blob: 867f605fbcd48b501e230c4c4545834ff854a02f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "proton/url.hpp"
#include "proton/error.hpp"
#include "proton_bits.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
namespace {
/** URL-encode src and append to dst. */
static std::string pni_urlencode(const std::string &src) {
static const char *bad = "@:/";
std::ostringstream dst;
dst << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0');
std::size_t i = 0;
std::size_t j = src.find_first_of(bad);
while (j!=std::string::npos) {
dst << src.substr(i, j-i);
dst << "%" << std::setw(2) << src[j];
i = j + 1;
j = src.find_first_of(bad);
dst << src.substr(i);
return dst.str();
// Low level url parser
static void pni_urldecode(const char *src, char *dst)
const char *in = src;
char *out = dst;
while (*in != '\0')
if ('%' == *in)
if ((in[1] != '\0') && (in[2] != '\0'))
char esc[3];
esc[0] = in[1];
esc[1] = in[2];
esc[2] = '\0';
unsigned long d = std::strtoul(esc, NULL, 16);
*out = (char)d;
in += 3;
*out = *in;
*out = *in;
*out = '\0';
void parse_url(char *url, const char **scheme, const char **user, const char **pass, const char **host, const char **port, const char **path)
if (!url) return;
char *slash = std::strchr(url, '/');
if (slash && slash>url) {
char *scheme_end = std::strstr(slash-1, "://");
if (scheme_end && scheme_end<slash) {
*scheme_end = '\0';
*scheme = url;
url = scheme_end + 3;
slash = std::strchr(url, '/');
if (slash) {
*slash = '\0';
*path = slash + 1;
char *at = std::strchr(url, '@');
if (at) {
*at = '\0';
char *up = url;
url = at + 1;
char *colon = std::strchr(up, ':');
if (colon) {
*colon = '\0';
char *p = colon + 1;
pni_urldecode(p, p);
*pass = p;
pni_urldecode(up, up);
*user = up;
*host = url;
char *open = (*url == '[') ? url : 0;
if (open) {
char *close = std::strchr(open, ']');
if (close) {
*host = open + 1;
*close = '\0';
url = close + 1;
char *colon = std::strchr(url, ':');
if (colon) {
*colon = '\0';
*port = colon + 1;
} // namespace
namespace proton {
struct url::impl {
static const char* const default_host;
const char* scheme;
const char* username;
const char* password;
const char* host;
const char* port;
const char* path;
std::vector<char> cstr;
mutable std::string str;
impl(const std::string& s) :
scheme(0), username(0), password(0), host(0), port(0), path(0),
cstr(s.size()+1, '\0')
std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), cstr.begin());
parse_url(&cstr[0], &scheme, &username, &password, &host, &port, &path);
void defaults() {
if (!scheme || *scheme=='\0' ) scheme = proton::url::AMQP.c_str();
if (!host || *host=='\0' ) host = default_host;
if (!port || *port=='\0' ) port = scheme;
operator std::string() const {
if ( str.empty() ) {
if (scheme) {
str += scheme;
str += "://";
if (username) {
str += pni_urlencode(username);
if (password) {
str += ":";
str += pni_urlencode(password);
if (username || password) {
str += "@";
if (host) {
if (std::strchr(host, ':')) {
str += '[';
str += host;
str += ']';
} else {
str += host;
if (port) {
str += ':';
str += port;
if (path) {
str += '/';
str += path;
return str;
const char* const url::impl::default_host = "localhost";
url_error::url_error(const std::string& s) : error(s) {}
url::url(const std::string &s) : impl_(new impl(s)) { impl_->defaults(); }
url::url(const std::string &s, bool d) : impl_(new impl(s)) { if (d) impl_->defaults(); }
url::url(const url& u) : impl_(new impl(u)) {}
url::~url() {}
url& url::operator=(const url& u) {
if (this != &u) {
impl_.reset(new impl(*u.impl_));
return *this;
url::operator std::string() const { return *impl_; }
std::string url::scheme() const { return str(impl_->scheme); }
std::string url::user() const { return str(impl_->username); }
std::string url::password() const { return str(impl_->password); }
std::string url::host() const { return str(impl_->host); }
std::string url::port() const { return str(impl_->port); }
std::string url::path() const { return str(impl_->path); }
std::string url::host_port() const { return host() + ":" + port(); }
bool url::empty() const { return impl_->str.empty(); }
const std::string url::AMQP("amqp");
const std::string url::AMQPS("amqps");
uint16_t url::port_int() const {
// TODO aconway 2015-10-27: full service name lookup
// astitcher 2016-11-17: It is hard to make the full service name lookup platform independent
if (port() == AMQP) return 5672;
if (port() == AMQPS) return 5671;
std::istringstream is(port());
uint16_t result;
is >> result;
if (
throw url_error("invalid port '" + port() + "'");
return result;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const url& u) {
return o << std::string(u);
std::string to_string(const url& u) {
return u;
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& i, url& u) {
std::string s;
i >> s;
if (! && !i.bad()) {
if (!s.empty()) {
url::impl* p = new url::impl(s);
} else {
return i;
} // namespace proton