build and deploy Apache Ranger.

    5.1. Execute following command to build Docker image ranger-base:

     docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger-base -t ranger-base .

    This might take about 10 minutes to complete.

    5.2. Execute following command to build Docker image ranger-build:

     docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger-build -t ranger-build .

    5.3. Build Apache Ranger in a container with the following command:

     docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}/.m2:/home/ranger/.m2:delegated -v $(pwd)/scripts:/home/ranger/scripts -v $(pwd)/../..:/home/ranger/src:delegated -v $(pwd)/dist:/home/ranger/dist --env-file ./.env ranger-build

    Time taken to complete the build might vary (upto an hour), depending on status of ${HOME}/.m2 directory cache.

    5.4. Execute following command to build Docker image ranger:

     docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger --build-arg RANGER_VERSION=`cat dist/version` -t ranger .

    This might take about 10 minutes to complete.

    5.5. Execute following command to build a Docker image ranger-solr:

     docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger-solr -t ranger-solr .

    5.6. Execute following command to start a container that runs database for use by Ranger Admin:

     docker run --name ranger-db --hostname --env-file ./.env -d postgres:12

    5.7. Execute following command to start a container that runs Solr for use by Ranger Admin:

     docker run --name ranger-solr --hostname -p 8983:8983 -d ranger-solr solr-precreate ranger_audits /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/ranger_audits/

    5.8. Execute following command to install and run Ranger services in a container:

     docker run -it -d --name ranger --hostname -p 6080:6080 --link ranger-db:ranger-db --link ranger-solr:ranger-solr --env-file ./.env ranger

    This might take few minutes to complete.

    5.9. Execute following command to build Docker image ranger-hadoop:

     docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger-hadoop --build-arg RANGER_VERSION=`cat dist/version` --build-arg HADOOP_VERSION=3.1.1 -t ranger-hadoop .

    This step includes downloading of Hadoop tar balls, and can take a while to complete.

    5.10. Execute following command to install and run Ranger enabled HDFS in a container:

      docker run -it -d --name ranger-hadoop --hostname -p 9000:9000 -p 8088:8088 --link ranger:ranger --link ranger-solr:ranger-solr --env-file ./.env ranger-hadoop

    This might take few minutes to complete.

    5.11. Execute following command to build Docker image ranger-hbase:

      docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger-hbase --build-arg RANGER_VERSION=`cat dist/version` --build-arg HBASE_VERSION=2.0.3 -t ranger-hbase .

    This step includes downloading of HBase tar ball, and can take a while to complete.

    5.12. Execute following command to install and run Ranger enabled HBase in a container:

      docker run -it -d --name ranger-hbase --hostname --link ranger-hadoop:ranger-hadoop --link ranger:ranger --link ranger-solr:ranger-solr --env-file ./.env ranger-hbase

    This might take few minutes to complete.

    5.13. Execute following command to build Docker image ranger-kafka:

      docker build -f Dockerfile.ranger-kafka --build-arg RANGER_VERSION=`cat dist/version` --build-arg KAFKA_VERSION=2.5.0 -t ranger-kafka .

    This step includes downloading of Kafka tar ball, and can take a while to complete.

    5.14. Execute following command to install and run Ranger enabled Kafka in a container:

      docker run -it -d --name ranger-kafka --hostname --link ranger-hadoop:ranger-hadoop --link ranger:ranger --link ranger-solr:ranger-solr --env-file ./.env ranger-kafka

    This might take few minutes to complete.

  6. Ranger Admin can be accessed at http://localhost:6080 (admin/rangerR0cks!)