blob: cc891d4c764ab7823475c12499f78a6ebee2e6d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* This library implements a general user interface look and feel similar to a "well know tablet PC" :-)
* It provides animated page transition eye-candy but is, in essence, really just a fancy tabbed window.
* It has dependencies on the following:
* itablet.css
* iscroll.js
* jquery.js (jquery-1.7.1.min.js)
* author Fraser Adams
* Create a Singleton instance of the iTablet user interface generic look and feel.
var iTablet = new function() {
if (!String.prototype.trim) { // Add a String trim method if one doesn't exist (modern browsers should have it.)
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
* The Location inner class allows iTablet.location to be used similarly to window.location.
var Location = function(href) {
this.href = href;
var split = href.split("?"); // Split string by query part.
this.hash = split[0]; = split.length == 2 ? "?" + split[1] : ""; = null;
// Populate the data property with key/value pairs extracted from search part of URL.
if (split.length == 2) { = {};
var kv = split[1].split("&"); // Split string into key/value pairs using the & is the separator.
var length = kv.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var s = kv[i].split("=");
if (s.length == 2) {
var key = s[0].trim();
var value = s[1].trim();[key] = value;
Location.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.href;
// Location.back() is mapped to the iTablet.goBack() method.
// This allows clients to explicitly return to a previous page, useful for coding submit handlers etc.
Location.prototype.back = goBack;
* The TextChange inner class adds support for a textchange Event on text input and textarea tags.
* Initialise with: $.event.special.textchange = new TextChange();
* Uses info derived from from
var TextChange = function() {
* Directly call the triggerIfChanged method on keyup.
var handler = function() {
* For cut, paste and input handlers we need to call triggerIfChanged from a timeout.
var handlerWithDelay = function() {
var element = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 25);
* Trigger textchange Event handler bound to target element if the text has changed.
var triggerIfChanged = function(domElement) {
var element = $(domElement);
var current = domElement.contentEditable === "true" ? element.html() : element.val();
if (current !=="lastValue")) {
element.trigger("textchange", ["lastValue")]);"lastValue", current);
* Called by jQuery when the first event handler is bound to a particular element.
this.setup = function(data) {
var jthis = $(this);"lastValue", this.contentEditable === 'true' ? jthis.html() : jthis.val());
// Bind keyup, cut, paste and input handlers in the .textchange Event namespace to allow easy unbinding.
jthis.bind("keyup.textchange", handler);
jthis.bind("cut.textchange paste.textchange input.textchange", handlerWithDelay);
* Called by jQuery when the last event handler is unbound from a particular element.
this.teardown = function (data) {
$(this).unbind('.textchange'); // Unbind the Events linked to the .textchange Event namespace.
var TOUCH_ENABLED = 'ontouchstart' in window && !((/hp-tablet/gi).test(navigator.appVersion));
// Select start, move and end events based on whether or not the user agent is a touch device.
var START_EV = (TOUCH_ENABLED) ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
var MOVE_EV = (TOUCH_ENABLED) ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";
var END_EV = (TOUCH_ENABLED) ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
// Populated in initialiseCSSAnimations()
var ANIMATION_END_EV = "";// = "animationend webkitAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd";
var TRANSITION_END_EV = "";//"transitionend webkitTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd";
* The general perceived wisdom is to use feature detection rather than browser sniffing, which seems a good
* aim, but as it happens *most* of the browser abstraction is happening in jQuery and CSS but there remain
* a few quirks, mostly for IE < 9. IE < 9 and Opera < 12 both appear not to trigger a change when radio or
* checkbox state changes and it's not clear how to "feature detect" this, which is the main reason for
* including the Opera version sniffing.
var IS_IE = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
var IE_VERSION = IS_IE ? /MSIE (\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1] : 1000000;
var IS_OPERA = (navigator.appName == "Opera") && (window.opera.version != null);
var OPERA_VERSION = IS_OPERA ? opera.version() : 1000000;
var BODY; // jQuery object for body is used in several places so let's cache it (gets set in jQuery.ready()).
var IS_MOBILE = false; // Gets set if we detect a small display (e.g. mobile) device.
var _mainLeft = 0; // N.B. We need to get the actual value after the DOM has loaded.
var _history = []; // URL history to enable back button behaviour.
var _scrollers = {};
var _transitions = {}; // Map of transition names to transition functions (populate later after functions defined).
this.location = null;
* This public helper method renders an HTML list with up to <maxlength> list items using the <contents> function.
* If the length of the list is less than the number added by the contents function additional list items are
* appended, conversely if the length of the list is greater than the number added by the contents function then
* the list is truncated.
* The contents of the list are populated via the supplied <contents> function, which should take an index as a
* parameter and return an <li> with contents or false. If false is returned that item is skipped.
* If an HTML list is supplied without a maxlength and contents function this method will simply carry out
* reskinning of the input widgets for the supplied list (and adding radiused borders for older versions of IE).
* For some reason this method seems to run very sluggishly on IE6, is's especially noticable when doing a
* resize. It runs fine on every other browser. I've not noticed any obvious inefficiencies but IE6 is weird..
* @param list jQuery object representing the html list (ul) we wish to populate.
* @param contents a function to populate the list contents, this function should take an index as a parameter.
* and return an <li> with the required contents or false to skip (useful if filtering is needed).
* @param maxlength the maximum number of items that we wish to populate (default is 1).
this.renderList = function(list, contents, maxlength) {
// For IE 6 get the width. Have to use .main or .popup-container because list.innerWidth() may not be set yet.
var listWidth = 0;
if (IE_VERSION < 7) { // This seems to be very slow on IE6, no idea why???
var main = list.closest(".main");
if (main.length == 0) { // It's a list in a popup
listWidth = Math.round(parseInt($(".popup-container").css('width'), 10) * 0.9);
} else {
listWidth = Math.round($(".main").width() * 0.9);
var lengthChanged = false;
var items = list.children("li");
if (contents == null) {
maxlength = items.length;
} else if (maxlength == null) {
maxlength = 1; // If no maxlength is supplied default to calling the contents function once.
var actualLength = 0; // Actual number of <li> supplied, this caters for the contents function returning false.
for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) {
var li = false;
if (actualLength < items.length) {
if (contents) { // Modify list item with the new contents at index i.
var newItem = contents(i);
if (newItem) { // If the contents function didn't return false add contents to current li.
li = $(items[actualLength]);
var active = li.hasClass("active") ? "active" : "";
var newItem = $(newItem).addClass(active);
li.removeClass().addClass(newItem.attr("class")); // Remove existing classes and add new ones.
} else { // If contents function not present we simply reskin the current list item.
li = $(items[actualLength]);
if (IE_VERSION < 9) {
// Remove any markup used for faking :first-child, :last-child, :before, :after
li.removeClass("first-child last-child");
li.children("div.before, div.after, div.fbefore, div.fafter").remove();
} else { // If there are fewer items in the list than there are contents then append new list items.
var newItem = contents(i);
if (newItem) { // If the contents function didn't return false append contents as new li.
li = $(newItem);
lengthChanged = true;
if (li) {
// Reskin input widgets.
// Fix several quirks in early versions of IE.
if (IE_VERSION < 8) {
var anchor = li.children("a");
anchor.attr("hideFocus", "hidefocus"); // Fix lack of outline: none; in IE < 8
if (IE_VERSION < 7) { // IE6 percentage widths are messed up so need to set absolute width.
// 41 comes from padding: 0 30px 0 11px; 22 comes from padding: 0 11px 0 11px;
// 34 comes from margin-left: 5px; text-indent: 40px; minus 11.
var anchorWidth = listWidth - ((li.hasClass("arrow") ? 41 : 22) +
(anchor.hasClass("icon") ? 34 : 11));
anchor.css({"width": anchorWidth + "px"});
// IE6 can't cope with multiple CSS classes so we need to merge these into a single class.
if ("")) {
if (li.hasClass("checked")) {
// If list is longer than the contents being added then trim the list so it's the same size.
if (actualLength < items.length) {
lengthChanged = true;
// Add radiused borders for IE8 and below.
// We have to do this after completely populating the list so first() and last() are correct.
if (IE_VERSION < 9) {
items = list.children("li");
var last = items.last();
last.addClass("last-child").prepend("<div class='before'></div>").append("<div class='after'></div>");
if (IE_VERSION < 8) {
var first = items.first();
if (IE_VERSION == 7) { // For IE7 fake :first-child:before and :first-child:after
first.prepend("<div class='fbefore'></div>").append("<div class='fafter'></div>");
} else if (IE_VERSION < 7) { // For IE6 fake :first-child
// We're not adding radiused borders to IE6, this class provides the proper top border colour.
// If the length has changed trigger an iScroll refresh on the top level page that contains the list.
if (lengthChanged) {
list.closest(".main").trigger("refresh"); // refresh is a synthetic event handled by parents of scroll-area
// UI Widgets
* Create a Singleton instance of the Radio class used to reskin and manage HTML input type="radio" widgets.
var Radio = new function() {
* "Reskin" HTML input type="radio" items into a tablet "tick" style radio item. Note that the radio item
* needs to have a label sibling and be wrapped in a parent <li> for this to work correctly.
* e.g. <ul class="list"><li><label>test</label><input type="radio" name="test-radio" checked /></li></ul>
this.reskin = function(radios) {
if (radios == null) { // if no input:radio is specified attempt to reskin every one in the document.
radios = $("input:radio");
// Add classes to container <li> based on "template" radio buttons. This "re-skins" the radio buttons.
radios.each(function() { // Iterate through each radio button.
var jthis = $(this).hide();
if (!jthis.hasClass("reskinned")) { // If checkbox has already been reskinned move on.
var parent = jthis.parent();
if (this.checked) {
jthis.addClass("reskinned"); // Mark as reskinned to avoid trying to reskin it again.
* Handle radio button state changes. This method is delegated to by the main handlePointer end() method.
* Note that we are actually passing in the $("ul") jQuery object that the Event was bound to
* rather than the actual Event object as this has already been extracted by handlePointer and is more
* useful for the implementation of this method.
this.handleClick = function(jthis, type) {
var checked = jthis.parent().children(".checked");
var radio = jthis.children("input:radio"); // Select the template radio button.
fade(jthis); // Fade out the highlighting of the selected <li>
if (type != "click") { // If this handler wasn't triggered by a radio button click we synthesise one.
BODY.unbind("click", handlePointer); // Prevent the synthetic click from triggering handlePointer.; // Trigger radio button's click (on modern browsers this triggers change too if changed).;
// We explicitly manipulate input:radio checked attr in the following block in case a name attr wasn't
// specified in the HTML. With reskinned radio buttons the parent <ul> is the real container.
if (! { // If the clicked item is not the previously checked item.
// Clear any check mark on the previously selected <li> and the same on the template radio button.
checked.children("input:radio").attr("checked", false);
// Mark the current <li> as checked and do the same on the template radio button.
jthis.children("input:radio").attr("checked", true);
// For older IE/Opera triggering the click as done earlier won't trigger the change event so do it now.
if (IE_VERSION < 9 || OPERA_VERSION < 12) {
* Create a Singleton instance of the Checkbox class used to reskin and manage HTML input type="checkbox" widgets.
var Checkbox = new function() {
* Return the input element associated with the specified label. This is used because the input element
* may be associated to the label in a number of different was (via the "for" attribute, by containment etc.)
var findInputElement = function(label) {
var input = $("#" + label.attr("for")); // First check if label for points to the input.
if (input.length == 0) { // If not check if the label contains the input.
input = label.children("input");
if (input.length == 0) { // Finally check if the label's next sibling is an input.
input ="input");
return input;
* "Reskin" HTML input type="checkbox" items into a tablet "switch" style checkbox. Note that the checkbox
* needs to have a label sibling and be wrapped in a parent <li> for this to work correctly.
* e.g. <ul class="list"><li><label>test</label><input type="checkbox" name="test-checkbox" checked /></li></ul>
* If multiple <input type="checkbox"> elements are placed in an <li> then they will automatically be
* reskinned as a "horiz-checkbox", this can also be done explicitly by doing <li class="horiz-checkbox">
this.reskin = function(checkboxes) {
if (checkboxes == null) { // if no input:checkbox is specified attempt to reskin every one in the document.
checkboxes = $("input:checkbox");
checkboxes.each(function() { // Iterate through each checkbox.
var jthis = $(this).hide();
if (!jthis.hasClass("reskinned")) { // If checkbox has already been reskinned move on.
// If there are multiple checkboxes in a container create a horizontal checkbox by adding class
// to parent. Note that <li class="horiz-checkbox"> may also be explicitly set in the HTML.
// Mop up where checkbox is contained by label e.g. <label>test<input type="checkbox"/></label>
var li = jthis.closest("li"); // Find containing li.
if (li.hasClass("horiz-checkbox")) { // Reskin horizontal checkbox.
// IE8 doesn't seem to distinguish between the selectors ul.list li:first-child:before and
// ul.list li.horiz-checkbox:first-child:before when horiz-checkbox is dynamically added
// this stops the <li> fake radiused border being correctly positioned for horiz-checkboxes.
// By adding horiz-checkbox class to the <ul> too we can use a more explicit rule in the CSS.
// As we use inline-block for horiz-checkbox we need to remove any whitespace text nodes.
li.contents().filter(function() {
return (this.nodeType == 3 && $.trim($(this).text()).length == 0);
// For horiz-checkbox we set the width of each item and add a span containing the right border.
// The inner span is needed so the border doesn't impact the element width calculation.
li.each(function() {
var buttons = $(this).children("label");
var width = 100/buttons.length;
buttons.css("width", width + "%"); // Using the percentage works for browsers > IE7.
// The child span helps position the border - see css (ul.list li.horiz-checkbox label span)
// Early IE doesn't respect the width so reduce the width of the last item a little.
if (width < 100 && (IE_VERSION < 8 )) {
buttons.last().css("width", width - 1 + "%")
// Find input associated with each label and if it's checked add "checked" class to label.
buttons.each(function() {
var button = $(this);
var input = findInputElement(button);
input.addClass("reskinned"); // Mark as reskinned to avoid trying to reskin it again.
if (input.attr("checked")) {
if ( {
// Use toggle-on not checked to avoid confusing IE6.
} else { // Reskin normal checkbox.
// Add markup to container <li> based on "template" checkboxes. This "re-skins" the checkboxes.
append("<div class='checkbox'><div class='mask'></div><div class='onoff'></div></div>");
// If the checkbox is checked find onoff switch and change its initial position to "on".
jthis.filter(":checked").siblings(".checkbox").children(".onoff").css("left", "0px");
jthis.addClass("reskinned"); // Mark as reskinned to avoid trying to reskin it again.
* Handle checkbox state changes. This method is delegated to by the main handlePointer method.
this.handlePointer = function(e, type) {
// If triggered by a synthetic click the target is an input:checkbox otherwise it's a div.mask
var jthis = (type == "click") ? $("div.checkbox") : $(;
var onoff = jthis.children(".onoff");
var checkbox = jthis.parent().children("input:checkbox"); // Select the underlying <input type="checkbox">
var offsetX = onoff.offset().left - jthis.offset().left;
var offset = -parseInt(onoff.css("left"), 10); // If we use translate we adjust by the left CSS position.
var startX = (e.pageX != null) ? e.pageX : e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX;
var clicked = true; // Set to false if move handler is called;
var move = function(e) {
var newX = (e.pageX != null) ? e.pageX : e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
var diffX = offsetX + newX - startX;
clicked = false;
if (diffX >= -50 && diffX <= 0) {
setPosition(onoff, offset, diffX);
e.stopPropagation(); // Prevent iScroll from trying to scroll when we drag the switch.
* The pointer up handler is only bound when the pointer down has been triggered and so behaves like a click.
var end = function(e) {
var pos = onoff.offset().left - jthis.offset().left;
var duration = 300;
if (clicked) {
pos = (pos == 0) ? -50 : 0;
} else {
// Animation duration is between 150ms and 0ms based on position.
duration = (25 - Math.abs(pos + 25)) * 6;
pos = (pos < -25) ? -50 : 0;
setPosition(onoff, offset, pos, duration);
BODY.unbind("click", handlePointer); // Prevent the synthetic click from triggering handlePointer.
var currentlyChecked = checkbox[0].checked;
if ((currentlyChecked && pos == -50) || (!currentlyChecked && pos == 0)) {
if (type == "click") {
checkbox.attr("checked", !currentlyChecked);
} else {;
// For older IE/Opera triggering the click won't trigger the change event so do it now.
if (IE_VERSION < 9 || OPERA_VERSION < 12) {
jthis.unbind(MOVE_EV + " " + END_EV);
} else {
BODY.unbind(MOVE_EV + " " + END_EV + " mouseleave");
if (type == "click") {
} else {
// Bind move, end and mouseleave events to our internal handlers.
if (TOUCH_ENABLED) { // Touch events track over the whole page by default.
jthis.bind(MOVE_EV, move).bind(END_EV, end);
} else { // Bind mouse events to body so we can track them over the whole page.
BODY.bind(MOVE_EV, move).bind(END_EV + " mouseleave", end);
* Handle horiz-checkbox state changes. This method is delegated to by the main handlePointer end() method.
* Note that we are actually passing in the $("ul li.horiz-checkbox label") jQuery object that the Event was
* bound to rather than the actual Event object as this has already been extracted by handlePointer and is
* more useful for the implementation of this method.
this.handleClick = function(jthis, type) {
var parent = jthis.parent();
var lastChild = parent.children("label").last();
if (jthis.hasClass("checked")) {
if ( {
parent.removeClass("toggle-on"); // Use toggle-on rather than checked to avoid confusing IE6.
} else {
if ( {
parent.addClass("toggle-on"); // Use toggle-on rather than checked to avoid confusing IE6.
if (type == "click") {
var input = findInputElement(jthis);
input.attr("checked", !input.attr("checked"));
} else { // If this handler wasn't triggered by a checkbox click we synthesise one.
BODY.unbind("click", handlePointer); // Prevent the synthetic click from triggering handlePointer.
var checkbox = findInputElement(jthis);;
// For older IE/Opera triggering the click won't trigger the change event so do it now.
if (IE_VERSION < 9 || OPERA_VERSION < 9) {
// Main Event Handler
* This method handles the pointer down, move and up events.
* We handle the discrete events because mobile Safari adds a 300ms delay to the click handler, in addition
* we want to be able to un-highlight rows if we move the mouse/finger. Note that this handler is in the form
* of a delegating event handler - we actually bind the events to the html body, this is so that if we modify
* the DOM externally, e.g. via an AJAX update we will trigger from newly created elements too.
* Note that the start(), removeHighlight(), resetHighlight(), touchMove() and end() methods are private.
* This method does actually handle click events but its main job is to prevent the default navigation action
* on href, however if the click event is a synthetic click caused by a jQuery trigger the method behaves like
* a proper click handler.
var handlePointer = function(e) {
// These are the *actual* selectors that we are interested in handling events for.
var selectors = "ul.contents li, ul.mail li, ul, ul li div.checkbox, ul li.horiz-checkbox label, " +
"ul li.arrow, ul li.pop, div.header a.back, div.header a.done, div.header a.cancel, " +
var target =;
var jthis = $(target);
var parent;
var prev;
var href = jthis.attr("href");
var chevronClicked = false; // Set true if we've clicked on a chevron (used for navigable radio buttons).
var scrolled; // Gets set if a page has been (touch) scrolled.
var highlighted; // Gets set if a sidebar or mail item has been selected/highlighted.
var startY; // The vertical position when a touchstart gets triggered.
var start = function(e) {
// This block checks if the event target is one of the selectors, if not it uses jQuery closest to get the
// first element that matches the selector, start at the current element and progress up through the DOM.
if (! {
jthis = jthis.closest(selectors);
// If closest object doesn't match any of the selectors return true if it has an href else return false.
if (jthis.length == 0) {
return (!!href); // The href test allows the browser to add the active pseudoclass.
if (jthis.hasClass("checkbox")) { // If a checkbox then delegate to the Checkbox handlePointer() handler.
return false;
parent = jthis.parent();
// prev is the previously highlighted item. We search from parent's parent as we may have multiple lists.
prev = parent.parent().find(".active");
href = jthis.attr("href"); // Get the href of the element matching the selector.
var TOUCHED_SIDEBAR = TOUCH_ENABLED &&".contents, .mail"); // Is this a touch on a sidebar list?
// If the href isn't directly present then it's an <li> that contains the anchor, so we have to look further.
if (!href) {
var ICON_WIDTH = 45; // The width of the icon image plus some padding.
var offset = Math.ceil(jthis.offset().left);
// Get the pointer x value relative to the <li>
var x = (e.pageX != null) ? e.pageX - offset : // Mouse position.
(e.originalEvent != null) ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX - offset : 0; // Touch pos.
// If target is a clickable-icon we return immediately thus preventing any highlighting or navigation.
if (jthis.hasClass("clickable-icon") && (x < ICON_WIDTH)) {
return false;
// If target is a navigable radio button then check if chevron was clicked/tapped.
if (jthis.hasClass("radio") && jthis.hasClass("arrow") && ((jthis.outerWidth() - x) < ICON_WIDTH)) {
chevronClicked = true;
e.preventDefault(); // Stop the anchor default highlighting, we'll add our own prettier highlight.
// This block highlights the selected <li> on mousedown or touchstart. For touch enabled devices we wait
// for a short time before highlighting in case the touchstart was the start of a scroll rather than a
// selection. If it was a scroll then the scrolled flag will get set by the touchMove handler and the
// highlight is aborted when the timeout gets triggered.
if (!prev[0] || prev[0] != jthis[0]) {
// If TOUCH_ENABLED and a sidebar or mail list wait 50ms before highlighting in case the
// touch start is really the start of a touch scroll event.
scrolled = false;
highlighted = false;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!scrolled) { // scrolled may be set by touchMove if the list has been scrolled.
jthis.addClass("active"); // Highlight the current <li>
highlighted = true;
}, 50);
} else { // If not TOUCH_ENABLED or a sidebar or mail list highlight immediately.
// Navigable radio buttons don't highlight when the chevron is clicked.
if (!chevronClicked) {
jthis.addClass("active"); // Highlight the current <li>
href = jthis.children("a:first").attr("href"); // Get the href from the first anchor enclosed by the <li>
href = (href == null) ? "#" : href; // Create default href of "#" if none has been specified.
href = href.replace(window.location, ""); // Fix "absolute href" bug found in IE7 and below.
BODY.bind(END_EV, end).unbind(START_EV, handlePointer);
if (parent.hasClass("list") || (TOUCHED_SIDEBAR && IS_MOBILE)) {
// For a small (e.g. mobile) displays the sidebar becomes the main menu page and touches behave
// like normal list touches and become inactive on any touch move.
BODY.bind(MOVE_EV, removeHighlight);
// For a real sidebar detect touch scrolling on these items.
startY = (e.originalEvent) ? e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : 0;
BODY.bind(MOVE_EV, touchMove);
* If we move the mouse or finger in a list item we un-highlight and deactivate.
var removeHighlight = function(e) {
BODY.unbind(MOVE_EV + " " + END_EV).bind(START_EV, handlePointer);
* If we move a finger up or down in a sidebar item we reinstate the previous highlight ontouchend.
var resetHighlight = function(e) {
BODY.unbind(END_EV).bind(START_EV, handlePointer);
* This touch move handler is only bound if the initial event is a touch start event bound to a <li>
* with a <ul> parent that has a .contents or .mail class. These lists need to be touch scrollable, but
* they also need to have a persistent highlight on selected items. This method checks how many vertical
* pixels have been scrolled and if it exceeds a threshold it triggers a scrolled state. Once scrolled it removes
* any new highlighting and binds resetHighlight to touchend, which reinstates the previous highlight.
var touchMove = function(e) {
var newY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
if (Math.abs(newY - startY) > 7) { // Only trigger on an up/down finger movement.
if (highlighted) { // If a new item was highlighted set the highlighting back to the previous item.
BODY.unbind(MOVE_EV + " " + END_EV).bind(END_EV, resetHighlight);
} else {
BODY.unbind(MOVE_EV + " " + END_EV).bind(START_EV, handlePointer);
if (prev[0] != jthis[0]) {
scrolled = true;
* The pointer up handler is only bound when the pointer down has been triggered and so behaves like a click
* handler. If we have been triggered by a back selector or if we re-click an already selected sidebar entry
* that has previously transitioned the we call goBack() to transition backwards otherwise we goTo(href).
var end = function(e) {
BODY.unbind(MOVE_EV + " " + END_EV).bind(START_EV, handlePointer);
if (!IS_MOBILE && (parent.hasClass("contents") || parent.hasClass("mail"))) {
// Handle sidebar transitions.
if (_history.length == 2 && href == _history[1].href) {
} else {
_history = [];
} else if ("ul")) {
if (jthis.hasClass("radio") && !chevronClicked) { // Delegate radio button state changes.
Radio.handleClick(jthis, e.type);
} else { // Handle goTo page transition.
var classes = jthis.attr("class").split(" ");
var transition = slide; // Default animation.
// Look up the transition animation based upon the item's class
for (var i in classes) {
var current = classes[i];
var newTransition = _transitions[current];
if (newTransition != null) {
transition = newTransition;
goTo(href, transition);
} else if (parent.hasClass("horiz-checkbox")) {
} else if (".back, .done, .cancel")) {
} else if (jthis.hasClass("menu")) {
// For mobile devices the home button allows immediate navigation back to the main menu, which may
// be useful if several pages have been navigated through.
_history = [_history[0], {href:"#menu?", transition:null}];
if (e.type == "click") {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the browser trying to navigate to the href itself onclick.
if (!e.originalEvent) { // If event is triggered by calling the jQuery click() method.
if ("li, input:radio")) {
} else if ("input:checkbox")) {
var li = jthis.closest("li.horiz-checkbox");
if (li.length == 0) { // For a normal checkbox add pageX to the event and delegate handlePointer()
e.pageX = 0;
Checkbox.handlePointer(e, e.type);
} else {
// It's a horiz-checkbox. We need to find the label associated with the checkbox.
var label = jthis.parent("label"); // First check if the label contains the checkbox.
if (label.length == 0) { // If not look for a label containing a for matching the checkbox ID.
label = $("label[for='" + jthis.attr("id")+"']");
if (label.length == 0) { // If not assume the label is the preceding sibling (a bit fragile..).
var items = li.children();
label = $(items[items.index(jthis) - 1]);
Checkbox.handleClick(label, e.type);
} else { // Event type is mousedown or touchstart so call main event start handler.
* This method handles keyboard input. Its main purpose is to detect the return key being pressed and if it
* has this method will attempt to trigger the handler bound to the right button, which should be a done/submit.
var handleKeyboard = function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) { // Handle return key;
// When the return key is pressed find any right button present in the header and trigger a click
// on it, this should have the effect of triggering the done/submit handler for the form.
var jthis = $(;
var done = jthis.closest(".main, .popup").find(".header a.right.button");
// Page Navigation Methods
* This event handler handles the synthetic refresh event that may be triggered on a top level page containing
* a scroll-area. The handler uses the id of the page to index the iScroll object then calls its refresh().
var handleRefresh = function(e) {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
if (_scrollers[id] != null) {
* This method transitions to a selected destination. If the destination is "#" it simply returns, if there
* is no history the destination page is shown otherwise we transition using an animation.
* The ".split("?")[0]" blocks are there to cater for the case where the destination URL contains data to
* be passed between page fragments, where the data is delimited by a "?" and separated by "&".
var goTo = function(destination, transition) {
iTablet.location = new Location(destination);
var previous = (_history.length == 0) ? null : _history[0].href;
if (destination == "#" || destination == previous) { // The second test guards against multiple clicks
} else if (!IS_MOBILE && _history.length == 0) {
var pages = $(".main");
$(pages).each(function(index) {
var jthis = $(this);
var id = jthis.attr("id");
if (("#" + id) == destination.split("?")[0]) {"show").find(".active").removeClass("active");
_scrollers[id].refresh(); // Refresh the touch scroller on the new page.
_history.unshift({href:destination, transition:null});
} else {
} else {
var currentPage = $(_history[0].href.split("?")[0]);
var newPage = $(destination.split("?")[0]);
transition(currentPage, newPage, false);
_scrollers[newPage.attr("id")].refresh(); // Refresh the touch scroller on the new page.
_history.unshift({href:destination, transition:transition});
* This method transitions back to the previous item in the history using an animation.
* The ".split("?")[0]" blocks are there to cater for the case where the fragment URLs contain data to
* be passed between page fragments, where the data is delimited by a "?" and separated by "&".
var goBack = function() {
if (_history.length > 1) {
iTablet.location = new Location(_history[1].href);
var transition = _history[0].transition;
var currentPage = $(_history[0].href.split("?")[0]);
var newPage = $(_history[1].href.split("?")[0]);
transition(currentPage, newPage, true);
_scrollers[newPage.attr("id")].refresh(); // Refresh the touch scroller on the new page.
// Hide virtual keyboard.
// Animations
* This method detects support for CSS3 animations and transitions and uses them if present. It will attempt
* to use translate3d if present as this is most likely to be GPU accelerated and uses translate as fallback.
* In an ideal world this would be set up in a stylesheet using media queries, but unfortunately using
* prefixes for all of the keyframes is rather verbose and untidy and media query of translate3d only seems
* to be supported in WebKit, so scripting is needed whatever. This method "injects" the relevant styles.
var initialiseCSSAnimations = function() {
// TODO It'd be nicer to use feature detection but that can be hard to get right - how do we *reliably"
// detect support for animationend and transitionend events, which are essential for these animations???
if ((/android/gi).test(navigator.appVersion) || OPERA_VERSION <= 12.01) {
// Android has poor CSS3 animation support so use jQuery.
// Opera <= 12.01 doesn't have animationend which messes up state management, what's worse is that it
// passes the animationSupported test, so just bomb out early Opera 12.01 at least fails that...
var domPrefixes = ["Webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms", "Khtml"];
// For the following lookups ensure that prefix key is forced to lower case!!
var transitionEndLookup = { // Lookup transitionend Event. Note prefixes are different to DOM prefixes
"" : "transitionend",
"webkit" : "webkitTransitionEnd",
"moz" : "transitionend",
"o" : "oTransitionEnd",
"ms" : "transitionend"
var animationEndLookup = { // Lookup transitionend Event. Note prefixes are different to DOM prefixes
"" : "animationend",
"webkit" : "webkitAnimationEnd",
"moz" : "animationend",
"o" : "oAnimationEnd",
"ms" : "transitionend"
var has3d = false;
var domPrefix = "";
var prefix = "";
var style = $("<style/>");
var styles = style[0].style;
// We first check for animation-name and transform CSS support.
var animationSupported = styles.animationName && styles.transform ? true : false;
var animationend = "animationend";
var transitionend = "transitionend";
if (!animationSupported) { // If prefix free versions not present check for prefixed versions.
var length = domPrefixes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (styles[domPrefixes[i] + "AnimationName"] !== undefined) {
animationend = animationEndLookup[domPrefixes[i].toLowerCase()];
transitionend = transitionEndLookup[domPrefixes[i].toLowerCase()];
var domPrefix = domPrefixes[i];
prefix = "-" + domPrefix.toLowerCase() + "-";
if (styles[domPrefix + "Transform"] !== undefined) {
if (styles[domPrefix + "Perspective"] !== undefined) {
has3d = true;
animationSupported = true;
} else {
ANIMATION_END_EV = animationend;
TRANSITION_END_EV = transitionend;
if (animationSupported) { // Animating transforms is supported if this is true.
// Webkit's 3D transforms are passed off to the browser's own graphics renderer so may give a
// false positive, the test below should double check that 3d is indeed supported.
if (has3d && prefix == "-webkit-") {
has3d = 'WebKitCSSMatrix' in window && 'm11' in new WebKitCSSMatrix();
var s = ".sidebar, .main, .popup, .popup-window, .popup-container, ul li {" +
prefix + "animation: 350ms ease-in-out;}";
// Define the key animation styles. cssSlide simply adds these classes to trigger the animation.
s += ".slideIn {" + prefix + "animation-name: slideinfromright;}";
s += ".slideOut {" + prefix + "animation-name: slideouttoleft;}";
s += ".slideIn.reverse {" + prefix + "animation-name: slideinfromleft;}";
s += ".slideOut.reverse {" + prefix + "animation-name: slideouttoright;}";
s += ".fade {" + prefix + "animation-name: fadehighlight;}";
s += ".slideUp {" + prefix + "animation-name: slideinfrombottom;}";
s += ".slideDown {" + prefix + "animation-name: slideouttobottom;}";
s += ".dissolveIn50 {" + prefix + "animation-name: dissolvein50;}";
s += ".dissolveOut50 {" + prefix + "animation-name: dissolveout50;}";
// Helper method to render transform using translate3d if supported or translate if not.
var renderTranslate = function(val) {
return prefix + "transform: translate" + (has3d ? "3d(" : "(") + val + (has3d ? ", 0);" : ");");
// Implement setting the left css attribute of the supplied element using css translate.
var cssSetPosition = function(element, offset, left, duration) {
// Invoked when the animation completes, resets styles.
var completeCallback = function() {
element.removeAttr("style").css("left", left + "px").unbind(TRANSITION_END_EV);
// If a duration is provided then use a transition to animate the transform.
if (duration != null) {
element.css(prefix + "transition", prefix + "transform " + duration + "ms ease-out 0ms").
bind(TRANSITION_END_EV, completeCallback);
element.css(prefix + "transform",
"translate" + (has3d ? "3d(" : "(") + (left + offset) + "px, 0" + (has3d ? ", 0)" : ")"));
var keyframes = prefix + "keyframes ";
// Now define the keframes for the animations.
s += "@" + keyframes + "slideinfromright {";
s += "from {" + renderTranslate("100%, 0") + "}";
s += "to {" + renderTranslate("0, 0") + "}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "slideouttoleft {";
s += "from {" + renderTranslate("0, 0") + "}";
s += "to {" + renderTranslate("-100%, 0") + "}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "slideinfromleft {";
s += "from {" + renderTranslate("-100%, 0") + "}";
s += "to {" + renderTranslate("0, 0") + "}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "slideouttoright {";
s += "from {" + renderTranslate("0, 0") + "}";
s += "to {" + renderTranslate("100%, 0") + "}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "fadehighlight {";
s += "from {background-color: #035de7; color: #ffffff;}";
s += "to {background-color: #f7f7f7; color: #324F85;}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "slideinfrombottom {";
s += "from {" + renderTranslate("0, 100%") + "}";
s += "to {" + renderTranslate("0, 0") + "}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "slideouttobottom {";
s += "from {" + renderTranslate("0, 0") + "}";
s += "to {" + renderTranslate("0, 120%") + "}}";
s += "@" + keyframes + "dissolvein50 {";
s += "from {background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);}";
s += "to {background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49);}}"; // Setting to 0.49 not 0.5 prevents Firefox glitch.
s += "@" + keyframes + "dissolveout50 {";
s += "from {background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);}";
s += "to {background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);}}";
$("head").append(style); // "inject" animation styles into DOM.
slide = cssSlide; // Override slide method with the cssSlide version.
fade = cssFade; // Override fade method with the cssFade version.
popup = cssPopup; // Override fade method with the cssFade version.
setPosition = cssSetPosition;
* Implement a simple colour fade animation using a look up table to fade active colour back to background.
* This is the default fade implementation, which may be overridden if CSS3 animations are supported.
var fade = function(selected) {
var table = [{"background-color": "#0360e8", "color": "#ffffff"},
{"background-color": "#337feb", "color": "#ffffff"},
{"background-color": "#669eef", "color": "#ffffff"},
{"background-color": "#99b8f0", "color": "#324F85"},
{"background-color": "#c0d7f3", "color": "#324F85"},
{"background-color": "#f6f6f6", "color": "#324F85"}];
var stepCallback = function(i) {
if (i < 6) {
selected.css(table[i]); // Set style from look up table.
setTimeout(function() {stepCallback(i + 1);}, 50); // 7 steps at 50ms per step = 350ms
} else {
selected.removeAttr("style"); // When the animation ends remove the styles we've just added.
if (":visible")) { // Only apply animation is element is visible.
} else {
* Implement a colour fade using a CSS3 animation to fade active colour back to background.
var cssFade = function(selected) {
// Invoked when the animation completes, resets styles.
var completeCallback = function() {
if (":visible")) { // Only apply animation is element is visible.
selected.removeClass("active").addClass("fade").bind(ANIMATION_END_EV, completeCallback);
} else {
* Implement a horizontal slide from the currentPage to the newPage using jQuery animate() of the left and right
* css properies. If isReverse is true the slide is left to right otherwise the slide is right to left.
* This is the default slide implementation, which may be overridden if CSS3 animations are supported.
var slide = function(currentPage, newPage, isReverse) {
var width = isReverse ? -currentPage.outerWidth() : currentPage.outerWidth();
var left = newPage.hasClass("popup") ? 0 : _mainLeft;
// Invoked when the animation completes, resets style and hides the old page and rebinds the START_EV.
var completeCallback = function() {
currentPage.hide(); // Hide the current page after animation completes.
currentPage.css({"left": left + "px", "right": "0"}); // Reset css back to original settings.
BODY.bind(START_EV, handlePointer); // Re-enable START_EV when transition completes.
BODY.unbind(START_EV, handlePointer); // Disable START_EV until transition completes.
currentPage.trigger("hide"); // Trigger the hide handler *before* the animation.
newPage.css({"left": left + width + "px", "right": -width + "px"}).show().trigger("show").
animate({left: left, right: 0}, 350);
var selected = newPage.find(".active").removeClass("active");
if (isReverse) {
currentPage.animate({left: left - width, right: width}, 350, completeCallback);
* Implement a horizontal slide from the currentPage to the newPage using a CSS3 animation.
* This should give a much smoother animation than the jQuery one and is GPU accelerated on some devices.
* If isReverse is true the slide is left to right otherwise the slide is right to left.
var cssSlide = function(currentPage, newPage, isReverse) {
var width = isReverse ? -currentPage.outerWidth() : currentPage.outerWidth();
var classes = "slideIn slideOut reverse";
// Invoked when the animation completes, resets styles and hides the old page and rebinds the START_EV.
var completeCallback = function() {
currentPage.hide().removeClass(classes).unbind(ANIMATION_END_EV, completeCallback);
BODY.bind(START_EV, handlePointer); // Re-enable START_EV when transition completes.
BODY.unbind(START_EV, handlePointer); // Disable START_EV until transition completes.
var reverse = isReverse ? " reverse" : "";
currentPage.trigger("hide"); // Trigger the hide handler *before* the animation."show").addClass("slideIn" + reverse);
var selected = newPage.find(".active").removeClass("active");
if (isReverse) {
currentPage.bind(ANIMATION_END_EV, completeCallback).addClass("slideOut" + reverse);
* Implement a pop up to the newPage using jQuery animate() of the top, bottom and rgba css properies.
* If isReverse is true the popup slides down otherwise it slides up.
* This is the default popup implementation, which may be overridden if CSS3 animations are supported.
var popup = function(currentPage, newPage, isReverse) {
var height = currentPage.outerWidth();
var background = $(".popup-window");
var container = $(".popup-container");
var setOpacity = function(i) { // Animate opacity value.
if (!IS_IE || IE_VERSION > 8) { // CSS rgba is supported by modern browsers.
background.css({"background-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0." + i + ")"});
} else { // IE8 and below don't support rgba so use MS DXImageTransform filter.
// This is a bit subtle, unfortunately progid:DXImageTransform messes with the fonts so we only use
// it to animate the opacity, for the final black with 50% alpha effect we add the "smoked" style
// which uses a png image background, the combination gives fairly smooth animation and normal font.
var hexAlpha = (Math.round(25.6 * i)).toString(16); // Convert index to a hex alpha value.
hexAlpha = (hexAlpha.length < 2) ? "0" + hexAlpha : hexAlpha; // Pad to two hex digits if necessary.
hexAlpha = "#" + hexAlpha + "000000"; // Modify the alpha of a black background.
background.css({"filter": "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=" +
hexAlpha + ",endColorstr=" + hexAlpha + ")"});
var removeStyles = function(i) {
if (IE_VERSION <= 6) { // For IE6 we've added other dynamic styles, so we need to preserve those.
} else { // For every other browser we remove all dynamic styling.
var fadeInBackground = function(i) { // Animate rgba opacity property from 0.0 to 0.5.
if (i < 6) {
setTimeout(function() {fadeInBackground(i + 1);}, 50);
} else {
removeStyles(); // When the animation ends remove the styles we've just added.
background.addClass("smoked"); // Only does anything for IE < 9
var fadeOutBackground = function(i) { // Animate rgba opacity property from 0.5 to 0.0.
if (i >= 0) {
setTimeout(function() {fadeOutBackground(i - 1);}, 50);
} else {
removeStyles(); // When the animation ends remove the styles we've just added.
currentPage.trigger("hide"); // Trigger the hide handler *before* the animation.
if (isReverse) {
// Wrapping in a timeout prevents IE8 glitching button styles when returning from :active state.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
container.css({"top": "64px", "bottom": "64px"}).
animate({top: height + "px", bottom: 128 - height + "px"}, 350);
} else {
container.css({"top": height + "px", "bottom": 128 - height + "px"}).
animate({top: "64px", bottom: "64px"}, 350);
* Implement a pop up to the newPage using a CSS3 animation.
* This should give a much smoother animation than the jQuery one and is GPU accelerated on some devices.
* If isReverse is true the popup slides down otherwise it slides up.
var cssPopup = function(currentPage, newPage, isReverse) {
var background = $(".popup-window");
var container = $(".popup-container");
background.removeClass("dissolveIn50 dissolveOut50");
container.removeClass("slideUp slideDown");
// Invoked when the animation completes, hides the background.
var completeCallback = function() {
container.unbind(ANIMATION_END_EV, completeCallback);
currentPage.trigger("hide"); // Trigger the hide handler *before* the animation.
if (isReverse) {
container.bind(ANIMATION_END_EV, completeCallback).addClass("slideDown");
} else {
* Implement setting the left css attribute of the supplied element using standard jQuery css call.
var setPosition = function(element, offset, left, duration) {
if (duration != null) {
element.animate({left: left}, duration);
} else {
element.css("left", left + "px");
// Add HTML5 placeholder support to browsers that don't have native support.
var addPlaceholderSupport = function(inputs) {
inputs.each(function() {
var jthis = $(this);
// Add textarea class to allow textarea placeholder to be styled differently to input placeholder.
var classes ="textarea") ? "placeholder textarea" : "placeholder";
jthis.focus(function() {
}).blur(function() {
if (jthis.val() == "") {
}).parent().append("<span class='" + classes + "'>" + jthis.attr("placeholder") + "</span>");
// Some IE specific code to manipulate additional styles to help "pretty up" earlier versions of IE.
* For IE6 adjust the size as it doesn't seem to be computed correctly in pure CSS.
* To be really nice we should probably compute SCROLLBAR, HEADER, PADDING but hey, it's only for IE6 :-)
var adjustSize = function() {
var SCROLLBAR = 20;
var HEADER = 44;
var PADDING = 128;
var width = BODY.outerWidth() + SCROLLBAR;
var height = $(window).outerHeight();
var mainWidth = width - _mainLeft;
$(".main").css({"width": mainWidth + "px"});
$(".main, .sidebar").css({"height": (height - HEADER) + "px"});
$(".popup-window").css({"width": width + "px", "height": height + "px"});
$(".popup-container").css({"width": (width - width * 0.4) + "px",
"height": (height - (PADDING + HEADER)) + "px"});
// Render each list (this reskins checkboxes & radio buttons and adds the border radius on old browsers).
$("ul.list").each(function() {iTablet.renderList($(this));});
* Among its long list of failings IE6 doesn't properly support multiple classes. The active class is used in
* several places, so this method overrides jQuery's addClass and removeClass in order to create IE6 specific
* classes when the active or checked class is added or removed. It's a messy, but fairly effective approach.
var mergeClasses = function() {
// Merge blue and back classes - this only works if blue is added statically which is how it's expected to be.
var addClass = jQuery.fn.addClass; // Retrieve original jQuery addClass.
jQuery.fn.addClass = function() { // Override jQuery addClass.
var jthis = $(this);
// Execute the original method and save result.
var result = addClass.apply(this, arguments);
var length = arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] == "checked") {
if (jthis.hasClass("arrow")) {
if (arguments[i] == "active") {
if (jthis.hasClass("arrow")) {
if (jthis.hasClass("checked")) {
if (jthis.hasClass("radio") && jthis.hasClass("arrow")) {
if (jthis.hasClass("checked") && jthis.hasClass("arrow")) {
return result;
var removeClass = jQuery.fn.removeClass; // Retrieve original jQuery removeClass.
jQuery.fn.removeClass = function() { // Override jQuery removeClass.
var jthis = $(this);
// Execute the original method and save result.
var result = removeClass.apply(this, arguments);
var length = arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] == "checked") {
if (arguments[i] == "active") {
jthis.removeClass("ie6-arrow-active ie6-checked-active ie6-radio-arrow-active ie6-checked-arrow-active");
return result;
* Sort out quirks for various versions of IE less than 9 - IE9 is fortunately *fairly* well behaved.
var fixIEQuirks = function() {
if (IE_VERSION < 8) { // For IE7 and below.
$("textarea").parent().addClass("textarea"); // Add textarea class to parent <li> - used by IE7 CSS styles.
// Wrapping the sidebar in another div with zoom: 1 to enable "layout mode" fixes an
// annoying page transition slide animation quirk with IE < 8.
BODY.prepend($("<div id='sidebar-wrapper'></div>"));
// Sort out button styling and issue with :active not being switched off.
$("a.button").attr('hideFocus', 'hidefocus').
append("<div class='before'></div><div class='after'></div>").
bind("click mouseleave", function() {this.blur();});
$("ul.contents li a").attr('hideFocus', 'hidefocus'); // Fix lack of outline: none; in IE < 8
if (IE_VERSION < 7) { // IE6 is a real drag......
adjustSize(); // Set css width and height as it doesn't seem to be computed correctly in pure CSS.
mergeClasses(); // IE < 7 doesn't support multiple classes so merge them into IE specific class.
} else { // For IE7 and above just render list.
// Render each list (this reskins checkboxes & radio buttons and adds the border radius on old browsers).
$("ul.list").each(function() {iTablet.renderList($(this));});
// Initialise when DOM loads using (shorthand) jQuery.ready()
$(function() {
* These handlers help make the UI behave more like a User Interface than a web page. The selectstart handler
* disables selection on everything other than input/textarea etc. the dragstart handler disables IE image
* dragging, the touchmove handler disables mobile Safari web page "bounce" and the contextmenu handler
* disables the right click context menu. In a web page disabling this stuff might be frowned on, but in
* a web app it makes the application look and feel much more like a native app, which is rather the point.
$(document).bind("selectstart contextmenu", function(e) {
return $('input, textarea, select, option');});
$(document).bind("dragstart touchmove submit", function (e) {e.preventDefault();});
$(document).bind("orientationchange", function (e) {scrollTo(0, 0);}); // Make sure position is OK
// jQuery object for body is used in several places so let's cache it.
BODY = $("body");
_mainLeft = parseInt($(".main").css("left"), 10);
//IS_MOBILE = BODY.hasClass("mobile"); // We use the class "mobile" for mobile devices.
IS_MOBILE = (_mainLeft == 0); // For mobile devices there is no sidebar.
if (IS_MOBILE) {
_history = [{href:"#menu?", transition:null}];
// Prevent the browser trying to navigate to the href itself onclick then bind pointer Events to handlePointer.
BODY.bind(START_EV + " click", handlePointer);
// Ensure various form fields behave correctly with iScroll.
$("input, textarea, select").bind(START_EV, function(e) {e.stopPropagation();});
// Detect input and textarea placeholders separately as some browsers (Opera 11) have native support for
// input placeholders but not textarea placeholders.
if (!("placeholder" in $("<input>")[0])) { // Add HTML5 input placeholder support if not natively present.
if (!("placeholder" in $("<textarea>")[0])) { // Add HTML5 textarea placeholder support if not natively present.
$.event.special.textchange = new TextChange(); // Add support for textchange Events on text input and textarea.
// This block looks for scroll-areas and constructs an iScroll touch scroller. Note that scrollers are indexed
// by the containing "main" page not by the id of the scroll-area. The latter id is only used by iScroll itself.
$(".scroll-area").each(function(index) {
var parent = $(this).parent();
parent.bind("refresh", handleRefresh); // Bind the synthetic refresh event to the refresh handler
var parentId = parent.attr("id");
_scrollers[parentId] = new iScroll(this);
} else { // Adds a dummy scroller object if not a touch device.
_scrollers[parentId] = {refresh: function() {}};
_transitions = {"pop": popup};
iTablet.location = new Location("#" + $(".main").attr("id"));
if (IS_IE) {
} else {
// Render each list (this reskins checkboxes & radio buttons and adds the border radius on old browsers).
$("ul.list").each(function() {iTablet.renderList($(this));});
* iOS6 safari has a number of "quirks" that seem to be related to overly aggressive caching, one of these
* these relates to attempting to reuse browser connections before the HTTP response has returned. In theory
* this may be a good thing as it allows better "pipelining" on persistent connections, but in practice
* if the "long polling" pattern is being used it can really mess things up for image "rollovers" when
* dynamic state gets changed. This usually manifests itself by the active images taking an age to appear.
* The following line works around this issue by initially adding the active state to the relevant items
* this forces the active images to be loaded, which are then subsequently cached.
$("div.main ul.list li").addClass("active");
$(".main, .popup-window").hide();