blob: 7c3ca21fd0e14220efa76e4ffd7f89441461729a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use Test::Exception;
require '';
BEGIN {use_ok('qpid_proton');}
# Create a new message.
my $messenger = qpid::proton::Messenger->new();
isa_ok($messenger, 'qpid::proton::Messenger');
# name
ok($messenger->get_name(), 'Messenger has a default name');
my $name = random_string(16);
my $messenger1 = qpid::proton::Messenger->new($name);
ok($messenger1->get_name() eq $name, 'Messenger saves name correctly');
# certificate
my $certificate = random_string(255);
ok(!$messenger->get_certificate(), 'Certificate can be null');
ok($messenger->get_certificate() eq $certificate,
'Certificate was set correctly');
# private key
my $key = random_string(255);
ok(!$messenger->get_private_key(), 'Private key can be null');
ok($messenger->get_private_key() eq $key, 'Private key was set correctly');
# password
my $password = random_string(64);
ok(!$messenger->get_password(), 'Password can be null');
ok($messenger->get_password() eq $password, 'Password set correctly');
# trusted certificates
my $trusted_certificate = random_string(255);
ok(!$messenger->get_trusted_certificates(), 'Trusted certificates can be null');
ok($messenger->get_trusted_certificates() eq $trusted_certificate,
'Trusted certificates was set correctly');
# timeout
my $timeout = rand(2**31) + 1;
ok($messenger->get_timeout() == 0, 'Null timeout is treated as 0');
$messenger->set_timeout(0 - $timeout);
ok($messenger->get_timeout() == int(0 - $timeout), 'Timeout can be negative');
ok($messenger->get_timeout() == 0, 'Timeout can be zero');
ok($messenger->get_timeout() == int($timeout), 'Timeout can be positive');
# outgoing window
my $outgoing_window = rand(2**9);
ok($messenger->get_outgoing_window() == 0, 'Null outgoing window is treated as zero');
ok($messenger->get_outgoing_window() == 0, 'Outgoing window can be zero');
$messenger->set_outgoing_window(0 - $outgoing_window);
ok($messenger->get_outgoing_window() == int(0 - $outgoing_window),
'Outgoing window can be negative');
ok($messenger->get_outgoing_window() == int($outgoing_window),
'Outgoing window can be positive');
# incoming window
my $incoming_window = rand(2**9);
ok($messenger->get_incoming_window() == 0, 'Null incoming window is treated as zero');
ok($messenger->get_incoming_window() == 0, 'Incoming window can be zero');
$messenger->set_incoming_window(0 - $incoming_window);
ok($messenger->get_incoming_window() == int(0 - $incoming_window),
'Incoming window can be negative');
ok($messenger->get_incoming_window() == int($incoming_window),
'Incoming window can be positive');