QPID-7317: More robust qpid.selector with better logging

This commit disables the selector and related qpid.messaging objects when the
selector thread exits for any reason: process exit, fork, exception etc.  Any
subsequent use will throw an exception and log the locations of the failed call
and where the selector thread was stopped. This should be slightly more
predictable & robust than commit 037c573 which tried to keep the selector alive
in a daemon thread.

I have not been able to hang the pulp_smash test suite with this patch. The new
logging shows that celery workers do sometimes use qpid.messaging in an illegal
state, which could cause the reported hang. So far I have not seen a stack trace
that is an exact match for reported stacks. If this patch does not address the
pulp problem it should at least provide much better debugging information in
journalctl log output after the hang.
3 files changed
tree: 8c343a0af960a2a0c49fec00737c30302ccbcbd7
  1. examples/
  2. mllib/
  3. qpid/
  4. qpid_tests/
  5. .gitignore
  6. LICENSE.txt
  7. MANIFEST.in
  8. NOTICE.txt
  9. qpid-python-test
  10. qpid-python-test-ant.xml
  11. qpid-python-test.bat
  12. README.md
  13. setup.py

Qpid Python

This distribution contains a Python client implementation and AMQP conformance tests for Apache Qpid.

You can read more about Qpid here:


Documentation can be found here:


Getting started

  1. Make sure the Qpid Python client libraries are on your PYTHONPATH. Extract the archive and add the local directory to your PYTHONPATH:

     $ tar -xf qpid-python-VERSION.tar.gz
     $ cd qpid-python-VERSION
  2. Make sure a broker is running.

  3. Run the ‘hello’ example from examples/api:

     $ cd examples/api
     $ ./hello
     Hello world!


The examples directory contains sample programs. See examples/README.txt for more information.

Running the tests

The tests directory contains a collection of unit tests for the Python client. The tests_0-10, tests_0-9, and tests_0-8 directories contain protocol-level conformance tests for brokers that speak the specified AMQP version.

The qpid-python-test script may be used to run these tests. It will by default run the Python unit tests and the 0-10 conformance tests:

  1. Run a broker on the default port.

  2. Run the tests:

     $ ./qpid-python-test

If you wish to run the 0-8 or 0-9 conformence tests, they may be selected as follows:

  1. Run a broker on the default port.

  2. Run the tests:

     $ ./qpid-python-test tests_0-8.*
     $ ./qpid-python-test tests_0-9.*

See the qpid-python-test command-line help for for additional options:

$ ./qpid-python-test -h


Other Qpid components depend on Qpid Python for testing. You can use setup.py to install Qpid Python to a standard location:

# User-local install

$ python setup.py install --user
$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
$ export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH


# System-wide install

$ sudo python setup.py install