blob: b1dd8b1de0f599b67f827d1799e3d8984faa3994 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "./scalar_base.hpp"
#include "proton/null.hpp"
#include <proton/type_compat.h>
/// @file
/// @copybrief proton::scalar
namespace proton {
/// A holder for an instance of any scalar AMQP type.
/// @see @ref types_page
class scalar : public scalar_base {
/// Create an empty scalar.
PN_CPP_EXTERN scalar() {}
/// Construct from any scalar type.
template <class T> scalar(const T& x) { *this = x; }
/// Assign from any scalar type.
template <class T> scalar& operator=(const T& x) { put(x); return *this; }
/// Clear the scalar, making it empty().
void clear() { *this = null(); }
/// Get a contained value of type T. For example:
/// uint64_t i = get<uint64_t>(x)
/// This will succeed if and only if x contains a uint64_t value.
/// @throw conversion_error if contained value is not of type T.
/// @relatedalso scalar
template<class T> T get(const scalar& s) { return internal::get<T>(s); }
/// Coerce the contained value to type T. For example:
/// uint64_t i = coerce<uint64_t>(x)
/// This will succeed if x contains any numeric value, but may lose
/// precision if it contains a float or double value.
/// @throw conversion_error if the value cannot be converted to T
/// according to `std::is_convertible`
/// @relatedalso scalar
template<class T> T coerce(const scalar& x) { return internal::coerce<T>(x); }
/// Coerce the contained value to type T. For example:
/// uint64_t i = coerce<uint64_t>(x)
/// This will succeed if x contains any numeric value, but may lose
/// precision if it contains a float or double value.
/// @throw conversion_error if the value cannot be converted to T
/// according to `std::is_convertible`
/// @relatedalso scalar
template<class T> T coerce(scalar& x) { return internal::coerce<T>(x); }
} // proton