blob: 1d97a607ec8abd9c1ea8dba897ef8631f9382c7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client.exceptions.ClientException;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client.impl.ClientMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.client.impl.ClientMessageSupport;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.messaging.AmqpSequence;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.messaging.AmqpValue;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.messaging.Data;
import org.apache.qpid.protonj2.types.messaging.Section;
* Message object that provides a high level abstraction to raw AMQP types
* @param <E> The type of the message body that this message carries
public interface Message<E> {
* Create and return an {@link Message} that will carry no body {@link Section}
* unless one is assigned by the caller.
* @param <E> The type that the message body should be treated as.
* @return a new {@link Message} instance with an empty body {@link Section}.
static <E> Message<E> create() {
return ClientMessage.create();
* Create and return an {@link Message} that will wrap the given {@link Object} in
* an {@link AmqpValue} section.
* @param <E> The type that the message body should be treated as.
* @param body
* An object that will be wrapped in an {@link AmqpValue} body section.
* @return a new {@link Message} instance with a body containing the given value.
static <E> Message<E> create(E body) {
return ClientMessage.create(new AmqpValue<>(body));
* Create and return an {@link Message} that will wrap the given byte array in
* an {@link Data} section.
* @param body
* An byte array that will be wrapped in an {@link Data} body section.
* @return a new {@link Message} instance with a body containing the given byte array.
static Message<byte[]> create(byte[] body) {
return ClientMessage.create(new Data(body));
* Create and return an {@link Message} that will wrap the given {@link List} in
* an {@link AmqpSequence} section.
* @param <E> The type that the List elements should be treated as.
* @param body
* An List that will be wrapped in an {@link AmqpSequence} body section.
* @return a new {@link Message} instance with a body containing the given List.
static <E> Message<List<E>> create(List<E> body) {
return ClientMessage.create(new AmqpSequence<>(body));
* Create and return an {@link Message} that will wrap the given {@link Map} in
* an {@link AmqpValue} section.
* @param <K> the type that the {@link Map} keys should be treated as.
* @param <V> the type that the {@link Map} values should be treated as.
* @param body
* An Map that will be wrapped in an {@link AmqpValue} body section.
* @return a new {@link Message} instance with a body containing the given Map.
static <K, V> Message<Map<K, V>> create(Map<K, V> body) {
return ClientMessage.create(new AmqpValue<>(body));
//----- Message specific APIs
* Safely convert this {@link Message} instance into an {@link AdvancedMessage} reference
* which can offer more low level APIs to an experienced client user.
* <p>
* The default implementation first checks if the current instance is already of the correct
* type before performing a brute force conversion of the current message to the client's
* own internal {@link AdvancedMessage} implementation. Users should override this method
* if the internal conversion implementation is insufficient to obtain the proper message
* structure to encode a meaningful 'on the wire' encoding of their custom implementation.
* @return a {@link AdvancedMessage} that contains this message's current state.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the {@link Message} implementation cannot be converted
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while converting the message to an {@link AdvancedMessage}/
default AdvancedMessage<E> toAdvancedMessage() throws ClientException {
if (this instanceof AdvancedMessage) {
return (AdvancedMessage<E>) this;
} else {
return ClientMessageSupport.convertMessage(this);
//----- AMQP Header Section
* For an message being sent this method returns the current state of the
* durable flag on the message. For a received message this method returns
* the durable flag value at the time of sending (or false if not set) unless
* the value is updated after being received by the receiver.
* @return true if the Message is marked as being durable
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
boolean durable() throws ClientException;
* Controls if the message is marked as durable when sent.
* @param durable
* value assigned to the durable flag for this message.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> durable(boolean durable) throws ClientException;
* @return the currently configured priority or the default if none set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
byte priority() throws ClientException;
* Sets the relative message priority. Higher numbers indicate higher priority messages.
* Messages with higher priorities MAY be delivered before those with lower priorities.
* For a received message this overwrites any value that was set by the remote sender.
* @param priority
* The priority value to assign this message.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> priority(byte priority) throws ClientException;
* @return the currently set Time To Live duration (milliseconds).
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
long timeToLive() throws ClientException;
* Sets the message time to live value.
* <p>
* The time to live duration in milliseconds for which the message is to be considered "live".
* If this is set then a message expiration time will be computed based on the time of arrival
* at an intermediary. Messages that live longer than their expiration time will be discarded
* (or dead lettered). When a message is transmitted by an intermediary that was received with a
* time to live, the transmitted message's header SHOULD contain a time to live that is computed
* as the difference between the current time and the formerly computed message expiration time,
* i.e., the reduced time to live, so that messages will eventually die if they end up in a
* delivery loop.
* @param timeToLive
* The time span in milliseconds that this message should remain live before being discarded.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> timeToLive(long timeToLive) throws ClientException;
* @return if this message has been acquired by another link previously
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
boolean firstAcquirer() throws ClientException;
* Sets the value to assign to the first acquirer field of this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* If this value is true, then this message has not been acquired by any other link. If this
* value is false, then this message MAY have previously been acquired by another link or links.
* @param firstAcquirer
* The boolean value to assign to the first acquirer field of the message.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> firstAcquirer(boolean firstAcquirer) throws ClientException;
* @return the number of failed delivery attempts that this message has been part of.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
long deliveryCount() throws ClientException;
* Sets the value to assign to the delivery count field of this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* Delivery count is the number of unsuccessful previous attempts to deliver this message.
* If this value is non-zero it can be taken as an indication that the delivery might be a
* duplicate. On first delivery, the value is zero. It is incremented upon an outcome being
* settled at the sender, according to rules defined for each outcome.
* @param deliveryCount
* The new delivery count value to assign to this message.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> deliveryCount(long deliveryCount) throws ClientException;
//----- AMQP Properties Section
* @return the currently set Message ID or null if none set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
Object messageId() throws ClientException;
* Sets the message Id value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The message Id, if set, uniquely identifies a message within the message system. The message
* producer is usually responsible for setting the message-id in such a way that it is assured to
* be globally unique. A remote peer MAY discard a message as a duplicate if the value of the
* message-id matches that of a previously received message sent to the same node.
* @param messageId
* The message Id value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> messageId(Object messageId) throws ClientException;
* @return the currently set User ID or null if none set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
byte[] userId() throws ClientException;
* Sets the user Id value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The identity of the user responsible for producing the message. The client sets this value,
* and it MAY be authenticated by intermediaries.
* @param userId
* The user Id value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> userId(byte[] userId) throws ClientException;
* @return the currently set 'To' address which indicates the intended destination of the message.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String to() throws ClientException;
* Sets the 'to' value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The to field identifies the node that is the intended destination of the message. On any given
* transfer this might not be the node at the receiving end of the link.
* @param to
* The 'to' node value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> to(String to) throws ClientException;
* @return the currently set subject metadata for this message or null if none set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String subject() throws ClientException;
* Sets the subject value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* A common field for summary information about the message content and purpose.
* @param subject
* The subject node value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> subject(String subject) throws ClientException;
* @return the configured address of the node where replies to this message should be sent, or null if not set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String replyTo() throws ClientException;
* Sets the replyTo value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The address of the node to send replies to.
* @param replyTo
* The replyTo node value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> replyTo(String replyTo) throws ClientException;
* @return the currently assigned correlation ID or null if none set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
Object correlationId() throws ClientException;
* Sets the correlationId value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* This is a client-specific id that can be used to mark or identify messages between clients.
* @param correlationId
* The correlationId value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> correlationId(Object correlationId) throws ClientException;
* @return the assigned content type value for the message body section or null if not set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String contentType() throws ClientException;
* Sets the contentType value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The RFC-2046 MIME type for the message's application-data section (body). As per RFC-2046 this can
* contain a charset parameter defining the character encoding used: e.g., 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"'.
* <p>
* For clarity, as per section 7.2.1 of RFC-2616, where the content type is unknown the content-type
* SHOULD NOT be set. This allows the recipient the opportunity to determine the actual type. Where the
* section is known to be truly opaque binary data, the content-type SHOULD be set to application/octet-stream.
* <p>
* When using an application-data section with a section code other than data, content-type SHOULD NOT be set.
* @param contentType
* The contentType value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> contentType(String contentType) throws ClientException;
* @return the assigned content encoding value for the message body section or null if not set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String contentEncoding() throws ClientException;
* Sets the contentEncoding value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The content-encoding property is used as a modifier to the content-type. When present, its value
* indicates what additional content encodings have been applied to the application-data, and thus what
* decoding mechanisms need to be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the content-type
* header field.
* <p>
* Content-encoding is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of
* its underlying content type.
* <p>
* Content-encodings are to be interpreted as per section 3.5 of RFC 2616 [RFC2616]. Valid content-encodings
* are registered at IANA [IANAHTTPPARAMS].
* <p>
* The content-encoding MUST NOT be set when the application-data section is other than data. The binary
* representation of all other application-data section types is defined completely in terms of the AMQP
* type system.
* <p>
* Implementations MUST NOT use the identity encoding. Instead, implementations SHOULD NOT set this property.
* Implementations SHOULD NOT use the compress encoding, except as to remain compatible with messages originally
* sent with other protocols, e.g. HTTP or SMTP.
* <p>
* Implementations SHOULD NOT specify multiple content-encoding values except as to be compatible with messages
* originally sent with other protocols, e.g. HTTP or SMTP.
* <p>
* @param contentEncoding
* The contentEncoding value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<?> contentEncoding(String contentEncoding) throws ClientException;
* @return the configured absolute time of expiration for this message.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
long absoluteExpiryTime() throws ClientException;
* Sets the absolute expiration time value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* An absolute time when this message is considered to be expired.
* @param expiryTime
* The absolute expiration time value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> absoluteExpiryTime(long expiryTime) throws ClientException;
* @return the absolute time of creation for this message.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
long creationTime() throws ClientException;
* Sets the creation time value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* An absolute time when this message was created.
* @param createTime
* The creation time value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> creationTime(long createTime) throws ClientException;
* @return the assigned group ID for this message or null if not set.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String groupId() throws ClientException;
* Sets the groupId value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* Identifies the group the message belongs to.
* @param groupId
* The groupId value to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> groupId(String groupId) throws ClientException;
* @return the assigned group sequence for this message.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
int groupSequence() throws ClientException;
* Sets the group sequence value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* The relative position of this message within its group.
* @param groupSequence
* The group sequence to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> groupSequence(int groupSequence) throws ClientException;
* @return the client-specific id used so that client can send replies to this message to a specific group.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while reading the given value.
String replyToGroupId() throws ClientException;
* Sets the replyTo group Id value to assign to this {@link Message}.
* <p>
* This is a client-specific id that is used so that client can send replies to this message
* to a specific group.
* @param replyToGroupId
* The replyTo group Id to assign to this {@link Message} instance.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs while writing the given value.
Message<E> replyToGroupId(String replyToGroupId) throws ClientException;
//----- Message Annotations
* Returns the requested message annotation value from this {@link Message} if it exists
* or returns null otherwise.
* @param key
* The key of the message annotation to query for.
* @return the corresponding message annotation value of null if none was carried in this {@link Message}.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the message annotations in this {@link Message}.
Object annotation(String key) throws ClientException;
* Query the {@link Message} to determine if it carries the given message annotation key.
* @param key
* The key of the message annotation to query for.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Message carries the given message annotation.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the message annotations in this {@link Message}.
boolean hasAnnotation(String key) throws ClientException;
* Query the {@link Message} to determine if it carries any message annotations.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Message carries any message annotations.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the message annotations in this {@link Message}.
boolean hasAnnotations() throws ClientException;
* Removes the given message annotation from the values carried in the message currently, if none
* was present than this method returns <code>null</code>.
* @param key
* The key of the message annotation to query for removal.
* @return the message annotation value that was previously assigned to that key.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the message annotations in this {@link Message}.
Object removeAnnotation(String key) throws ClientException;
* Invokes the given {@link BiConsumer} on each message annotation entry carried in this {@link Message}.
* @param action
* The action that will be invoked on each message annotation entry.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the message annotations in this {@link Message}.
Message<E> forEachAnnotation(BiConsumer<String, Object> action) throws ClientException;
* Sets the given message annotation value at the given key, replacing any previous value
* that was assigned to this {@link Message}.
* @param key
* The message annotation key where the value is to be assigned.
* @param value
* The value to assign to the given message annotation key.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the message annotations in this {@link Message}.
Message<E> annotation(String key, Object value) throws ClientException;
//----- Application Properties
* Returns the requested application property value from this {@link Message} if it exists
* or returns null otherwise.
* @param key
* The key of the application property to query for.
* @return the corresponding application property value of null if none was carried in this {@link Message}.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the application properties in this {@link Message}.
Object property(String key) throws ClientException;
* Sets the given application property value at the given key, replacing any previous value
* that was assigned to this {@link Message}.
* @param key
* The application property key where the value is to be assigned.
* @param value
* The value to assign to the given application property key.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the application properties in this {@link Message}.
Message<E> property(String key, Object value) throws ClientException;
* Query the {@link Message} to determine if it carries the given application property key.
* @param key
* The key of the application property to query for.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Message carries the given application property.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the application properties in this {@link Message}.
boolean hasProperty(String key) throws ClientException;
* Query the {@link Message} to determine if it carries any application properties.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Message carries any application properties.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the application properties in this {@link Message}.
boolean hasProperties() throws ClientException;
* Removes the given application property from the values carried in the message currently, if none
* was present than this method returns <code>null</code>.
* @param key
* The key of the application property to query for removal.
* @return the application property value that was previously assigned to that key.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the application properties in this {@link Message}.
Object removeProperty(String key) throws ClientException;
* Invokes the given {@link BiConsumer} on each application property entry carried in this {@link Message}.
* @param action
* The action that will be invoked on each application property entry.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the application properties in this {@link Message}.
Message<E> forEachProperty(BiConsumer<String, Object> action) throws ClientException;
//----- Footer
* Returns the requested footer value from this {@link Message} if it exists or returns
* <code>null</code> otherwise.
* @param key
* The key of the footer to query for.
* @return the corresponding footer value of null if none was carried in this {@link Message}.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the footers in this {@link Message}.
Object footer(String key) throws ClientException;
* Query the {@link Message} to determine if it carries the given footer key.
* @param key
* The key of the footer to query for.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Message carries the given footer.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the footers in this {@link Message}.
boolean hasFooter(String key) throws ClientException;
* Query the {@link Message} to determine if it carries any footers.
* @return <code>true</code> if the Message carries any footers.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the footers in this {@link Message}.
boolean hasFooters() throws ClientException;
* Removes the given footer from the values carried in the message currently, if none
* was present than this method returns <code>null</code>.
* @param key
* The key of the footer to query for removal.
* @return the footer value that was previously assigned to that key.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the footers in this {@link Message}.
Object removeFooter(String key) throws ClientException;
* Invokes the given {@link BiConsumer} on each footer entry carried in this {@link Message}.
* @param action
* The action that will be invoked on each footer entry.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the footers in this {@link Message}.
Message<E> forEachFooter(BiConsumer<String, Object> action) throws ClientException;
* Sets the given footer value at the given key, replacing any previous value
* that was assigned to this {@link Message}.
* @param key
* The footer key where the value is to be assigned.
* @param value
* The value to assign to the given footer key.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if an error occurs accessing the footers in this {@link Message}.
Message<E> footer(String key, Object value) throws ClientException;
//----- AMQP Body Section
* Returns the body value that is conveyed in this message or null if no body was set locally
* or sent from the remote if this is an incoming message.
* @return the message body value or null if none present.
* @throws ClientException if the implementation can't provide a body for some reason.
E body() throws ClientException;
* Sets the body value that is to be conveyed to the remote when this message is sent.
* <p>
* The {@link Message} implementation will choose the AMQP {@link Section} to use to wrap
* the given value.
* @param value
* The value to assign to the given message body {@link Section}.
* @return this {@link Message} instance.
* @throws ClientException if the implementation cannot write to the body section for some reason..
Message<E> body(E value) throws ClientException;