blob: 00051acca1e0af720b46954b7f4ed6ce0345bf88 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.proton.codec;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class SymbolType extends AbstractPrimitiveType<Symbol>
private static final Charset ASCII_CHARSET = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
private final SymbolEncoding _symbolEncoding;
private final SymbolEncoding _shortSymbolEncoding;
private final Map<ReadableBuffer, Symbol> _symbolCache = new HashMap<ReadableBuffer, Symbol>();
private DecoderImpl.TypeDecoder<Symbol> _symbolCreator =
new DecoderImpl.TypeDecoder<Symbol>()
public Symbol decode(DecoderImpl decoder, ReadableBuffer buffer)
Symbol symbol = _symbolCache.get(buffer);
if (symbol == null)
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.limit()];
String str = new String(bytes, ASCII_CHARSET);
symbol = Symbol.getSymbol(str);
_symbolCache.put(ReadableBuffer.ByteBufferReader.wrap(bytes), symbol);
return symbol;
public static interface SymbolEncoding extends PrimitiveTypeEncoding<Symbol>
SymbolType(final EncoderImpl encoder, final DecoderImpl decoder)
_symbolEncoding = new LongSymbolEncoding(encoder, decoder);
_shortSymbolEncoding = new ShortSymbolEncoding(encoder, decoder);
encoder.register(Symbol.class, this);
public Class<Symbol> getTypeClass()
return Symbol.class;
public void fastWrite(EncoderImpl encoder, Symbol symbol)
if (symbol.length() <= 255)
encoder.writeRaw((byte) symbol.length());
public SymbolEncoding getEncoding(final Symbol val)
return val.length() <= 255 ? _shortSymbolEncoding : _symbolEncoding;
public SymbolEncoding getCanonicalEncoding()
return _symbolEncoding;
public Collection<SymbolEncoding> getAllEncodings()
return Arrays.asList(_shortSymbolEncoding, _symbolEncoding);
private class LongSymbolEncoding
extends LargeFloatingSizePrimitiveTypeEncoding<Symbol>
implements SymbolEncoding
public LongSymbolEncoding(final EncoderImpl encoder, final DecoderImpl decoder)
super(encoder, decoder);
protected void writeEncodedValue(final Symbol val)
protected int getEncodedValueSize(final Symbol val)
return val.length();
public byte getEncodingCode()
return EncodingCodes.SYM32;
public SymbolType getType()
return SymbolType.this;
public boolean encodesSuperset(final TypeEncoding<Symbol> encoding)
return (getType() == encoding.getType());
public Symbol readValue()
DecoderImpl decoder = getDecoder();
int size = decoder.readRawInt();
return decoder.readRaw(_symbolCreator, size);
public void skipValue()
DecoderImpl decoder = getDecoder();
ReadableBuffer buffer = decoder.getBuffer();
int size = decoder.readRawInt();
buffer.position(buffer.position() + size);
private class ShortSymbolEncoding
extends SmallFloatingSizePrimitiveTypeEncoding<Symbol>
implements SymbolEncoding
public ShortSymbolEncoding(final EncoderImpl encoder, final DecoderImpl decoder)
super(encoder, decoder);
protected void writeEncodedValue(final Symbol val)
protected int getEncodedValueSize(final Symbol val)
return val.length();
public byte getEncodingCode()
return EncodingCodes.SYM8;
public SymbolType getType()
return SymbolType.this;
public boolean encodesSuperset(final TypeEncoding<Symbol> encoder)
return encoder == this;
public Symbol readValue()
DecoderImpl decoder = getDecoder();
int size = ((int)decoder.readRawByte()) & 0xff;
return decoder.readRaw(_symbolCreator, size);
public void skipValue()
DecoderImpl decoder = getDecoder();
ReadableBuffer buffer = decoder.getBuffer();
int size = ((int)decoder.readRawByte()) & 0xff;
buffer.position(buffer.position() + size);