


Affected components

Qpid Broker-J

Affected versions

6.0.2 and earlier

Fixed versions



The code responsible for handling incoming AMQP 0-8, 0-9, 0-91, and 0-10 connections contains a flaw that allows authentication to be bypassed. An remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to perform actions, without the need to specify valid credentials. For instance, unauthorised messages could be injected or messages stolen.

The vulnerability cannot be exploited if the Access Control List (ACL) feature is enabled AND access to all virtual hosts controlled.

The vulnerability does not apply to the Broker's AMQP 1.0 support.

The vulnerability does not apply if the Broker is configured to require SSL client authentication for all messaging connections.


Users should upgrade the Apache Qpid Broker-J to version 6.0.3 or later (recommended).


If upgrading is not possible, the vulnerability can be mitigated using an ACL file containing “ACCESS VIRTUALHOST” clauses that white-lists user access to all virtualhosts.

If AMQP 0-8, 0-9, 0-91, and 0-10 support is not required, the vulnerability can also be mitigated by turning off these protocols at the Port level.

