blob: 905422efd9efd2787fc2814bfb032e4b71fff370 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using log4net ;
using org.apache.qpid.transport.codec ;
namespace org.apache.qpid.console
* An object which is returned from an agent by the Session. It can have
* methods, properties, and statistics.
public class QMFObject
public static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(QMFObject)) ;
public Session Session {get;set;}
protected SchemaClass _Schema ;
virtual public SchemaClass Schema {get {return _Schema;} set {_Schema=value;}}
bool Managed ;
public DateTime CurrentTime {get;set;}
public DateTime CreateTime {get;set;}
public DateTime DeleteTime {get;set;}
public ObjectID ObjectID {get;set;}
public Dictionary<string, object> Properties = new Dictionary<string, object>() ;
public Dictionary<string, object> Statistics = new Dictionary<string, object>() ;
// This constructor is the "naked" constructor which creates
// an object without a session or a schema. It is used by
// subclasses which are auto generated
public QMFObject() {
public QMFObject(QMFObject source) {
this.Session = source.Session ;
this.Schema = source.Schema ;
this.Managed = source.Managed ;
this.CurrentTime = source.CurrentTime ;
this.CreateTime = source.CreateTime ;
this.DeleteTime = source.DeleteTime ;
this.ObjectID = source.ObjectID ;
this.Properties = source.Properties ;
this.Statistics = source.Statistics ;
// This constructor is used by a session make object call to
// create a blank object from a schema.
public QMFObject(Session session, SchemaClass schema, bool hasProperties, bool hasStats , bool isManaged) {
Session = session ;
Schema = schema ;
Managed = isManaged ;
if (hasProperties) {
foreach (SchemaProperty prop in Schema.GetAllProperties()) {
object propValue = null ;
if (!prop.Optional) {
propValue = Util.DefaultValue(prop.Type) ;
this.SetProperty(prop.Name, propValue) ;
if (hasStats) {
foreach (SchemaStatistic stat in Schema.Statistics) {
SetStatistic(stat.Name, Util.DefaultValue(stat.Type)) ;
// This constructor is used by the session to create an object based on a data
// stream by the agent.
public QMFObject(Session session, SchemaClass schema, IDecoder dec, bool hasProperties, bool hasStats , bool isManaged)
Session = session ;
Schema = schema ;
Managed = isManaged ;
if (Managed) {
// FIXME DateTime or Uint64??
CurrentTime = new DateTime(dec.ReadDatetime()) ;
CreateTime = new DateTime(dec.ReadDatetime()) ;
DeleteTime = new DateTime(dec.ReadDatetime()) ;
ObjectID = new ObjectID(dec) ;
if (hasProperties) {
List<string> excluded = ProcessPresenceMasks(dec, Schema) ;
foreach (SchemaProperty prop in Schema.GetAllProperties()) {
if (excluded.Contains(prop.Name)) {
log.Debug(String.Format("Setting Property Default {0}", prop.Name)) ;
safeAddProperty(prop.Name, null) ;
} else {
//log.Debug(String.Format("Setting Property {0}", prop.Name)) ;
safeAddProperty(prop.Name, session.DecodeValue(dec, prop.Type)) ;
if (hasStats) {
foreach (SchemaStatistic stat in Schema.GetAllStatistics()) {
//log.Debug(String.Format("Setting Statistic {0}", stat.Name)) ;
Statistics.Add(stat.Name, session.DecodeValue(dec, stat.Type)) ;
protected List<string> ProcessPresenceMasks(IDecoder dec, SchemaClass schema) {
List<string> excludes = new List<string> () ;
short bit = 0 ;
short mask = 0 ;
foreach (SchemaProperty prop in Schema.GetAllProperties()) {
if (prop.Optional) {
//log.Debug(String.Format("Property named {0} is optional", prop.Name)) ;
if (bit == 0) {
mask=dec.ReadUint8() ;
bit = 1 ;
if ((mask & bit) == 0) {
//log.Debug(String.Format("Property named {0} is not present", prop.Name)) ;
excludes.Add(prop.Name) ;
bit *= 2 ;
if (bit == 256) {
bit = 0 ;
return excludes ;
protected List<SchemaMethod> getMethods() {
return Schema.GetAllMethods() ;
public object GetProperty(string attributeName) {
//FIXME any object refs?
object returnValue = null ;
Properties.TryGetValue(attributeName, out returnValue) ;
return returnValue ;
protected void SetStatistic(string attributeName, object newValue) {
Statistics.Remove(attributeName) ;
Statistics.Add(attributeName, newValue) ;
public void SetProperty(string attributeName, object newValue) {
Properties.Remove(attributeName) ;
Properties.Add(attributeName, newValue) ;
public bool IsDeleted() {
return !DeleteTime.Equals(new DateTime(0)) ;
public string RoutingKey() {
return ObjectID.RoutingCode() ;
public long AgentBank() {
return ObjectID.AgentBank() ;
public long BrokerBank() {
return ObjectID.BrokerBank() ;
override public string ToString() {
string propertyString = "" ;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in Properties) {
propertyString = propertyString + String.Format("(Name: '{0}' Value: '{1}')", pair.Key, pair.Value) ;
string statsString = "" ;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> sPair in Statistics) {
statsString = statsString + String.Format("(Name: '{0}' Value: '{1}')", sPair.Key, sPair.Value) ;
if (Managed) {
return String.Format("Managed QMFObject {0}:{1}({2}) Properties: [{3}] Statistics: [{4}])", Schema.PackageName, Schema.ClassName, ObjectID, propertyString, statsString) ;
} else {
return String.Format("QMFObject {0}:{1} Properties: [{2}] Statistics: [{3}]", Schema.PackageName, Schema.ClassName, propertyString, statsString) ;
public MethodResult InvokeMethod(string name, params object[] args) {
return this.InternalInvokeMethod(name, new List<object>(args), true, Broker.SYNC_TIME ) ;
public MethodResult InvokeMethod(string name, int timeToLive, params object[] args) {
return this.InternalInvokeMethod(name, new List<object>(args), true, timeToLive) ;
public MethodResult InvokeMethod(string name, bool synchronous, int timeToLive, params object[] args) {
return this.InternalInvokeMethod(name, new List<object>(args), synchronous, timeToLive ) ;
public MethodResult InvokeMethod(string name, bool synchronous, params object[] args) {
return this.InternalInvokeMethod(name, new List<object>(args), synchronous, Broker.SYNC_TIME) ;
protected MethodResult InternalInvokeMethod(string name, List<object> args, bool synchronous, int timeToLive) {
if (!Managed) {
throw new Exception ("Object is not Managed") ;
if (Schema.GetMethod(name) == null) {
throw new Exception (String.Format("Method named '{0}' does not exist", name)) ;
return Session.InvokeMethod(this, name, args, synchronous, timeToLive) ;
public void Encode (IEncoder enc) {
int mask = 0 ;
int bit = 0 ;
List<SchemaProperty> propsToEncode = new List<SchemaProperty>() ;
log.Debug(String.Format("Encoding class {0}:{1}", Schema.PackageName, Schema.ClassName)) ;
enc.WriteUint8(20) ;
Schema.Key.encode(enc) ;
foreach (SchemaProperty prop in Schema.GetAllProperties()) {
if (prop.Optional) {
if (bit == 0) {
bit =1 ;
if ((Properties.ContainsKey(prop.Name)) && (Properties[prop.Name] != null)) {
mask |= bit ;
propsToEncode.Add(prop) ;
} else {
bit = bit << 1 ;
if (bit == 256) {
bit = 0 ;
enc.WriteUint8((short)mask) ;
mask = 0 ;
} else {
propsToEncode.Add(prop) ;
if (bit != 0) {
enc.WriteUint8((short)mask) ;
foreach (SchemaProperty prop in propsToEncode) {
object obj = Properties[prop.Name] ;
//log.Debug(String.Format("Encoding property {0}", prop.Name)) ;
Session.EncodeValue(enc, prop.Type, obj) ;
foreach (SchemaStatistic stat in Schema.Statistics) {
object obj = Statistics[stat.Name] ;
Session.EncodeValue(enc, stat.Type, obj) ;
log.Debug("Done") ;
protected void safeAddProperty(string propName, object value) {
if (Properties.ContainsKey(propName)) {
Properties[propName] = value ;
} else {
Properties.Add(propName, value) ;