blob: 213dbe73efd6bfd406d55bbd0d55543697c016c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "./fwd.hpp"
#include "./internal/export.hpp"
/// @file
/// @copybrief proton::messaging_handler
namespace proton {
/// Handler for Proton messaging events.
/// Subclass and override the event-handling member functions.
/// **Thread-safety**: A thread-safe handler can use the objects
/// passed as arguments, and other objects belonging to the same
/// proton::connection. It *must not* use objects belonging to a
/// different connection. See @ref mt_page and proton::work_queue for
/// safe ways to communicate between connections. Thread-safe
/// handlers can also be used in single-threaded code.
/// **Single-threaded only**: An application is single-threaded if it
/// calls container::run() exactly once, and only makes make proton
/// calls from handler functions. Single-threaded handler functions
/// can use objects belonging to another connection, but *must* call
/// connection::wake() on the other connection before returning. Such
/// a handler is not thread-safe.
/// ### Overview of connection life-cycle and automatic re-connect
/// See the documentation of individual event functions for more details.
/// on_connection_open() - @copybrief on_connection_open()
/// on_transport_error() -@copybrief on_transport_error()
/// on_connection_error() - @copybrief on_connection_error()
/// on_connection_close() - @copybrief on_connection_close()
/// on_transport_close() - @copybrief on_transport_close()
/// @see reconnect_options
PN_CPP_CLASS_EXTERN messaging_handler {
PN_CPP_EXTERN messaging_handler();
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual ~messaging_handler();
/// The container event loop is starting.
/// This is the first event received after calling
/// `container::run()`.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_container_start(container&);
/// The container event loop is stopping.
/// This is the last event received before the container event
/// loop stops.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_container_stop(container&);
/// A message is received.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_message(delivery&, message&);
/// A message can be sent.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_sendable(sender&);
/// The underlying network transport is open
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_transport_open(transport&);
/// The final event for a connection: there will be no more
/// reconnect attempts and no more event functions.
/// Called exactly once regardless of how many times the connection
/// was re-connected, whether it failed due to transport or connection
/// errors or was closed without error.
/// This is a good place to do per-connection clean-up.
/// transport::connection() is always valid at this point.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_transport_close(transport&);
/// Unexpected disconnect, transport::error() provides details; if @ref
/// reconnect_options are enabled there may be an automatic re-connect.
/// If there is a successful automatic reconnect, on_connection_open() will
/// be called again.
/// transport::connection() is always valid at this point.
/// Calling connection::close() will cancel automatic re-connect and force
/// the transport to close immediately, see on_transport_close()
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_transport_error(transport&);
/// The remote peer opened the connection: called once on initial open, and
/// again on each successful automatic re-connect (see @ref
/// reconnect_options)
/// connection::reconnected() is false for the initial call, true for
/// any subsequent calls due to reconnect.
/// @note You can use the initial call to open initial @ref session, @ref
/// sender and @ref receiver endpoints. All active endpoints are *automatically*
/// re-opened after an automatic re-connect so you should take care
/// not to open them again, for example:
/// if (!c.reconnected()) {
/// // Do initial per-connection setup here.
/// // Open initial senders/receivers if needed.
/// } else {
/// // Handle a successful reconnect here.
/// // NOTE: Don't re-open active senders/receivers
/// }
/// For a server on_connection_open() is called when a client attempts to
/// open a connection. The server can call connection::open() to accept or
/// connection::close(const error_condition&) to reject.
/// @see reconnect_options, on_transport_error()
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_connection_open(connection&);
/// The remote peer closed the connection.
/// If there was a connection error, this is called immediately after
/// on_connection_error() and connection::error() is set
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_connection_close(connection&);
/// The remote peer indicated a fatal error, connection::error() provides details.
/// A connection error is an application problem, for example an illegal
/// action or a lack of resources. There will be no automatic re-connect
/// attempts, on_connection_close() will be called immediately after.
/// @note A connection close with the special error condition
/// `amqp:connection-forced` is treated as a transport error, not a
/// connection error, see on_transport_error()
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_connection_error(connection&);
/// The remote peer opened the session.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_session_open(session&);
/// The remote peer closed the session.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_session_close(session&);
/// The remote peer closed the session with an error condition.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_session_error(session&);
/// The remote peer opened the link.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_receiver_open(receiver&);
/// The remote peer detached the link.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_receiver_detach(receiver&);
/// The remote peer closed the link.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_receiver_close(receiver&);
/// The remote peer closed the link with an error condition.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_receiver_error(receiver&);
/// The remote peer opened the link.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_sender_open(sender&);
/// The remote peer detached the link.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_sender_detach(sender&);
/// The remote peer closed the link.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_sender_close(sender&);
/// The remote peer closed the link with an error condition.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_sender_error(sender&);
/// The receiving peer accepted a transfer.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_tracker_accept(tracker&);
/// The receiving peer rejected a transfer.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_tracker_reject(tracker&);
/// The receiving peer released a transfer.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_tracker_release(tracker&);
/// The receiving peer settled a transfer.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_tracker_settle(tracker&);
/// The sending peer settled a transfer.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_delivery_settle(delivery&);
/// **Unsettled API** - The receiving peer has requested a drain of
/// remaining credit.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_sender_drain_start(sender&);
/// **Unsettled API** - The credit outstanding at the time of the
/// drain request has been consumed or returned.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_receiver_drain_finish(receiver&);
/// **Unsettled API** - An event that can be triggered from
/// another thread.
/// This event is triggered by a call to `connection::wake()`. It
/// is used to notify the application that something needs
/// attention.
/// **Thread-safety** - The application handler and the triggering
/// thread must use some form of thread-safe state or
/// communication to tell the handler what it needs to do. See
/// `proton::work_queue` for an easier way to execute code safely
/// in the handler thread.
/// @note Spurious calls to `on_connection_wake()` can occur
/// without any application call to `connection::wake()`.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_connection_wake(connection&);
/// Fallback error handling.
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual void on_error(const error_condition&);
} // namespace proton