blob: 1919bac41148d6fccf25e6acc6c4d9e607a5488b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.console;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.codec.Decoder;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.codec.Encoder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class QMFObject
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QMFObject.class);
protected SchemaClass schema;
private java.util.Date createTime;
private java.util.Date currentTime;
private java.util.Date deleteTime;
private ObjectID objectID;
private Session session;
private boolean managed;
public java.util.HashMap<String, Object> properties = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();
public java.util.HashMap<String, Object> statistics = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();
// This constructor is the "naked" constructor which creates
// an object without a session or a schema. It is used by
// subclasses which are auto generated
public QMFObject()
public QMFObject(QMFObject source)
this.managed = source.managed;
this.setObjectID(source.getObjectID()); =;
this.statistics = source.statistics;
// This constructor is used by a session make object call to
// create a blank object from a schema.
public QMFObject(Session session, SchemaClass schema,
boolean hasProperties, boolean hasStats, boolean isManaged)
managed = isManaged;
if (hasProperties)
for (SchemaProperty prop : getSchema().getAllProperties())
Object propValue = null;
if (!prop.getOptional())
propValue = Util.defaultValue(prop.getType());
this.setProperty(prop.getName(), propValue);
if (hasStats)
for (SchemaStatistic stat : getSchema().statistics)
setStatistic(stat.getName(), Util.defaultValue(stat.getType()));
// This constructor is used by the session to create an object based on a
// data
// stream by the agent.
public QMFObject(Session session, SchemaClass schema, Decoder dec,
boolean hasProperties, boolean hasStats, boolean isManaged)
managed = isManaged;
if (managed)
// FIXME DateTime or Uint64??
setCurrentTime(new java.util.Date(dec.readDatetime()));
setCreateTime(new java.util.Date(dec.readDatetime()));
setDeleteTime(new java.util.Date(dec.readDatetime()));
setObjectID(new ObjectID(dec));
if (hasProperties)
java.util.ArrayList<String> excluded = processPresenceMasks(dec,
for (SchemaProperty prop : getSchema().getAllProperties())
if (excluded.contains(prop.getName()))
// log.Debug(String.Format("Setting Property Default {0}",
// prop.Name)) ;
safeAddProperty(prop.getName(), null);
} else
// log.Debug(String.Format("Setting Property {0}",
// prop.Name)) ;
safeAddProperty(prop.getName(), session.decodeValue(dec,
if (hasStats)
for (SchemaStatistic stat : getSchema().getAllStatistics())
// log.Debug(String.Format("Setting Statistic {0}", stat.Name))
// ;
statistics.put(stat.getName(), session.decodeValue(dec, stat
public final long agentBank()
return getObjectID().agentBank();
public final long brokerBank()
return getObjectID().brokerBank();
public final void encode(Encoder enc)
int mask = 0;
int bit = 0;
java.util.ArrayList<SchemaProperty> propsToEncode = new java.util.ArrayList<SchemaProperty>();
log.debug(String.format("Encoding class %s:%s", getSchema()
.getPackageName(), getSchema().getClassName()));
enc.writeUint8((short) 20);
for (SchemaProperty prop : getSchema().getAllProperties())
if (prop.getOptional())
if (bit == 0)
bit = 1;
if ((properties.containsKey(prop.getName()))
&& (properties.get(prop.getName()) != null))
mask |= bit;
} else
bit = bit << 1;
if (bit == 256)
bit = 0;
enc.writeUint8((short) mask);
mask = 0;
} else
if (bit != 0)
enc.writeUint8((short) mask);
for (SchemaProperty prop : propsToEncode)
Object obj = properties.get(prop.getName());
// log.Debug(String.Format("Encoding property {0}", prop.Name)) ;
getSession().encodeValue(enc, prop.getType(), obj);
for (SchemaStatistic stat : getSchema().statistics)
Object obj = statistics.get(stat.getName());
getSession().encodeValue(enc, stat.getType(), obj);
public final Date getCreateTime()
return createTime;
public final Date getCurrentTime()
return currentTime;
public final Date getDeleteTime()
return deleteTime;
protected final ArrayList<SchemaMethod> getMethods()
return getSchema().getAllMethods();
public final ObjectID getObjectID()
return objectID;
public final Object getProperty(String attributeName)
return properties.get(attributeName);
public SchemaClass getSchema()
return schema;
public final Session getSession()
return session;
protected final MethodResult internalInvokeMethod(String name,
List<Object> args, boolean synchronous, int timeToLive)
if (!managed)
throw new ConsoleException("Object is not Managed");
if (getSchema().getMethod(name) == null)
throw new ConsoleException(String.format(
"Method named '%s' does not exist", name));
return getSession().invokeMethod(this, name, args, synchronous,
public final MethodResult invokeMethod(String name, boolean synchronous,
int timeToLive, Object... args)
return this.internalInvokeMethod(name, Arrays.asList(args),
synchronous, timeToLive);
public final MethodResult invokeMethod(String name, boolean synchronous,
Object... args)
return this.internalInvokeMethod(name, Arrays.asList(args),
synchronous, Broker.SYNC_TIME);
public final MethodResult invokeMethod(String name, int timeToLive,
Object... args)
return this.internalInvokeMethod(name, Arrays.asList(args), true,
public final MethodResult invokeMethod(String name, Object... args)
return this.internalInvokeMethod(name, Arrays.asList(args), true,
public final boolean isDeleted()
return !getDeleteTime().equals(new java.util.Date(0));
protected final ArrayList<String> processPresenceMasks(Decoder dec,
SchemaClass schema)
java.util.ArrayList<String> excludes = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
short bit = 0;
short mask = 0;
for (SchemaProperty prop : getSchema().getAllProperties())
if (prop.getOptional())
// log.Debug(String.Format("Property named {0} is optional",
// prop.Name)) ;
if (bit == 0)
mask = dec.readUint8();
bit = 1;
if ((mask & bit) == 0)
// log.Debug(String.Format("Property named {0} is not present",
// prop.Name)) ;
bit *= 2;
if (bit == 256)
bit = 0;
return excludes;
public final String routingKey()
return getObjectID().routingCode();
protected final void safeAddProperty(String propName, Object value)
if (properties.containsKey(propName))
properties.put(propName, value);
} else
properties.put(propName, value);
public final void setCreateTime(java.util.Date value)
createTime = value;
public final void setCurrentTime(java.util.Date value)
currentTime = value;
public final void setDeleteTime(java.util.Date value)
deleteTime = value;
public final void setObjectID(ObjectID value)
objectID = value;
public final void setProperty(String attributeName, Object newValue)
properties.put(attributeName, newValue);
public void setSchema(SchemaClass value)
schema = value;
public final void setSession(Session value)
session = value;
protected final void setStatistic(String attributeName, Object newValue)
statistics.put(attributeName, newValue);
public String toString()
String propertyString = "";
for (Entry<String, Object> pair : properties.entrySet())
propertyString = propertyString
+ String.format("(Name: '%0$s' Value: '%1$s')", pair
.getKey(), pair.getValue());
String statsString = "";
for (Entry<String, Object> sPair : statistics.entrySet())
statsString = statsString
+ String.format("(Name: '%0$s' Value: '%1$s')", sPair
.getKey(), sPair.getValue());
if (managed)
return String
"Managed QMFObject %0$s:%1$s(%2$s) Properties: [%3$s] Statistics: [%4$s])",
getSchema().getPackageName(), getSchema()
.getClassName(), getObjectID(),
propertyString, statsString);
} else
return String
"QMFObject %0$s:%1$s Properties: [%2$s] Statistics: [%3$s]",
getSchema().getPackageName(), getSchema()
.getClassName(), propertyString,