QPID-7423: Use generator expression for chunking of big content
1 file changed
tree: 83138f9fe0c3c54bbdbe43db02bfaf22732ee2fa
  1. examples/
  2. mllib/
  3. qpid/
  4. qpid_tests/
  5. .gitignore
  6. LICENSE.txt
  7. MANIFEST.in
  8. NOTICE.txt
  9. qpid-python-test
  10. qpid-python-test-ant.xml
  11. qpid-python-test.bat
  12. README.md
  13. setup.py

Qpid Python

This distribution contains a Python client implementation and AMQP conformance tests for Apache Qpid.

You can read more about Qpid here:


Documentation can be found here:


Getting started

  1. Make sure the Qpid Python client libraries are on your PYTHONPATH. Extract the archive and add the local directory to your PYTHONPATH:

     $ tar -xf qpid-python-VERSION.tar.gz
     $ cd qpid-python-VERSION
  2. Make sure a broker is running.

  3. Run the ‘hello’ example from examples/api:

     $ cd examples/api
     $ ./hello
     Hello world!


The examples directory contains sample programs. See examples/README.txt for more information.

Running the tests

The tests directory contains a collection of unit tests for the Python client. The tests_0-10, tests_0-9, and tests_0-8 directories contain protocol-level conformance tests for brokers that speak the specified AMQP version.

The qpid-python-test script may be used to run these tests. It will by default run the Python unit tests and the 0-10 conformance tests:

  1. Run a broker on the default port.

  2. Run the tests:

     $ ./qpid-python-test

If you wish to run the 0-8 or 0-9 conformence tests, they may be selected as follows:

  1. Run a broker on the default port.

  2. Run the tests:

     $ ./qpid-python-test tests_0-8.*
     $ ./qpid-python-test tests_0-9.*

See the qpid-python-test command-line help for for additional options:

$ ./qpid-python-test -h


Other Qpid components depend on Qpid Python for testing. You can use setup.py to install Qpid Python to a standard location:

# User-local install

$ python setup.py install --user
$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
$ export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH


# System-wide install

$ sudo python setup.py install