blob: 5bb2f8e9c4855b9a64942e23c8a020e97c833d93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "proton/source_options.hpp"
#include "proton/source.hpp"
#include "proton/target_options.hpp"
#include "proton/target.hpp"
#include "proton_bits.hpp"
#include <limits>
namespace proton {
template <class T> struct option {
T value;
bool set;
option() : value(), set(false) {}
option& operator=(const T& x) { value = x; set = true; return *this; }
void update(const option<T>& x) { if (x.set) *this = x.value; }
namespace {
void timeout(terminus &t, duration d) {
uint32_t seconds = 0;
if (d == duration::FOREVER)
seconds = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
else if (d != duration::IMMEDIATE) {
uint64_t x = d.milliseconds();
if ((std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - x) <= 500)
seconds = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
else {
x = (x + 500) / 1000;
seconds = x < std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() ? x : std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
pn_terminus_set_timeout(unwrap(t), seconds);
namespace {
// Options common to sources and targets
void node_address(terminus &t, option<std::string> &addr, option<bool> &dynamic) {
if (dynamic.set && dynamic.value) {
pn_terminus_set_dynamic(unwrap(t), true);
// Ignore any addr value for dynamic.
if (addr.set) {
pn_terminus_set_address(unwrap(t), addr.value.c_str());
void node_durability(terminus &t, option<enum terminus::durability_mode> &mode) {
if (mode.set) pn_terminus_set_durability(unwrap(t), pn_durability_t(mode.value));
void node_expiry(terminus &t, option<enum terminus::expiry_policy> &policy, option<duration> &d) {
if (policy.set) pn_terminus_set_expiry_policy(unwrap(t), pn_expiry_policy_t(policy.value));
if (d.set) timeout(t, d.value);
class source_options::impl {
option<std::string> address;
option<bool> dynamic;
option<enum source::durability_mode> durability_mode;
option<duration> timeout;
option<enum source::expiry_policy> expiry_policy;
option<enum source::distribution_mode> distribution_mode;
option<source::filter_map> filters;
void apply(source& s) {
node_address(s, address, dynamic);
node_durability(s, durability_mode);
node_expiry(s, expiry_policy, timeout);
if (distribution_mode.set)
pn_terminus_set_distribution_mode(unwrap(s), pn_distribution_mode_t(distribution_mode.value));
if (filters.set && !filters.value.empty()) {
// Applied at most once via source_option. No need to clear.
codec::encoder e(make_wrapper(pn_terminus_filter(unwrap(s))));
e << filters.value;
source_options::source_options() : impl_(new impl()) {}
source_options::source_options(const source_options& x) : impl_(new impl()) {
*this = x;
source_options::~source_options() {}
source_options& source_options::operator=(const source_options& x) {
*impl_ = *x.impl_;
return *this;
source_options& source_options::address(const std::string &addr) { impl_->address = addr; return *this; }
source_options& source_options::dynamic(bool b) { impl_->dynamic = b; return *this; }
source_options& source_options::durability_mode(enum source::durability_mode m) { impl_->durability_mode = m; return *this; }
source_options& source_options::timeout(duration d) { impl_->timeout = d; return *this; }
source_options& source_options::expiry_policy(enum source::expiry_policy m) { impl_->expiry_policy = m; return *this; }
source_options& source_options::distribution_mode(enum source::distribution_mode m) { impl_->distribution_mode = m; return *this; }
source_options& source_options::filters(const source::filter_map &map) { impl_->filters = map; return *this; }
void source_options::apply(source& s) const { impl_->apply(s); }
class target_options::impl {
option<std::string> address;
option<bool> dynamic;
option<enum target::durability_mode> durability_mode;
option<duration> timeout;
option<enum target::expiry_policy> expiry_policy;
void apply(target& t) {
node_address(t, address, dynamic);
node_durability(t, durability_mode);
node_expiry(t, expiry_policy, timeout);
target_options::target_options() : impl_(new impl()) {}
target_options::target_options(const target_options& x) : impl_(new impl()) {
*this = x;
target_options::~target_options() {}
target_options& target_options::operator=(const target_options& x) {
*impl_ = *x.impl_;
return *this;
target_options& target_options::address(const std::string &addr) { impl_->address = addr; return *this; }
target_options& target_options::dynamic(bool b) { impl_->dynamic = b; return *this; }
target_options& target_options::durability_mode(enum target::durability_mode m) { impl_->durability_mode = m; return *this; }
target_options& target_options::timeout(duration d) { impl_->timeout = d; return *this; }
target_options& target_options::expiry_policy(enum target::expiry_policy m) { impl_->expiry_policy = m; return *this; }
void target_options::apply(target& s) const { impl_->apply(s); }
} // namespace proton