blob: 4096020b676ff0b2532c3ab08e9fb017acf25c86 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Never Delete any key without seraching it in all View and Template files
/*(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "../globalize.js" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var Globalize = require( "globalize" );
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en", {
messages: {
// Form labels, Table headers etc
lbl : {
// Common
// Accounts
// MSLinks
* Menu related
home : 'Home',
name : 'Name',
password : 'Password',
passwordConfirm : 'Password Confirm',
listOfPolicies : 'List of Policies',
addNewPolicy : 'Add New Policy',
resource : 'Resource',
action : 'Action',
result : 'Result',
enforcer : 'Enforcer',
date : 'Date',
resourcePath : 'Resource Path',
includesAllPathsRecursively : 'Recursive',
groups : 'Groups',
group : 'Groups',
auditLogging : 'Audit Logging',
isDenyAllElse : 'Deny All Other Accesses',
encrypted : 'Encrypt',
resourceType : 'Resource Type',
description : 'Description',
groupPermissions : 'Group Permissions',
userPermissions : 'User Permissions',
selectGroup : 'Select Group',
admin : 'Admin',
execute : 'Execute',
create : 'Create',
write : 'Write',
deletes : 'Delete',
read : 'Read',
select : 'Select',
update : 'Update',
drop : 'Drop',
alter : 'Alter',
index : 'Index',
lock : 'Lock',
all : 'All',
databaseName : 'Database Name',
tableName : 'Table Name',
columnName : 'Column Name',
columnFamilies : 'Column Families',
selectDatabaseName : 'Select Database Name',
selectTableName : 'Select Table Name',
selectColumnName : 'Select Column Name',
enterColumnName : 'Enter Column Name',
selectColumnFamilies : 'Select Column Familes',
resourceInformation : 'Resource Information',
database : 'Database' ,
table : 'Table',
column : 'Column',
policyInfo : 'Policy Information',
createdBy : 'Created By',
createdOn : 'Created On',
updatedBy : 'Updated By',
updatedOn : 'Updated On',
groupName : 'Group Name',
permissions : 'Permissions',
permissionGranted : 'Permission Granted',
createAccount : 'Create Account',
editAccount : 'Edit Account ',
selectFolder : 'Select Folder',
exports : 'Export Policies',
userName : 'User Name',
authToLocal : 'authToLocal',
dataNode :'dataNode',
nameNode :'nameNode',
secNamenode :'secNamenode',
userAccessReport : 'User Access Report',
auditReport : 'Audit Report',
createAsset : 'Create Repository',
editAsset : 'Edit Repository',
assetType : 'Repository Type',
selectUser : 'Select User',
listOfHDFSPolicies : 'List of HDFS Policies',
listOfHIVEPolicies : 'List of HIVE Policies',
listOfHBASEPolicies : 'List of HBASE Policies',
listOfKNOXPolicies : 'List of KNOX Policies',
listOfSTORMPolicies : 'List of STORM Policies',
users : 'Users',
repository : 'Repository',
repositoryDetails : 'Repository Details',
createRepository : 'Create Repository',
firstName : 'First Name',
lastName : 'Last Name',
email : 'Email',
emailAddress : 'Email Address',
newPassword : 'New Password',
reEnterPassword : 'Re-enter New Password',
oldPassword : 'Old Password',
customerName : 'Customer Name',
accountCode : 'Account Code',
accountStatus : 'Account Status',
ActiveStatus_STATUS_ENABLED : 'Enabled',
ActiveStatus_STATUS_DISABLED : 'Disabled',
visibility : 'Visibility',
VisibilityStatus_IS_VISIBLE : 'Visible',
VisibilityStatus_IS_HIDDEN : 'Hidden',
commonNameForCertificate : 'Common Name For Certificate',
status : 'Status',
userListing : 'User List',
userInfo : 'User Info',
userEdit : 'User Edit',
userCreate : 'User Create',
groupEdit : 'Group Edit',
groupCreate : 'Group Create',
addNewUser : 'Add New User',
addNewGroup : 'Add New Group',
selectUserDefinedFunction : 'Select UDF',
selectView : 'Select View',
udfName : 'UDF Name',
viewName : 'View Name',
permForTable : 'Permission For Tables',
permForView : 'Permission For Views',
permForUdf : 'Permission For User Defined Function',
policyStatus : 'Policy Status',
httpResponseCode : 'Http Response Code',
repositoryName : 'Repository Name',
agentId : 'Plugin ID',
agentIp : 'Plugin IP',
createDate : 'Export Date',
attributeName : 'Attribute Name',
policyType : 'Policy Type',
previousValue : 'Previous Value',
newValue : 'New Value',
udf : 'UDF',
tableType : 'Table Type',
columnType : 'Column Type',
accountName : 'Account Name',
createdDate : 'Created Date',
sessionId : 'Session ID',
operation : 'Operation',
auditType : 'Audit Type',
user : 'User',
application : 'Application',
actions : 'Actions',
loginId : 'Login ID',
loginType : 'Login Type',
ip : 'IP',
userAgent : 'User Agent',
loginTime : 'Login Time',
sessionDetail : 'Session Detail',
ok : 'OK',
id : 'ID',
type : 'Type',
resourceId : 'Resource ID',
eventTime : 'Event Time',
resourceName : 'Resource Name',
repoType : 'Repository Type',
accessType : 'Access Type',
aclEnforcer : 'Access Enforcer',
active : 'Active',
selectRole : 'Select Role',
role : 'Role',
userSource : 'User Source',
groupSource : 'Group Source',
policyName : 'Policy Name',
allow : 'Allow',
allowAccess : 'Allow Access',
selectTopologyName : 'Select Topology Name',
selectServiceName : 'Select Service Name',
topologyName : 'Topology Name',
ipAddress : 'IP Address',
isVisible : 'Visible',
delegatedAdmin : 'Delegate Admin',
policyId : 'Policy ID',
moduleName : 'Module Name',
keyManagement : 'Key Management',
addNewKey : 'Add New Key',
keyName : 'Key Name',
cipher : 'Cipher',
length : 'Length',
version : 'Version',
attributes : 'Attributes',
material : 'Material',
addNewConfig : 'Add New Configurations',
createService : 'Create Service',
editService : 'Edit Service',
serviceDetails : 'Service Details',
serviceName : 'Service Name',
PolicyType_ALLOW : 'Allow',
PolicyType_DENY : 'Deny',
componentPermissions : 'Component Permissions',
selectDataMaskTypes : 'Select Data Mask Types',
accessTypes : 'Access Types',
rowLevelFilter : 'Row Level Filter',
selectMaskingOption : 'Select Masking Option',
versionTime : 'Version / Time',
serviceType : 'Service Type',
hostName : 'Host Name',
selectAndAddUser : 'Select and Add User',
selectAndAddGroup : 'Select and Add Group',
download : 'Download',
lastUpdate : 'Last Update',
modules : 'Modules',
clusterName : 'Cluster Name',
zoneName : 'Zone Name',
policyVersion : 'Policy Version',
policyLabels : 'Policy Labels',
activeStatus : 'Active Status',
selectTagService : 'Tag Service',
syncSource : 'Sync Source',
unixBackend : 'Unix',
fileName : 'File Name',
syncTime : 'Sync time',
lastModified : 'Last modified time',
ldapUrl : 'Ldap url',
isIncrementalSync : 'Incremental sync',
groupHierarchyLevel : 'Group hierarchy level',
minUserId : "Minimum user id",
minGroupId : "Minimum group id",
userSearchFilter : 'User search filter',
groupSearchFilter : 'Group search filter',
startDate : 'Start Date',
endDate : 'End Date',
addValidityPeriod : ' Add Validity Period',
editValidityPeriod : ' Edit Validity Period',
totalUsersSynced : 'Total number of users synced',
totalGroupsSynced : 'Total number of groups synced',
addPolicyCondition : 'Add Policy Condition',
editPolicyCondition : 'Edit Policy Condition',
agentHost :'Agent Host Name',
addNewRole : 'Add New Role',
roleName : 'Role Name',
roleCreate : 'Role Create',
roleEdit : 'Role Edit',
roles : 'Roles',
userWithGrantRolePrivilege : 'Users (Grant privilege)',
groupWithGrantRolePrivilege : 'Groups (Grant privilege)',
applicationType : 'Application',
btn : {
add : 'Add',
save : 'Save',
cancel : 'Cancel',
addMore : 'Add More..',
stayOnPage : 'Stay on this page',
leavePage : 'Leave this page',
setVisibility : 'Set Visibility',
setStatus : 'Set Status'
// h1, h2, h3, fieldset, title
h : {
welcome : 'Welcome',
logout : 'Logout',
xaSecure : 'XA Secure',
listOfPlugins : 'See third-party tools/resources that Ranger uses and their respective authors.',
licenseText : 'Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0',
// Menu
dashboard : 'Dashboard',
policyManager : 'Policy Manager',
usersOrGroupsOrRoles : 'Users/Groups/Roles',
reports : 'Reports',
config : 'Config',
accounts : 'Accounts',
analytics : 'Analytics',
audit : 'Audit',
repositoryManager : 'Manage Repository',
serviceManager : 'Service Manager',
hdfs : 'HDFS',
hive : 'Hive',
createPolicy : 'Create Policy',
editPolicy : 'Edit Policy',
managePolices : 'Manage Polices',
manageTables : 'Manage Table',
userProfile : 'User Profile',
users : 'Users',
agents : 'Plugins',
repository : 'Repository',
policy : 'Policy',
policyDetails : 'Policy Details',
userGroupPermissions : 'User and Group Permissions',
groups : 'Groups',
admin : 'Admin',
bigData : 'Big Data',
loginSession : 'Login Sessions',
operationDiff : 'Operation ',
searchForYourAccessAudit :"Search for your access audits...",
searchForYourAccessLog :"Search for your access logs...",
searchForYourLoginSession :"Search for your login sessions...",
searchForYourAgent :"Search for your plugins...",
searchForPolicy :"Search for your policy...",
searchForPermissions :"Search for permissions...",
searchForYourUser :"Search for your users...",
searchForYourGroup :"Search for your groups...",
searchForYourRole :"Search for your roles",
access : 'Access',
policyCondition : 'Policy Conditions',
permissions : 'Permissions',
kms : 'KMS',
keyCreate : 'Key Create',
keyEdit : 'Key Edit',
searchForKeys :"Search for your keys...",
encryption : 'Encryption',
settings : 'Settings',
serviceNameMsg :'Name of service.',
serviceTypeMsg :'Select type of service.',
startDate :'Set start date.',
userMsg :'Name of User.',
application :'Application.',
tagsMsg :'Tag Name.',
endDate :'Set end date.',
groupNameMsg :'Name of Group.',
collection :'Solr collection.',
database :'Hive database.',
entity :'Atlas all-entity.',
path :'Name of policy resource.',
queue :'Yarn queue.',
topic :'Kafka topic.',
type :'Policy for all type.',
udf :'Hive udf.',
pluginStatus :'Plugin Status',
clusterName :'Name of ambari cluster',
zoneName :"Name of Zone",
policyVersion :'Policy Version',
url :'Hive url.',
rowFilter : 'Row Filter',
policyLabelsinfo : 'Label of policy',
serviceDetails :'Service Details',
configProperties : 'Config Properties',
userSync :'User Sync',
syncSourceInfo :'Sync Source',
syncDetails :'Sync Details',
typeCategory :'Atlas type category.',
entityType :'Atlas entity type.',
entityClassification :'Atlas entity classification.',
atlasService :'Atlas services.',
connector :'Connectivity By Sqoop.',
link :'Linker Name.',
job :'Sqoop Job Name.',
project :'Kylin Project Level.',
nifiResource :'NiFi Resource Identifier.',
securityZone :'Security Zone',
zoneCreate :'Create Zone',
zoneEdit :'Zone Edit'
msg : {
deletePolicyValidationMsg : 'Policy does not have any settings for the specific resource. Policy will be deleted. Press [Ok] to continue. Press [Cancel] to edit the policy.',
areYouSureWantToDelete : 'Are you sure want to delete ?',
policyDeleteMsg : 'Policy deleted successfully',
policyNotAddedMsg : 'Policy not added!',
addGroupPermission : 'Please add permission(s) for the selected group, else group will not be added.',
addGroup : 'Please select group for the selected permission(s), else group will not be added.',
addUserPermission : 'Please add permission(s) for the selected user, else user will not be added.',
addUser : 'Please select user for the selected permission(s), else user will not be added.',
enterAlteastOneCharactere : 'Enter at least one character.',
permsAlreadyExistForSelectedUser : 'Permission already exists for selected user.',
permsAlreadyExistForSelectedGroup : 'Permission already exists for selected group.',
youDontHavePermission : 'You don\'t have permission for the resource !!',
myProfileError :'Your password does not match. Please try again with proper password',
myProfileSuccess :'Profile Edited successfully',
userNameAlreadyExist : 'User name already exists',
groupNameAlreadyExist : 'Group name already exists',
yourAuditLogginIsOff :'You must have at least one or more user/group access defined for the policy.',
policyNotHavingPerm : 'The policy does not have any permissions so audit logging cannot be turned off',
areSureWantToLogout : 'Are you sure want to logout ?',
groupDoesNotExistAnymore : 'Group does not exist anymore..',
userDoesNotExistAnymore : 'User does not exist anymore..',
repoDoesNotExistAnymore : 'Repository does not exist anymore..',
policyDisabledMsg : 'This policy is currently in disabled state.',
noRecordsFound : 'No Records Found',
keyDeleteMsg : 'Key deleted successfully',
rolloverSuccessfully : 'Key rollover successfully',
addUserOrGroupOrRole : 'Please select group/user/role for the selected permission, else group/user will not be added.',
addUserOrGroupOrRoleForPC : 'Please select group/user/role for the added policy condition, else group/user will not be added.',
userCreatedSucc : 'User created successfully',
userUpdatedSucc : 'User updated successfully',
grpUpdatedSucc : 'Group updated successfully',
grpCreatedSucc : 'Group created successfully',
errorLoadingAuditLogs : 'Error loading audit logs!!',
enterCustomMask : 'Please enter custom masked value or expression !!',
policyNameMsg :'Enter name of policy.',
policyTypeMsg :'Select Type of policy eg. access, masking, row level filter policies.' ,
componentMsg :'Select Hadoop Component eg. HDFS, Hive etc.',
searchBy :'Search by user name or group name.',
resourceMsg :'Enter name of resource for eg. path, table/column name etc.',
accessEnforcer :'Search by access enforcer name.',
accessTypeMsg :'Search by access Type like READ_EXECUTE, WRITE_EXECUTE.',
clientIP :'Search by IP address from where resource was accessed.',
resourceName :'Resource name.',
resourceTypeMsg :'Search by resource type based on component. eg. path in HDFS, database ,table in Hive.',
resultMsg :'Search by access result i.e Allowed/Denied logs.',
statusMsg :'Status of Policy Enable/Disable.',
columnfamily :'Hbase column-family',
searchForPluginStatus : "Search for your plugin status...",
pleaseSelectUser : 'Please select user.',
pleaseSelectGroup : 'Please select group.',
addSelectedUserGroup : 'Please add selected user/group to permissions else user/group will not be added.',
maskingPolicyInfoMsg : 'Please ensure that users/groups listed in this policy have access to the column via an <b>Access Policy</b>. This policy does not implicitly grant access to the column.',
maskingPolicyInfoMsgForTagBased : 'Please ensure that users/groups listed in this policy have access to the tag via an <b>Access Policy</b>. This policy does not implicitly grant access to the tag.',
rowFilterPolicyInfoMsg : 'Please ensure that users/groups listed in this policy have access to the table via an <b>Access Policy</b>. This policy does not implicitly grant access to the table.',
udfPolicyViolation : '<b> Warning !!</b> : UDF create is a privileged operation. Please make sure you grant them to only trusted users.',
noServiceToExport :'No service found to export policies.',
noServiceToImport :'No service found to import policies.',
noPolicytoExport :'No policies found to export!',
importingFiles :'Importing policies from file is started...',
noDeleteUserRow :'Please select user first to delete.',
noDeleteGroupRow :'Please select group first to delete.',
plsSelectUserToSetVisibility :' Please select user to set visibility or selected user is already visible/hidden.',
plsSelectGroupToSetVisibility:' Please select group to set visibility or selected group is already visible/hidden.',
activationTimeDelayMsg : 'Policy is updated but not yet used for any enforcement.',
pleaseSelectAccessTypeForTagMasking : 'Please select access type first to enable add masking options.',
addUserOrGroupOrRoleForDelegateAdmin : 'Please select user/group/role for the selected permission(s)',
policyLabelsinfo : 'Enter label of policy',
noUserFoundText : 'No user is associated with this group.',
showInitialHundredUser : 'Initially search filter is applied for first hundred users. To get more users click on ',
searchForUserSync :"Search for your user sync audits...",
policyExpired :'Policy Expired',
duplicateNewConfigValidationMsg :'Please make sure the new configuration has no duplicate names',
zoneDeleteMsg : 'Zone deleted successfully',
zoneNameValidation : 'Please select Zone Name.',
policyVersionValidation : 'Please select Policy Version.',
zoneServiceNameValidation: 'Please select Service Name for selected zone.',
adminUserGroupValidation: 'Please select atleast one Admin Users/Usergroups to Zone else Zone will not be added.',
auditorUserGroupValidation: 'Please select atleast one Auditor Users/Usergroups to Zone else Zone will not be added.',
selectZoneFile : 'Selected file does not contain zone details, Please select appropriate file containing zone details',
selectOtherFile : 'Selected file contains zone details, Please select appropriate file without zone details',
policyTimeDetails : '<b>Last Update: </b>Last updated time of policy.<br><b>Download: </b>Time when policy actually downloaded(sync-up with Ranger).<br>\
<b>Active: </b>Time when policy actually in use for enforcement.',
tagPolicyTimeDetails : '<b>Last Update: </b> Last updated time of Tag-service.<br><b>Download: </b>Time when tag-based policies sync-up with Ranger.<br>\
<b>Active: </b>Time when tag-based policies in use for enforcement.',
noDeleteRoleRow :'Please select ranger role first to delete.',
addRolePermission : 'Please add permission(s) for the selected role, else role will not be added.',
addRole : 'Please select role for the selected permission(s), else role will not be added.',
addSelectedUserGroupRoles : 'Please add selected user/group/roles to there respective table else user/group/roles will not be added.'
plcHldr : {
search :'Search',
searchByResourcePath :'Search by resource path'
dialogMsg :{
preventNavPolicyForm : 'Policy form edit is in progress. Please save/cancel changes before navigating away!',
preventNavRepositoryForm : 'Repository form edit is in progress. Please save/cancel changes before navigating away!',
preventNavUserForm : 'User form edit is in progress. Please save/cancel changes before navigating away!',
preventNavGroupForm : 'Group form edit is in progress. Please save/cancel changes before navigating away!',
preventNavUserList : 'Some Users/Groups have been edited. Kindly save your changes before navigating away!',
preventNavZoneForm : 'Zone form edit is in progress. Please save/cancel changes before navigating away!'
validationMessages : {
required : "* This field is required",
onlyLetterNumberUnderscore :'* Only Alpha Numeric and underscore characters are allowed',
alphaNumericUnderscoreDotComma :'* Only Alpha Numeric,underscore,comma,hypen,dot and space characters are allowed',
oldPasswordError :'Your password does not match. Please try again with proper password',
oldPasswordRepeatError :'You can not use old password.',
newPasswordError :'Invalid Password. Minimum 8 characters with min one alphabet and one numeric.',
emailIdError : 'Please enter valid email address.',
enterValidName : 'Please enter valid name.',
passwordError :'Password should be minimum 8 characters with min one alphabet and one numeric.',
userNameValidationMsg :'1. User name should be start with alphabet / numeric / underscore / non-us characters.<br> 2. Allowed special character ,._\-+/@= and space. <br>3. Name length should be greater than one.',
groupNameValidationMsg :'1. Group name should be start with alphabet / numeric / underscore / non-us characters.<br> 2. Allowed special character ,._\-+/@= and space. <br>3. Name length should be greater than one.',
firstNameValidationMsg :'1. First name should be start with alphabet / numeric / underscore / non-us characters.<br> 2. Allowed special character ._-@ and space. <br>3. Name length should be greater than one.',
lastNameValidationMsg :'1. Last name should be start with alphabet / numeric / underscore / non-us characters.<br> 2. Allowed special character ._-@ and space. <br>3. Name length should be greater than one.',
setTimeZoneErrorMsg :'Please select Start/End date for Time zone',
jsValidationMsg :'1. JavaScript Condition Examples :\ncountry_code == \'USA\', time_range >= 900 && time_range <= 1800 etc.\n2. Dragging bottom-right corner of javascript condition editor(Textarea) can resizable',
emailAddressValidationMsg :'1. Email address should be start with alphabet / numeric / underscore / non-us characters.<br> 2. Allowed special character <b>.-@</b> .<br>3. Email address length should be greater than 9 characters.<br> 4. Email address examples : abc@de.fg, A-C@D-.FG',
nameValidationMsg :'Name should not start with space, it should be less than 256 characters and special characters are not allowed(except _ - and space).',
roleNameValidationMsg :'1. Role name should be start with alphabet / numeric / underscore / non-us characters.<br> 2. Allowed special character ,._\-+/@= and space. <br>3. Name length should be greater than one.',
policyNameValidationMsg :'Please avoid these characters (&, <, >, \', ", `) for policy name.',
serverMsg : {
// UserMgr
userMgrPassword : 'The password you\'ve provided is incorrect. Please try again with correct password',
userMgrInvalidUser : 'Invalid user provided',
userMgrNewPassword : 'Invalid new password',
userMgrOldPassword : ' You can not use old password.',
userMgrEmailChange : 'Email address cannot be changed. Please send a request to change using feedback',
userMgrInvalidEmail : 'Invalid email address',
userMgrWrongPassword : 'Password doesnot match. Please try again with proper password',
userMgrWrongUser : 'User access denied. User not found.',
fsDefaultNameValidationError:"Please provide in format 'hdfs://hostname:portNumber' .",
fsDefaultNameEmptyError:'Please provide',
userAlreadyExistsError : 'User already exists',
repositoryNameAlreadyExistsError : 'Repository name already exists'
hintMsg : {
yarnRestUrl :"1.For one url, eg.<br>'http or https://&lt;ipaddr&gt;:8088'<br>2.For multiple urls (use , or ; delimiter), eg.<br>'http://&lt;ipaddr1&gt;:8088,http://&lt;ipaddr2&gt;:8088'",
sqoopRestUrl :"eg. 'http://&lt;ipaddr&gt;:12000'",
hiveJDBCUrl :"1.For Remote Mode, eg.<br>jdbc:hive2://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;<br>2.For Embedded Mode (no host or port), eg.<br>jdbc:hive2:///;initFile=&lt;file&gt;<br>3.For HTTP Mode, eg.<br>jdbc:hive2://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;/;<br>transportMode=http;httpPath=&lt;httpPath&gt;<br>4.For SSL Mode, eg.<br>jdbc:hive2://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;/;ssl=true;<br>sslTrustStore=tStore;trustStorePassword=pw<br>5.For ZooKeeper Mode, eg.<br>jdbc:hive2://&lt;host&gt;/;serviceDiscoveryMode=<br>zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2<br>6.For Kerberos Mode, eg.<br>jdbc:hive2://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;/;<br>principal=hive/domain@EXAMPLE.COM<br>",
hdfsNameNodeUrl :"1.For one Namenode Url, eg.<br>hdfs://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;<br>2.For HA Namenode Urls(use , delimiter), eg.<br>hdfs://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;,hdfs://&lt;host2&gt;:&lt;port2&gt;<br>"