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/// @file
/// Type IDs for AMQP data types.
#include "./internal/export.hpp"
#include <proton/codec.h>
#include <string>
namespace proton {
/// An identifier for AMQP types.
enum type_id {
NULL_TYPE = PN_NULL, ///< The null type, contains no data.
BOOLEAN = PN_BOOL, ///< Boolean true or false.
UBYTE = PN_UBYTE, ///< Unsigned 8-bit integer.
BYTE = PN_BYTE, ///< Signed 8-bit integer.
USHORT = PN_USHORT, ///< Unsigned 16-bit integer.
SHORT = PN_SHORT, ///< Signed 16-bit integer.
UINT = PN_UINT, ///< Unsigned 32-bit integer.
INT = PN_INT, ///< Signed 32-bit integer.
CHAR = PN_CHAR, ///< 32-bit unicode character.
ULONG = PN_ULONG, ///< Unsigned 64-bit integer.
LONG = PN_LONG, ///< Signed 64-bit integer.
TIMESTAMP = PN_TIMESTAMP, ///< Signed 64-bit milliseconds since the epoch.
FLOAT = PN_FLOAT, ///< 32-bit binary floating point.
DOUBLE = PN_DOUBLE, ///< 64-bit binary floating point.
DECIMAL32 = PN_DECIMAL32, ///< 32-bit decimal floating point.
DECIMAL64 = PN_DECIMAL64, ///< 64-bit decimal floating point.
DECIMAL128 = PN_DECIMAL128, ///< 128-bit decimal floating point.
UUID = PN_UUID, ///< 16-byte UUID.
BINARY = PN_BINARY, ///< Variable-length sequence of bytes.
STRING = PN_STRING, ///< Variable-length utf8-encoded string.
SYMBOL = PN_SYMBOL, ///< Variable-length encoded string.
DESCRIBED = PN_DESCRIBED, ///< A descriptor and a value.
ARRAY = PN_ARRAY, ///< A sequence of values of the same type.
LIST = PN_LIST, ///< A sequence of values of mixed types.
MAP = PN_MAP ///< A sequence of key-value pairs.
/// Get the name of the AMQP type.
PN_CPP_EXTERN std::string type_name(type_id);
/// Print the type name.
PN_CPP_EXTERN std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, type_id);
/// Throw a conversion_error if want != got with a message including
/// the names of the types.
PN_CPP_EXTERN void assert_type_equal(type_id want, type_id got);
/// @name Functions to test the properties of a type ID
/// @{
inline bool type_id_is_signed_int(type_id t) { return t == BYTE || t == SHORT || t == INT || t == LONG; }
inline bool type_id_is_unsigned_int(type_id t) { return t == UBYTE || t == USHORT || t == UINT || t == ULONG; }
inline bool type_id_is_integral(type_id t) { return t == BOOLEAN || t == CHAR || t == TIMESTAMP || type_id_is_unsigned_int(t) || type_id_is_signed_int(t); }
inline bool type_id_is_floating_point(type_id t) { return t == FLOAT || t == DOUBLE; }
inline bool type_id_is_decimal(type_id t) { return t == DECIMAL32 || t == DECIMAL64 || t == DECIMAL128; }
inline bool type_id_is_signed(type_id t) { return type_id_is_signed_int(t) || type_id_is_floating_point(t) || type_id_is_decimal(t); }
inline bool type_id_is_string_like(type_id t) { return t == BINARY || t == STRING || t == SYMBOL; }
inline bool type_id_is_container(type_id t) { return t == LIST || t == MAP || t == ARRAY || t == DESCRIBED; }
inline bool type_id_is_null(type_id t) { return t == NULL_TYPE; }
inline bool type_id_is_scalar(type_id t) {
return type_id_is_integral(t) ||
type_id_is_floating_point(t) ||
type_id_is_decimal(t) ||
type_id_is_string_like(t) ||
type_id_is_null(t) ||
t == UUID;
/// }
} // proton