blob: 89f10567fade2afebad573972398b8f1e479bad4 [file] [log] [blame]
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<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib uri='' prefix='c'%>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/images/style.css" type="text/css" />
<title>QMan Administration Console</title>
<div id="page" align="center">
<jsp:include page="/fragments/header.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title" value="Logging Configuration"/>
<div id="content" align="center">
<jsp:include page="/fragments/menu.jsp"/>
<div id="contenttext">
<div class="panel" align="justify" style="height:500px; overflow-y:auto;">
<span class="bodytext">
<form method="post" name="form" action="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/logging_configuration">
<legend>WSDL & RDM Debugger</legend>
<c:when test="${wsdlDebugEnabled}">
<c:set var="checked" scope="page" value="checked"/>
<c:set var="checked" scope="page" value=""/>
<input type="checkbox" ${checked} name="wsdlDebugEnabled" />
<td nowrap style="font-size: x-small;">
When this flag is checked all WSDL and RMD messages are written on log file (or console depending on your configuration.)
<legend>SOAP Messages Debugger</legend>
<c:when test="${soapDebugEnabled}">
<c:set var="checked" scope="page" value="checked"/>
<c:set var="checked" scope="page" value=""/>
<input ${checked} type="checkbox" name="soapDebugEnabled"/>
<td nowrap style="font-size: x-small;">
When this flag is checked all SOAP messages (requests & responses) are written on log file (or console depending on your configuration.)
<legend>QMan Logger Level</legend>
<c:when test="${qmanLogLevel == 'DEBUG'}">
<c:set var="qmanDebug" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="qmanDebug" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${qmanLogLevel == 'INFO'}">
<c:set var="qmanInfo" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="qmanInfo" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${qmanLogLevel == 'WARN'}">
<c:set var="qmanWarn" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="qmanWarn" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${qmanLogLevel == 'ERROR'}">
<c:set var="qmanError" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="qmanError" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${qmanLogLevel == 'FATAL'}">
<c:set var="qmanFatal" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="qmanFatal" scope="page" value=""/>
<select name="qmanLogLevel">
<option ${qmanDebug} value="DEBUG">DEBUG</option>
<option ${qmanWarn} value="WARN">WARNING</option>
<option ${qmanInfo} value="INFO">INFO</option>
<option ${qmanError} value="ERROR">ERROR</option>
<option ${qmanFatal} value="FATAL">FATAL</option>
<td nowrap style="font-size: x-small;">
This is the current priority level set for QMan module (and sub-modules). Note that a WARNING level is recomended in production.
<legend>Web Server Logger Level</legend>
<c:when test="${webServerLogLevel == 'DEBUG'}">
<c:set var="webServerDebug" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="webServerDebug" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${webServerLogLevel == 'INFO'}">
<c:set var="webServerInfo" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="webServerInfo" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${webServerLogLevel == 'WARN'}">
<c:set var="webServerWarn" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="webServerWarn" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${webServerLogLevel == 'ERROR'}">
<c:set var="webServerError" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="webServerError" scope="page" value=""/>
<c:when test="${webServerLogLevel == 'FATAL'}">
<c:set var="webServerFatal" scope="page" value="selected='true'"/>
<c:set var="webServerFatal" scope="page" value=""/>
<select name="webServerLogLevel">
<option ${webServerDebug} value="DEBUG" >DEBUG</option>
<option ${webServerWarn} value="WARN">WARNING</option>
<option ${webServerInfo} value="INFO">INFO</option>
<option ${webServerError} value="ERROR">ERROR</option>
<option ${webServerFatak} value="FATAL">FATAL</option>
<td nowrap style="font-size: x-small; ">
This is the current priority level set for QMan module (and sub-modules). Note that a WARNING level is recomended in production.
<input type="submit" value="Submit" title="Submit"/>
<span style="fony-size: medium; color: red; font-weight: bold">Note that in general a DEBUG level is not reccommended in production (especially for WSDL and SOAP debugger).</span>