blob: bfcc38ad60af6181f352e19e69f5fb46e526e53d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.qpid.framing;
import org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer;
public interface AMQMethodFactory
// Connection Methods
ConnectionCloseBody createConnectionClose();
// Access Methods
AccessRequestBody createAccessRequest(boolean active, boolean exclusive, boolean passive, boolean read, AMQShortString realm, boolean write);
// Tx Methods
TxSelectBody createTxSelect();
TxCommitBody createTxCommit();
TxRollbackBody createTxRollback();
// Channel Methods
ChannelOpenBody createChannelOpen();
ChannelCloseBody createChannelClose(int replyCode, AMQShortString replyText);
ChannelFlowBody createChannelFlow(boolean active);
// Exchange Methods
ExchangeBoundBody createExchangeBound(AMQShortString exchangeName,
AMQShortString queueName,
AMQShortString routingKey);
ExchangeDeclareBody createExchangeDeclare(AMQShortString name, AMQShortString type, int ticket);
// Queue Methods
QueueDeclareBody createQueueDeclare(AMQShortString name, FieldTable arguments, boolean autoDelete, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean passive, int ticket);
QueueBindBody createQueueBind(AMQShortString queueName, AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString routingKey, FieldTable arguments, int ticket);
QueueDeleteBody createQueueDelete(AMQShortString queueName, boolean ifEmpty, boolean ifUnused, int ticket);
// Message Methods
// In different versions of the protocol we change the class used for message transfer
// abstract this out so the appropriate methods are created
AMQMethodBody createRecover(boolean requeue);
AMQMethodBody createConsumer(AMQShortString tag, AMQShortString queueName, FieldTable arguments, boolean noAck, boolean exclusive, boolean noLocal, int ticket);
AMQMethodBody createConsumerCancel(AMQShortString consumerTag);
AMQMethodBody createAcknowledge(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple);
AMQMethodBody createRejectBody(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue);
AMQMethodBody createMessageQos(int prefetchCount, int prefetchSize);