blob: 885b95a81447529a04b5e00d44ec50a7b0f4078b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
A high level messaging API for python.
Areas that still need work:
- definition of the arguments for L{Session.sender} and L{Session.receiver}
- standard L{Message} properties
- L{Message} content encoding
- protocol negotiation/multiprotocol impl
from logging import getLogger
from math import ceil
from qpid.codec010 import StringCodec
from qpid.concurrency import synchronized, Waiter, Condition
from qpid.datatypes import Serial, uuid4
from qpid.messaging.constants import *
from qpid.messaging.exceptions import *
from qpid.messaging.message import *
from qpid.ops import PRIMITIVE
from qpid.util import default, URL
from threading import Thread, RLock
log = getLogger("qpid.messaging")
static = staticmethod
class Endpoint(object):
Base class for all endpoint objects types.
@undocumented: __init__, __setattr__
def __init__(self):
self._async_exception_notify_handler = None
self.error = None
def _ecwait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
result = self._ewait(lambda: self.closed or predicate(), timeout)
return result
def set_async_exception_notify_handler(self, handler):
Register a callable that will be invoked when the driver thread detects an
error on the Endpoint. The callable is invoked with the instance of the
Endpoint object passed as the first argument. The second argument is an
Exception instance describing the failure.
@param handler: invoked by the driver thread when an error occurs.
@type handler: callable object taking an Endpoint and an Exception as
@return: None
@note: The exception will also be raised the next time the application
invokes one of the blocking messaging APIs.
@warning: B{Use with caution} This callback is invoked in the context of
the driver thread. It is B{NOT} safe to call B{ANY} of the messaging APIs
from within this callback. This includes any of the Endpoint's methods. The
intent of the handler is to provide an efficient way to notify the
application that an exception has occurred in the driver thread. This can
be useful for those applications that periodically poll the messaging layer
for events. In this case the callback can be used to schedule a task that
retrieves the error using the Endpoint's get_error() or check_error()
self._async_exception_notify_handler = handler
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
Intercept any attempt to set the endpoint error flag and invoke the
callback if registered.
super(Endpoint, self).__setattr__(name, value)
if name == 'error' and value is not None:
if self._async_exception_notify_handler:
self._async_exception_notify_handler(self, value)
class Connection(Endpoint):
A Connection manages a group of L{Sessions<Session>} and connects
them with a remote endpoint.
def establish(url=None, timeout=None, **options):
Constructs a L{Connection} with the supplied parameters and opens
conn = Connection(url, **options)
return conn
def __init__(self, url=None, **options):
Creates a connection. A newly created connection must be opened
with the method before it can be used.
@type url: str
@param url: [ <username> [ / <password> ] @ ] <host> [ : <port> ]
@type host: str
@param host: the name or ip address of the remote host (overriden by url)
@type port: int
@param port: the port number of the remote host (overriden by url)
@type transport: str
@param transport: one of tcp, tcp+tls, or ssl (alias for tcp+tls)
@type heartbeat: int
@param heartbeat: heartbeat interval in seconds
@type username: str
@param username: the username for authentication (overriden by url)
@type password: str
@param password: the password for authentication (overriden by url)
@type sasl_mechanisms: str
@param sasl_mechanisms: space separated list of permitted sasl mechanisms
@type sasl_service: str
@param sasl_service: the service name if needed by the SASL mechanism in use
@type sasl_min_ssf: int
@param sasl_min_ssf: the minimum acceptable security strength factor
@type sasl_max_ssf: int
@param sasl_max_ssf: the maximum acceptable security strength factor
@type reconnect: bool
@param reconnect: enable/disable automatic reconnect
@type reconnect_timeout: float
@param reconnect_timeout: total time to attempt reconnect
@type reconnect_interval_min: float
@param reconnect_interval_min: minimum interval between reconnect attempts
@type reconnect_interval_max: float
@param reconnect_interval_max: maximum interval between reconnect attempts
@type reconnect_interval: float
@param reconnect_interval: set both min and max reconnect intervals
@type reconnect_limit: int
@param reconnect_limit: limit the total number of reconnect attempts
@type reconnect_urls: list[str]
@param reconnect_urls: list of backup hosts specified as urls
@type address_ttl: float
@param address_ttl: time until cached address resolution expires
@type ssl_keyfile: str
@param ssl_keyfile: file with client's private key (PEM format)
@type ssl_certfile: str
@param ssl_certfile: file with client's public (eventually priv+pub) key (PEM format)
@type ssl_trustfile: str
@param ssl_trustfile: file trusted certificates to validate the server
@type ssl_skip_hostname_check: bool
@param ssl_skip_hostname_check: disable verification of hostname in
certificate. Use with caution - disabling hostname checking leaves you
vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle attacks.
@rtype: Connection
@return: a disconnected Connection
super(Connection, self).__init__()
# List of all attributes
opt_keys = ['host', 'transport', 'port', 'heartbeat', 'username', 'password', 'sasl_mechanisms', 'sasl_service', 'sasl_min_ssf', 'sasl_max_ssf', 'reconnect', 'reconnect_timeout', 'reconnect_interval', 'reconnect_interval_min', 'reconnect_interval_max', 'reconnect_limit', 'reconnect_urls', 'reconnect_log', 'address_ttl', 'tcp_nodelay', 'ssl_keyfile', 'ssl_certfile', 'ssl_trustfile', 'ssl_skip_hostname_check', 'client_properties', 'protocol' ]
# Create all attributes on self and set to None.
for key in opt_keys:
setattr(self, key, None)
# Get values from options, check for invalid options
for (key, value) in options.iteritems():
if key in opt_keys:
setattr(self, key, value)
raise ConnectionError("Unknown connection option %s with value %s" %(key, value))
# Now handle items that need special treatment or have speical defaults:
url = default(url,
if isinstance(url, basestring):
url = URL(url) =
if self.transport is None:
if url.scheme == url.AMQP:
self.transport = "tcp"
elif url.scheme == url.AMQPS:
self.transport = "ssl"
self.transport = "tcp"
if self.transport in ("ssl", "tcp+tls"):
self.port = default(url.port, default(self.port, AMQPS_PORT))
self.port = default(url.port, default(self.port, AMQP_PORT))
if self.protocol and self.protocol != "amqp0-10":
raise ConnectionError("Connection option 'protocol' value '" + value + "' unsupported (must be amqp0-10)")
self.username = default(url.user, self.username)
self.password = default(url.password, self.password)
self.auth_username = None
self.sasl_service = default(self.sasl_service, "qpidd")
self.reconnect = default(self.reconnect, False)
self.reconnect_interval_min = default(self.reconnect_interval_min,
default(self.reconnect_interval, 1))
self.reconnect_interval_max = default(self.reconnect_interval_max,
default(self.reconnect_interval, 2*60))
self.reconnect_urls = default(self.reconnect_urls, [])
self.reconnect_log = default(self.reconnect_log, True)
self.address_ttl = default(self.address_ttl, 60)
self.tcp_nodelay = default(self.tcp_nodelay, False)
self.ssl_keyfile = default(self.ssl_keyfile, None)
self.ssl_certfile = default(self.ssl_certfile, None)
self.ssl_trustfile = default(self.ssl_trustfile, None)
# if ssl_skip_hostname_check was not explicitly set, this will be None
self._ssl_skip_hostname_check_actual = options.get("ssl_skip_hostname_check")
self.ssl_skip_hostname_check = default(self.ssl_skip_hostname_check, False)
self.client_properties = default(self.client_properties, {})
self.options = options = str(uuid4())
self.session_counter = 0
self.sessions = {}
self._open = False
self._connected = False
self._transport_connected = False
self._lock = RLock()
self._condition = Condition(self._lock)
self._waiter = Waiter(self._condition)
self._modcount = Serial(0)
from driver import Driver
self._driver = Driver(self)
def _wait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
return self._waiter.wait(predicate, timeout=timeout)
def _wakeup(self):
self._modcount += 1
def check_error(self):
if self.error:
e = self.error
if isinstance(e, ContentError):
""" forget the content error. It will be
raised this time but won't block future calls
self.error = None
raise e
def get_error(self):
return self.error
def _ewait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
result = self._wait(lambda: self.error or predicate(), timeout)
return result
def check_closed(self):
if not self._connected:
raise ConnectionClosed()
def session(self, name=None, transactional=False):
Creates or retrieves the named session. If the name is omitted or
None, then a unique name is chosen based on a randomly generated
@type name: str
@param name: the session name
@rtype: Session
@return: the named Session
if name is None:
name = "%s:%s" % (, self.session_counter)
self.session_counter += 1
name = "%s:%s" % (, name)
if self.sessions.has_key(name):
return self.sessions[name]
ssn = Session(self, name, transactional)
self.sessions[name] = ssn
return ssn
def _remove_session(self, ssn):
self.sessions.pop(, 0)
def open(self, timeout=None):
Opens a connection.
if self._open:
raise ConnectionError("already open")
self._open = True
if self.reconnect and self.reconnect_timeout > 0:
timeout = self.reconnect_timeout
def opened(self):
Return true if the connection is open, false otherwise.
return self._open
def attach(self, timeout=None):
Attach to the remote endpoint.
if not self._connected:
self._connected = True
if not self._ewait(lambda: self._transport_connected and not self._unlinked(), timeout=timeout):
self.reconnect = False
raise Timeout("Connection attach timed out")
def _unlinked(self):
return [l
for ssn in self.sessions.values()
if not (ssn.error or ssn.closed)
for l in ssn.senders + ssn.receivers
if not (l.linked or l.error or l.closed)]
def detach(self, timeout=None):
Detach from the remote endpoint.
if self._connected:
self._connected = False
cleanup = True
cleanup = False
if not self._wait(lambda: not self._transport_connected, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("detach timed out")
if cleanup:
def attached(self):
Return true if the connection is attached, false otherwise.
return self._connected
def close(self, timeout=None):
Close the connection and all sessions.
for ssn in self.sessions.values():
self._open = False
class Session(Endpoint):
Sessions provide a linear context for sending and receiving
L{Messages<Message>}. L{Messages<Message>} are sent and received
using the L{Sender.send} and L{Receiver.fetch} methods of the
L{Sender} and L{Receiver} objects associated with a Session.
Each L{Sender} and L{Receiver} is created by supplying either a
target or source address to the L{sender} and L{receiver} methods of
the Session. The address is supplied via a string syntax documented
An address identifies a source or target for messages. In its
simplest form this is just a name. In general a target address may
also be used as a source address, however not all source addresses
may be used as a target, e.g. a source might additionally have some
filtering criteria that would not be present in a target.
A subject may optionally be specified along with the name. When an
address is used as a target, any subject specified in the address is
used as the default subject of outgoing messages for that target.
When an address is used as a source, any subject specified in the
address is pattern matched against the subject of available messages
as a filter for incoming messages from that source.
The options map contains additional information about the address
- policies for automatically creating, and deleting the node to
which an address refers
- policies for asserting facts about the node to which an address
- extension points that can be used for sender/receiver
Mapping to AMQP 0-10
The name is resolved to either an exchange or a queue by querying
the broker.
The subject is set as a property on the message. Additionally, if
the name refers to an exchange, the routing key is set to the
The following regular expressions define the tokens used to parse
NUMBER: [+-]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+
ID: [a-zA-Z_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_])?
STRING: "(?:[^\\\\"]|\\\\.)*"|\'(?:[^\\\\\']|\\\\.)*\'
ESC: \\\\[^ux]|\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]|\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]
SYM: [.#*%@$^!+-]
WSPACE: [ \\n\\r\\t]+
The formal grammar for addresses is given below::
address = name [ "/" subject ] [ ";" options ]
name = ( part | quoted )+
subject = ( part | quoted | "/" )*
quoted = STRING / ESC
options = map
map = "{" ( keyval ( "," keyval )* )? "}"
keyval = ID ":" value
value = NUMBER / STRING / ID / map / list
list = "[" ( value ( "," value )* )? "]"
This grammar resuls in the following informal syntax::
<name> [ / <subject> ] [ ; <options> ]
Where options is::
{ <key> : <value>, ... }
And values may be:
- numbers
- single, double, or non quoted strings
- maps (dictionaries)
- lists
The options map permits the following parameters::
<name> [ / <subject> ] ; {
create: always | sender | receiver | never,
delete: always | sender | receiver | never,
assert: always | sender | receiver | never,
mode: browse | consume,
node: {
type: queue | topic,
durable: True | False,
x-declare: { ... <declare-overrides> ... },
x-bindings: [<binding_1>, ... <binding_n>]
link: {
name: <link-name>,
durable: True | False,
reliability: unreliable | at-most-once | at-least-once | exactly-once,
x-declare: { ... <declare-overrides> ... },
x-bindings: [<binding_1>, ... <binding_n>],
x-subscribe: { ... <subscribe-overrides> ... }
Bindings are specified as a map with the following options::
exchange: <exchange>,
queue: <queue>,
key: <key>,
arguments: <arguments>
The create, delete, and assert policies specify who should perfom
the associated action:
- I{always}: the action will always be performed
- I{sender}: the action will only be performed by the sender
- I{receiver}: the action will only be performed by the receiver
- I{never}: the action will never be performed (this is the default)
The node-type is one of:
- I{topic}: a topic node will default to the topic exchange,
x-declare may be used to specify other exchange types
- I{queue}: this is the default node-type
The x-declare map permits protocol specific keys and values to be
specified when exchanges or queues are declared. These keys and
values are passed through when creating a node or asserting facts
about an existing node.
A simple name resolves to any named node, usually a queue or a
A simple name with a subject will also resolve to a node, but the
presence of the subject will cause a sender using this address to
set the subject on outgoing messages, and receivers to filter based
on the subject::
A subject pattern can be used and will cause filtering if used by
the receiver. If used for a sender, the literal value gets set as
the subject::
In all the above cases, the address is resolved to an existing node.
If you want the node to be auto-created, then you can do the
following. By default nonexistent nodes are assumed to be queues::
my-queue; {create: always}
You can customize the properties of the queue::
my-queue; {create: always, node: {durable: True}}
You can create a topic instead if you want::
my-queue; {create: always, node: {type: topic}}
You can assert that the address resolves to a node with particular
my-transient-topic; {
assert: always,
node: {
type: topic,
durable: False
def __init__(self, connection, name, transactional):
super(Session, self).__init__()
self.connection = connection = name
self.log_id = "%x" % id(self)
self.transactional = transactional
self.committing = False
self.committed = True
self.aborting = False
self.aborted = False
self.next_sender_id = 0
self.senders = []
self.next_receiver_id = 0
self.receivers = []
self.outgoing = []
self.incoming = []
self.unacked = []
self.acked = []
# XXX: I hate this name.
self.ack_capacity = UNLIMITED
self.closing = False
self.closed = False
self._lock = connection._lock
self._msg_received_notify_handler = None
def __repr__(self):
return "<Session %s>" %
def _wait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
return self.connection._wait(predicate, timeout=timeout)
def _wakeup(self):
def check_error(self):
if self.error:
raise self.error
def get_error(self):
err = self.connection.get_error()
if err:
return err
return self.error
def _ewait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
result = self.connection._ewait(lambda: self.error or predicate(), timeout)
return result
def check_closed(self):
if self.closed:
raise SessionClosed()
def _notify_message_received(self, msg):
if self._msg_received_notify_handler:
# new callback parameter: the Session
except TypeError:
# backward compatibility with old API, no Session
def sender(self, target, **options):
Creates a L{Sender} that may be used to send L{Messages<Message>}
to the specified target.
@type target: str
@param target: the target to which messages will be sent
@rtype: Sender
@return: a new Sender for the specified target
target = _mangle(target)
sender = Sender(self, self.next_sender_id, target, options)
self.next_sender_id += 1
if not self.closed and self.connection._connected:
sender._ewait(lambda: sender.linked)
except LinkError, e:
raise e
return sender
def receiver(self, source, **options):
Creates a receiver that may be used to fetch L{Messages<Message>}
from the specified source.
@type source: str
@param source: the source of L{Messages<Message>}
@rtype: Receiver
@return: a new Receiver for the specified source
source = _mangle(source)
receiver = Receiver(self, self.next_receiver_id, source, options)
self.next_receiver_id += 1
if not self.closed and self.connection._connected:
receiver._ewait(lambda: receiver.linked)
except LinkError, e:
raise e
return receiver
def _count(self, predicate):
result = 0
for msg in self.incoming:
if predicate(msg):
result += 1
return result
def _peek(self, receiver):
for msg in self.incoming:
if msg._receiver == receiver:
return msg
def _pop(self, receiver):
i = 0
while i < len(self.incoming):
msg = self.incoming[i]
if msg._receiver == receiver:
del self.incoming[i]
return msg
i += 1
def _get(self, receiver, timeout=None):
if self._ewait(lambda: ((self._peek(receiver) is not None) or
self.closing or receiver.closed),
msg = self._pop(receiver)
if msg is not None:
msg._receiver.returned += 1
log.debug("RETR[%s]: %s", self.log_id, msg)
return msg
return None
def set_message_received_notify_handler(self, handler):
Register a callable that will be invoked when a Message arrives on the
@param handler: invoked by the driver thread when an error occurs.
@type handler: a callable object taking a Session instance as its only
@return: None
@note: When using this method it is recommended to also register
asynchronous error callbacks on all endpoint objects. Doing so will cause
the application to be notified if an error is raised by the driver
thread. This is necessary as after a driver error occurs the message received
callback may never be invoked again. See
@warning: B{Use with caution} This callback is invoked in the context of
the driver thread. It is B{NOT} safe to call B{ANY} of the public
messaging APIs from within this callback, including any of the passed
Session's methods. The intent of the handler is to provide an efficient
way to notify the application that a message has arrived. This can be
useful for those applications that need to schedule a task to poll for
received messages without blocking in the messaging API. The scheduled
task may then retrieve the message using L{next_receiver} and
self._msg_received_notify_handler = handler
def set_message_received_handler(self, handler):
"""@deprecated: Use L{set_message_received_notify_handler} instead.
self._msg_received_notify_handler = handler
def next_receiver(self, timeout=None):
if self._ecwait(lambda: self.incoming, timeout):
return self.incoming[0]._receiver
raise Empty
def acknowledge(self, message=None, disposition=None, sync=True):
Acknowledge the given L{Message}. If message is None, then all
unacknowledged messages on the session are acknowledged.
@type message: Message
@param message: the message to acknowledge or None
@type sync: boolean
@param sync: if true then block until the message(s) are acknowledged
if message is None:
messages = self.unacked[:]
messages = [message]
for m in messages:
if self.ack_capacity is not UNLIMITED:
if self.ack_capacity <= 0:
# XXX: this is currently a SendError, maybe it should be a SessionError?
raise InsufficientCapacity("ack_capacity = %s" % self.ack_capacity)
self._ecwait(lambda: len(self.acked) < self.ack_capacity)
m._disposition = disposition
if sync:
self._ecwait(lambda: not [m for m in messages if m in self.acked])
def commit(self, timeout=None):
Commit outstanding transactional work. This consists of all
message sends and receives since the prior commit or rollback.
if not self.transactional:
raise NontransactionalSession()
self.committing = True
if not self._ecwait(lambda: not self.committing, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("commit timed out")
except TransactionError:
except Exception, e:
self.error = TransactionAborted(text="Transaction aborted: %s"%e)
raise self.error
if self.aborted:
raise TransactionAborted()
assert self.committed
def rollback(self, timeout=None):
Rollback outstanding transactional work. This consists of all
message sends and receives since the prior commit or rollback.
if not self.transactional:
raise NontransactionalSession()
self.aborting = True
if not self._ecwait(lambda: not self.aborting, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("rollback timed out")
assert self.aborted
def sync(self, timeout=None):
Sync the session.
for snd in self.senders:
if not self._ewait(lambda: not self.outgoing and not self.acked, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("session sync timed out")
def close(self, timeout=None):
Close the session.
if self.error: return
for link in self.receivers + self.senders:
if not self.closing:
self.closing = True
if not self._ewait(lambda: self.closed, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("session close timed out")
class MangledString(str): pass
def _mangle(addr):
if addr and addr.startswith("#"):
return MangledString(str(uuid4()) + addr)
return addr
class Sender(Endpoint):
Sends outgoing messages.
def __init__(self, session, id, target, options):
super(Sender, self).__init__()
self.session = session = id = target
self.options = options
self.capacity = options.get("capacity", UNLIMITED)
self.threshold = 0.5
self.durable = options.get("durable")
self.queued = Serial(0)
self.synced = Serial(0)
self.acked = Serial(0)
self.linked = False
self.closing = False
self.closed = False
self._lock = self.session._lock
def _wakeup(self):
def check_error(self):
if self.error:
raise self.error
def get_error(self):
err = self.session.get_error()
if err:
return err
return self.error
def _ewait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
result = self.session._ewait(lambda: self.error or predicate(), timeout)
return result
def check_closed(self):
if self.closed:
raise LinkClosed()
def unsettled(self):
Returns the number of messages awaiting acknowledgment.
@rtype: int
@return: the number of unacknowledged messages
return self.queued - self.acked
def available(self):
if self.capacity is UNLIMITED:
return self.capacity - self.unsettled()
def send(self, object, sync=True, timeout=None):
Send a message. If the object passed in is of type L{unicode},
L{str}, L{list}, or L{dict}, it will automatically be wrapped in a
L{Message} and sent. If it is of type L{Message}, it will be sent
directly. If the sender capacity is not L{UNLIMITED} then send
will block until there is available capacity to send the message.
If the timeout parameter is specified, then send will throw an
L{InsufficientCapacity} exception if capacity does not become
available within the specified time.
@type object: unicode, str, list, dict, Message
@param object: the message or content to send
@type sync: boolean
@param sync: if true then block until the message is sent
@type timeout: float
@param timeout: the time to wait for available capacity
if not self.session.connection._connected or self.session.closing:
raise Detached()
self._ecwait(lambda: self.linked, timeout=timeout)
if isinstance(object, Message):
message = object
message = Message(object)
if message.durable is None:
message.durable = self.durable
if self.capacity is not UNLIMITED:
if self.capacity <= 0:
raise InsufficientCapacity("capacity = %s" % self.capacity)
if not self._ecwait(self.available, timeout=timeout):
raise InsufficientCapacity("capacity = %s" % self.capacity)
# XXX: what if we send the same message to multiple senders?
message._sender = self
if self.capacity is not UNLIMITED:
message._sync = sync or self.available() <= int(ceil(self.threshold*self.capacity))
message._sync = sync
self.queued += 1
if sync:
assert message not in self.session.outgoing
def sync(self, timeout=None):
mno = self.queued
if self.synced < mno:
self.synced = mno
if not self._ewait(lambda: self.acked >= mno, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("sender sync timed out")
except ContentError:
# clean bad message so we can continue
self.acked = mno
def close(self, timeout=None):
Close the Sender.
# avoid erroring out when closing a sender that was never
# established
if self.acked < self.queued:
if not self.closing:
self.closing = True
if not self.session._ewait(lambda: self.closed, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("sender close timed out")
except ValueError:
class Receiver(Endpoint):
Receives incoming messages from a remote source. Messages may be
fetched with L{fetch}.
def __init__(self, session, id, source, options):
super(Receiver, self).__init__()
self.session = session = id
self.source = source
self.options = options
self.granted = Serial(0)
self.draining = False
self.impending = Serial(0)
self.received = Serial(0)
self.returned = Serial(0)
self.linked = False
self.closing = False
self.closed = False
self._lock = self.session._lock
self._capacity = 0
self._set_capacity(options.get("capacity", 0), False)
self.threshold = 0.5
def _set_capacity(self, c, wakeup=True):
if c is UNLIMITED:
self._capacity = c.value
self._capacity = c
if wakeup:
def _get_capacity(self):
if self._capacity == UNLIMITED.value:
return self._capacity
capacity = property(_get_capacity, _set_capacity)
def _wakeup(self):
def check_error(self):
if self.error:
raise self.error
def get_error(self):
err = self.session.get_error()
if err:
return err
return self.error
def _ewait(self, predicate, timeout=None):
result = self.session._ewait(lambda: self.error or predicate(), timeout)
return result
def check_closed(self):
if self.closed:
raise LinkClosed()
def unsettled(self):
Returns the number of acknowledged messages awaiting confirmation.
return len([m for m in self.session.acked if m._receiver is self])
def available(self):
Returns the number of messages available to be fetched by the
@rtype: int
@return: the number of available messages
return self.received - self.returned
def fetch(self, timeout=None):
Fetch and return a single message. A timeout of None will block
forever waiting for a message to arrive, a timeout of zero will
return immediately if no messages are available.
@type timeout: float
@param timeout: the time to wait for a message to be available
self._ecwait(lambda: self.linked)
if self._capacity == 0:
self.granted = self.returned + 1
self._ecwait(lambda: self.impending >= self.granted)
msg = self.session._get(self, timeout=timeout)
if msg is None:
self.draining = True
self._ecwait(lambda: not self.draining)
msg = self.session._get(self, timeout=0)
if msg is None:
raise Empty()
elif self._capacity not in (0, UNLIMITED.value):
t = int(ceil(self.threshold * self._capacity))
if self.received - self.returned <= t:
self.granted = self.returned + self._capacity
return msg
def _grant(self):
if self._capacity == UNLIMITED.value:
self.granted = UNLIMITED
self.granted = self.returned + self._capacity
def close(self, timeout=None):
Close the receiver.
if not self.closing:
self.closing = True
if not self.session._ewait(lambda: self.closed, timeout=timeout):
raise Timeout("receiver close timed out")
except ValueError:
__all__ = ["Connection", "Endpoint", "Session", "Sender", "Receiver"]