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#include "scalar_test.hpp"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace proton;
using test::many;
using test::scalar_test_group;
// Inserting and extracting arrays from a container T of type U
template <class T> void sequence_test(
type_id tid, const many<typename T::value_type>& values, const string& s)
T x(values.begin(), values.end());
value vx(x); // construct
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, vx.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(vx));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(vx));
T y;
get(vx, y); // Two argument get.
T y;
coerce(vx, y); // Two argument coerce.
value v2; // assign
v2 = x;
ASSERT_EQUAL(tid, v2.type());
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, get<T>(v2));
ASSERT_EQUAL(x, coerce<T>(v2));
T y(x);
typename T::iterator it = y.begin();
*y.begin() = *(++it); // Second element is bigger so y is lexicographically bigger than x
value vy(y);
ASSERT(vx != vy);
ASSERT(vx < vy);
ASSERT(vy > vx);
ASSERT_EQUAL(s, to_string(vx));
template <class T, class U> void map_test(const U& values, const string& s) {
T m(values.begin(), values.end());
value v(m);
ASSERT_EQUAL(MAP, v.type());
T m2(get<T>(v));
ASSERT_EQUAL(m.size(), m2.size());
if (!s.empty())
ASSERT_EQUAL(s, to_string(v));
void null_test() {
proton::null n;
ASSERT_EQUAL("null", to_string(n));
std::vector<proton::value> nulls(2, n);
ASSERT_EQUAL("[null, null]", to_string(nulls));
std::vector<proton::null> nulls1(2, n);
ASSERT_EQUAL("@PN_NULL[null, null]", to_string(nulls1));
std::vector<proton::value> vs;
ASSERT_EQUAL("[null, [null, null], @PN_NULL[null, null]]", to_string(vs));
std::map<proton::value, proton::value> vm;
vm[n] = 1;
vm[nulls1] = 2;
vm[nulls] = 3;
// Different types compare by type-id, so NULL < ARRAY < LIST
ASSERT_EQUAL("{null=1, @PN_NULL[null, null]=2, [null, null]=3}", to_string(vm));
std::map<proton::scalar, proton::scalar> vm2;
vm2[n] = 1; // Different types compare by type-id, NULL is smallest
vm2[2] = n;
ASSERT_EQUAL("{null=1, 2=null}", to_string(vm2));
proton::value nn = nullptr;
ASSERT(n == nn); // Don't use ASSERT_EQUAL, it will try to print
ASSERT_EQUAL("null", to_string(nn));
std::vector<std::nullptr_t> nulls2 {nullptr, nullptr};
ASSERT_EQUAL("@PN_NULL[null, null]", to_string(nulls2));
std::map<proton::scalar, proton::scalar> m {{nullptr, nullptr}};
ASSERT_EQUAL("{null=null}", to_string(m));
std::map<proton::value, proton::value> m2 {{nullptr, nullptr}};
ASSERT_EQUAL("{null=null}", to_string(m2));
int main(int, char**) {
try {
int failed = 0;
// Sequence tests
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<list<bool> >(
ARRAY, many<bool>() + false + true, "@PN_BOOL[false, true]"));
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<vector<int> >(
ARRAY, many<int>() + -1 + 2, "@PN_INT[-1, 2]"));
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<deque<string> >(
ARRAY, many<string>() + "a" + "b", "@PN_STRING[\"a\", \"b\"]"));
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<deque<symbol> >(
ARRAY, many<symbol>() + "a" + "b", "@PN_SYMBOL[:a, :b]"));
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<vector<value> >(
LIST, many<value>() + value(0) + value("a"), "[0, \"a\"]"));
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<vector<scalar> >(
LIST, many<scalar>() + scalar(0) + scalar("a"), "[0, \"a\"]"));
// // Map tests
typedef pair<string, uint64_t> si_pair;
many<si_pair> si_pairs;
si_pairs << si_pair("a", 0) << si_pair("b", 1) << si_pair("c", 2);
RUN_TEST(failed, (map_test<map<string, uint64_t> >(
si_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, \"c\"=2}")));
RUN_TEST(failed, (map_test<vector<si_pair> >(
si_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, \"c\"=2}")));
many<std::pair<value,value> > value_pairs(si_pairs);
RUN_TEST(failed, (map_test<map<value, value> >(
value_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, \"c\"=2}")));
many<pair<scalar,scalar> > scalar_pairs(si_pairs);
RUN_TEST(failed, (map_test<map<scalar, scalar> >(
scalar_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, \"c\"=2}")));
annotation_key ak(si_pairs[0].first);
pair<annotation_key, message_id> p(si_pairs[0]);
many<pair<annotation_key, message_id> > restricted_pairs(si_pairs);
RUN_TEST(failed, (map_test<map<annotation_key, message_id> >(
restricted_pairs, "{:a=0, :b=1, :c=2}")));
RUN_TEST(failed, null_test());
RUN_TEST(failed, sequence_test<forward_list<binary> >(
ARRAY, many<binary>() + binary("xx") + binary("yy"), "@PN_BINARY[b\"xx\", b\"yy\"]"));
RUN_TEST(failed, (map_test<unordered_map<string, uint64_t> >(si_pairs, "")));
return failed;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "ERROR in main(): " << e.what() << std::endl;