blob: 580b201a0e771f7250242fa8ef655b68eb74df9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#include "./duration.hpp"
#include "./fwd.hpp"
#include "./function.hpp"
#include "./internal/config.hpp"
#include "./internal/export.hpp"
#include "./internal/pn_unique_ptr.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
struct pn_connection_t;
struct pn_session_t;
struct pn_link_t;
/// @file
/// @copybrief proton::work_queue
namespace proton {
/// @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal { namespace v03 {
struct invocable {
invocable() {}
virtual ~invocable() {}
virtual invocable& clone() const = 0;
virtual void operator() () = 0;
template <class T>
struct invocable_cloner : invocable {
virtual ~invocable_cloner() {}
virtual invocable& clone() const {
return *new T(static_cast<T const&>(*this));
struct invocable_wrapper {
invocable_wrapper(): wrapped_(0) {}
invocable_wrapper(const invocable_wrapper& w): wrapped_(&w.wrapped_->clone()) {}
invocable_wrapper& operator=(const invocable_wrapper& that) {
invocable_wrapper newthis(that);
std::swap(wrapped_, newthis.wrapped_);
return *this;
invocable_wrapper(invocable_wrapper&& w): wrapped_(w.wrapped_) {}
invocable_wrapper& operator=(invocable_wrapper&& that) {delete wrapped_; wrapped_ = that.wrapped_; return *this; }
~invocable_wrapper() { delete wrapped_; }
invocable_wrapper(const invocable& i): wrapped_(&i.clone()) {}
void operator()() { (*wrapped_)(); }
invocable* wrapped_;
/// **Unsettled API** - A work item for a @ref work_queue "work queue".
/// It can be created from a function that takes no parameters and
/// returns no value.
class work {
/// Create a work item.
work() {}
work(const invocable& i): item_(i) {}
/// Invoke the work item.
void operator()() { item_(); }
~work() {}
invocable_wrapper item_;
// Utilities to make work from functions/member functions (C++03 version)
// Lots of repetition to handle functions/member functions with up to 3 arguments
template <class R>
struct work0 : public invocable_cloner<work0<R> > {
R (* fn_)();
work0(R (* f)()) :
fn_(f) {}
void operator()() {
template <class R, class A>
struct work1 : public invocable_cloner<work1<R,A> > {
R (* fn_)(A);
A a_;
work1(R (* t)(A), A a) :
fn_(t), a_(a) {}
void operator()() {
template <class R, class A, class B>
struct work2 : public invocable_cloner<work2<R,A,B> > {
R (* fn_)(A, B);
A a_;
B b_;
work2(R (* t)(A, B), A a, B b) :
fn_(t), a_(a), b_(b) {}
void operator()() {
(*fn_)(a_, b_);
template <class R, class A, class B, class C>
struct work3 : public invocable_cloner<work3<R,A,B,C> > {
R (* fn_)(A, B, C);
A a_;
B b_;
C c_;
work3(R (* t)(A, B, C), A a, B b, C c) :
fn_(t), a_(a), b_(b), c_(c) {}
void operator()() {
(*fn_)(a_, b_, c_);
template <class R, class T>
struct work_pmf0 : public invocable_cloner<work_pmf0<R,T> > {
T& holder_;
R (T::* fn_)();
work_pmf0(R (T::* a)(), T& h) :
holder_(h), fn_(a) {}
void operator()() {
template <class R, class T, class A>
struct work_pmf1 : public invocable_cloner<work_pmf1<R,T,A> > {
T& holder_;
R (T::* fn_)(A);
A a_;
work_pmf1(R (T::* t)(A), T& h, A a) :
holder_(h), fn_(t), a_(a) {}
void operator()() {
template <class R, class T, class A, class B>
struct work_pmf2 : public invocable_cloner<work_pmf2<R,T,A,B> > {
T& holder_;
R (T::* fn_)(A, B);
A a_;
B b_;
work_pmf2(R (T::* t)(A, B), T& h, A a, B b) :
holder_(h), fn_(t), a_(a), b_(b) {}
void operator()() {
(holder_.*fn_)(a_, b_);
template <class R, class T, class A, class B, class C>
struct work_pmf3 : public invocable_cloner<work_pmf3<R,T,A,B,C> > {
T& holder_;
R (T::* fn_)(A, B, C);
A a_;
B b_;
C c_;
work_pmf3(R (T::* t)(A, B, C), T& h, A a, B b, C c) :
holder_(h), fn_(t), a_(a), b_(b), c_(c) {}
void operator()() {
(holder_.*fn_)(a_, b_, c_);
/// `make_work` is the equivalent of C++11 `std::bind` for C++03. It
/// will bind both free functions and pointers to member functions.
template <class R, class T>
work make_work(R (T::*f)(), T* t) {
return work_pmf0<R, T>(f, *t);
template <class R, class T, class A>
work make_work(R (T::*f)(A), T* t, A a) {
return work_pmf1<R, T, A>(f, *t, a);
template <class R, class T, class A, class B>
work make_work(R (T::*f)(A, B), T* t, A a, B b) {
return work_pmf2<R, T, A, B>(f, *t, a, b);
template <class R, class T, class A, class B, class C>
work make_work(R (T::*f)(A, B, C), T* t, A a, B b, C c) {
return work_pmf3<R, T, A, B, C>(f, *t, a, b, c);
template <class R>
work make_work(R (*f)()) {
return work0<R>(f);
template <class R, class A>
work make_work(R (*f)(A), A a) {
return work1<R, A>(f, a);
template <class R, class A, class B>
work make_work(R (*f)(A, B), A a, B b) {
return work2<R, A, B>(f, a, b);
template <class R, class A, class B, class C>
work make_work(R (*f)(A, B, C), A a, B b, C c) {
return work3<R, A, B, C>(f, a, b, c);
} } // internal::v03
namespace internal { namespace v11 {
class work {
/// **Unsettled API**
work() {}
/// **Unsettled API**
/// Construct a unit of work from anything
/// function-like that takes no arguments and returns
/// no result.
template <class T,
// Make sure we don't match the copy or move constructors
class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type,work>::value>::type
work(T&& f): item_(std::forward<T>(f)) {}
/// **Unsettled API**
/// Execute the piece of work
void operator()() { item_(); }
~work() {}
std::function<void()> item_;
/// **Unsettled API** - Make a unit of work.
/// Make a unit of work from either a function or a member function
/// and an object pointer.
/// **C++ versions** - This C++11 version is just a wrapper for
/// `std::bind`.
template <class... Rest>
work make_work(Rest&&... r) {
return std::bind(std::forward<Rest>(r)...);
} } // internal::v11
using internal::v11::work;
using internal::v11::make_work;
using internal::v03::work;
using internal::v03::make_work;
/// @endcond
/// **Unsettled API** - A context for thread-safe execution of work.
/// Event-handler functions associated with a single
/// `proton::connection` are called in sequence. The connection's
/// `proton::work_queue` allows you to "inject" extra work from
/// any thread and have it executed in the same sequence.
/// You may also create arbitrary `proton::work_queue` objects backed
/// by a @ref container that allow other objects to have their own
/// serialised work queues that can have work injected safely from
/// other threads. The @ref container ensures that the work is
/// correctly serialised.
/// The `proton::work` class represents the work to be queued and can
/// be created from a function that takes no parameters and returns no
/// value.
class PN_CPP_CLASS_EXTERN work_queue {
/// @cond INTERNAL
class impl;
work_queue& operator=(impl* i);
/// @endcond
/// **Unsettled API** - Create a work queue.
PN_CPP_EXTERN work_queue();
/// **Unsettled API** - Create a work queue backed by a container.
PN_CPP_EXTERN work_queue(container&);
PN_CPP_EXTERN ~work_queue();
/// **Unsettled API** - Add work `fn` to the work queue.
/// Work `fn` will be called serially with other work in the queue.
/// The work may be deferred and executed in another thread.
/// @return true if `fn` has been or will be called; false if the
/// event loops is ended or `fn` cannot be injected for any other
/// reason.
PN_CPP_EXTERN bool add(work fn);
/// **Deprecated** - Use `add(work)`.
PN_CPP_EXTERN PN_CPP_DEPRECATED("Use 'work_queue::add(work)'") bool add(void_function0& fn);
/// **Unsettled API** - Add work `fn` to the work queue after a
/// duration.
/// Scheduled execution is "best effort". It may not be possible
/// to inject the work after the elapsed duration. There will be
/// no indication of this.
/// @copydetails add()
PN_CPP_EXTERN void schedule(duration, work fn);
/// **Deprecated** - Use `schedule(duration, work)`.
PN_CPP_EXTERN PN_CPP_DEPRECATED("Use 'work_queue::schedule(duration, work)'") void schedule(duration, void_function0& fn);
/// Declare both v03 and v11 if compiling with c++11 as the library contains both.
/// A C++11 user should never call the v03 overload so it is private in this case
PN_CPP_EXTERN bool add(internal::v03::work fn);
PN_CPP_EXTERN void schedule(duration, internal::v03::work fn);
PN_CPP_EXTERN static work_queue& get(pn_connection_t*);
PN_CPP_EXTERN static work_queue& get(pn_session_t*);
PN_CPP_EXTERN static work_queue& get(pn_link_t*);
internal::pn_unique_ptr<impl> impl_;
/// @cond INTERNAL
friend class container;
friend class io::connection_driver;
/// @endcond
} // proton