| <!-- |
| |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| |
| --> |
| |
| |
| ## 1. Overview |
| |
| You must build *and install* qpid-interop-test before you can run the tests. |
| |
| By default, qpid-interop-test will install to `/usr/local` (and will thus also |
| require root privileges), but you can set any non-privileged directory as the |
| install prefix using the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` environment variable, for |
| example `$HOME/install`. |
| |
| The following tools are needed to build qpid-interop-test: |
| |
| * git |
| * gcc-c++ |
| * Python 2.7.x |
| * Python 3.x |
| * cmake |
| * Java JDK |
| * Maven |
| * JSON cpp |
| |
| The following Qpid components must be installed *before* you build and install |
| qpid-interop-test: |
| |
| * Qpid Proton C++ development |
| * Qpid Python |
| * Python2 Qpid Proton |
| * Python3 Qpid Proton |
| |
| The following are not required, but if installed and present, will be tested: |
| |
| * Rhea (a JavaScript client, also requires npm and nodejs) |
| * AMQP.Net Lite (requires mono) |
| |
| In addition, if you wish to run the tests against a broker on the build machine, |
| it will be necessary to have a running broker. One of the following may be |
| installed and started against which to run the interop tests as a local broker: |
| |
| * Artemis Java broker |
| * ActiveMQ Java broker |
| * Qpid C++ broker |
| * Qpid Dispatch router (which may be used as a single node, or as part of a |
| routed configuration) |
| |
| Any AMQP 1.0 broker should work. Tests can also be run against a |
| remote broker provided the broker IP address is known. |
| |
| These pre-requisites can be installed using the standard system package manager |
| (yum, dnf, apt-get etc.) OR built from source and installed. |
| |
| These are the install steps: |
| |
| 1. Install prerequisites, from packages or source |
| 2. Install or download / build AMQP brokers to test against |
| 3. Build qpid-interop-test |
| 4. Run the tests |
| |
| ## 2. Install prerequisites |
| |
| ### 2.1 RHEL6 |
| |
| Currently **RHEL6 is not supported** because it uses Python 2.6.x, and the test code uses |
| features of Python 2.7.x. This may be supported in a future release. |
| |
| ### 2.2 RHEL7 |
| |
| From a clean install: |
| |
| ```` |
| yum install cmake maven java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel perl-XML-XPath |
| ```` |
| |
| Some packages will need to be downloaded from [EPEL](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL). |
| To set up the EPEL repo in yum: |
| |
| ```` |
| wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm |
| yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm |
| ```` |
| |
| then install the following packages: |
| |
| ```` |
| yum -y install jsoncpp-devel nodejs-rhea qpid-proton-cpp-devel python-qpid-proton qpid-proton-cpp-devel python2-qpid-proton |
| ```` |
| |
| ### 2.3 Fedora 28 |
| |
| All packages are available directly from the Fedora repositories: |
| |
| ```` |
| dnf -y install gcc-c++ cmake maven java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel perl-XML-XPath jsoncpp-devel nodejs-rhea qpid-proton-cpp-devel python-qpid-proton qpid-proton-cpp-devel python2-qpid-proton python3-qpid-proton |
| ```` |
| |
| ### 2.4 CentOS7 Docker image |
| |
| Docker images come with only the bare essentials, so there is more to install than a standard bare-metal install: |
| |
| ```` |
| yum -y install vim unzip wget git gcc-c++ make cmake maven swig java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel perl-XML-XPath python-devel procps-ng |
| ```` |
| |
| Some packages will need to be downloaded from [EPEL](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL). |
| To set up the EPEL repo in yum: |
| |
| ```` |
| wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm |
| yum -y install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm |
| ```` |
| |
| then install the following packages: |
| |
| ```` |
| yum -y install mono-devel python34-devel jsoncpp-devel nodejs-rhea qpid-proton-cpp-devel python-qpid-proton qpid-proton-cpp-devel python2-qpid-proton |
| ```` |
| |
| Note that at the time of release, there is no python3-qpid-proton package available for CentOS7, but this should be available soon. Tests should be run with |
| the --exclude-shim ProtonPython3 flag to avoid errors. |
| |
| ### 2.5 Fedora 28 Docker image |
| |
| ```` |
| dnf -y install vim unzip wget procps-ng git gcc-c++ make cmake maven swig java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel perl-XML-XPath python-devel mono-devel python3-devel jsoncpp-devel nodejs-rhea python-qpid-proton qpid-proton-cpp-devel python2-qpid-proton python3-qpid-proton |
| ```` |
| |
| ## 2. Obtaining a broker |
| |
| Qpid-interop-test requires a running broker to be available. This |
| may be on localhost as a local install or build, or on another machine, in which case its |
| IP addresss must be known. Some local broker install options are: |
| |
| ### 2.1 ActiveMQ 5 |
| |
| Download from [Apache](http://activemq.apache.org/download.html). |
| |
| Make the following changes to the `activemq.xml` config file: For XML element |
| `broker.transportConnectors.transportConnector@name="amqp"` add the attribute |
| `wireFormat.allowNonSaslConnections=true`. ie: |
| |
| ```` |
| <transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://"/> |
| ```` |
| |
| ### 2.2 Artemis |
| |
| Download from [Apache](https://activemq.apache.org/artemis/download.html). |
| |
| ### 2.3 Qpid cpp broker |
| |
| yum -y install qpid-cpp-server # CentOS7/RHEL |
| |
| or |
| |
| dnf -y install qpid-cpp-server # Fedora 28 |
| |
| and set the configuration file in /etc/qpid/qpidd.conf as follows: |
| |
| ```` |
| auth=no |
| queue-patterns=qit |
| ```` |
| |
| The broker may be started via service, but if running in a Docker container, this may not work. In this case, start the broker directly: |
| |
| /sbin/qpidd -d |
| |
| and can be stopped with |
| |
| /sbin/qpidd -q |
| |
| ### 2.4 Qpid Dispatch Router |
| |
| yum install qpid-dispatch-router |
| |
| and add the following to the config file in /etc/qpid-dispatch/qdrouterd.conf: |
| |
| ```` |
| listener { |
| host: ::1 |
| port: amqp |
| authenticatePeer: no |
| saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS |
| } |
| |
| ```` |
| |
| The broker may be started via service, but if running in a Docker container, this may not work. In this case, start the broker directly: |
| |
| /sbin/qdrouterd -d |
| |
| and can be stopped with |
| |
| pkill qdrouterd # Needs procps-ng package installed in Docker containers |
| |
| ## 3. Install qpid-interop-test |
| |
| Qpid-interop-test may be installed locally (preferred for local builds) or to the system |
| (which requires root privileges). For a local install, use the `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` |
| option to the `cmake` command. If it is omitted, then qpid-interop-test will be installed |
| into the default system directories. The source may be unpacked, or (if you need to use the |
| latest and greatest), cloned from git: |
| |
| git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid-interop-test.git |
| |
| or |
| |
| git clone https://github.com/apache/qpid-interop-test.git |
| |
| Assuming the source tree is located in directory qpid-interop-test: |
| |
| ```` |
| cd qpid-interop-test |
| git tag -l # See list of tags |
| git checkout tags/<tagname> # tagname is the release, for example 0.2.0-rc3 |
| mkdir build |
| cd build |
| ```` |
| For a local install: |
| |
| ```` |
| cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<abs-path-to-local-install-dir> .. |
| make install |
| ```` |
| |
| For a system install (root privileges are required): |
| |
| ```` |
| cmake .. |
| make |
| sudo make install |
| |
| ```` |
| |
| ## 4. Run the tests |
| |
| ### 4.1 Set the environment |
| |
| The config.sh script is in the qpid-interop-test build directory: |
| |
| ```` |
| source build/config.sh |
| ```` |
| |
| ### 4.2 Start the test broker |
| |
| If the broker is at a remote location rather than localhost, the IP address must be known. In tests using |
| the Qpid Dispatch Router, then the entire broker network must be running before the tests are run. The IP |
| addresses of the sender (the broker to which messages are being sent) and receiver (the broker from which |
| messages will be received) must be known. |
| |
| ### 4.3 Run chosen tests |
| |
| The available tests are: |
| |
| | Module | Description | Clients | |
| | ------ | ----------- | ------- | |
| | amqp_complex_types_test | Tests complex AMQP 1.0 types | C++ Python2 Python3 | |
| | amqp_large_content_test | Tests implementation of large messages up to 10MB | C++ Python2 Python3 AMQP.NetLite | |
| | amqp_types_test | Tests the implementation of AMQP 1.0 types | C++ Python2 Python3 Rhea AMQP.NetLite | |
| | jms_hdrs_props_test | Tests JMS headers and properties | C++ JMS Python2 Python3 | |
| | jms_messages_test | Tests all JMS message types (except ObjectMessage) | C++ JMS Python2 Python3 | |
| |
| Each test has command-line options which can be used to limit or modify the test, use the `--help` option to see |
| these options. |
| |
| The preferred method to run the tests is using the Python module option as follows: |
| |
| ```` |
| python -m qpid_interop_test.amqp_types_test |
| python -m qpid_interop_test.jms_messages_test |
| ... |
| ```` |
| |
| If the broker is remote, use the following to point to the broker(s): |
| |
| ```` |
| python -m qpid_interop_test.amqp_types_test --sender <broker-ip-addr> --receiver <broker-ip-addr> |
| python -m qpid_interop_test.jms_messages_test --sender <broker-ip-addr> --receiver <broker-ip-addr> |
| ... |
| ```` |
| |
| In tests using the Qpid dispatch router, a multi-node configuration may be set up such that messages |
| are sent to a different broker to that from which they will be received. For example, to send to |
| broker A and receive from broker B: |
| |
| ```` |
| python -m qpid_interop_test.amqp_types_test --sender <broker-ip-addr-A> --receiver <broker-ip-addr-B> |
| python -m qpid_interop_test.jms_messages_test --sender <broker-ip-addr-A> --receiver <broker-ip-addr-B> |
| ... |
| ```` |
| |
| **CentOS7 Note:** |
| |
| CentOS7 does not have the `python3-qpid-proton` package available at the time of the 0.2.0 release. To avoid |
| errors in the test on CentOS7 (which does not yet auto-detect but assumes the availability of this package), use the |
| `--exclude-shim ProtonPython3` command-line parameter to disable this shim. See |
| [QPIDIT-126](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPIDIT-126) for progress and further details on this issue. |
| |
| ## 5. Optional Components |
| |
| ### 5.1 AMQP.Net Lite Client |
| |
| A detailed description of how to install and run the AMQP.Net Lite client on Fedora may be found at Apache |
| JIRA [QPIDIT-105](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPIDIT-105), and can easily be adapted to other |
| Linux operating systems. The following packages need to be installed: |
| |
| * Mono |
| * Pre-compiled AMQP.Net Lite library (available from https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/AMQPNetLite/) |
| |
| See the above JIRA for detailed instructions. Here is a summary: |
| |
| Download/install the Amqp.Net Lite dlls. They are initially zipped, unzip them into a well-known location. |
| Make sure you can find the path to the required .dll file for the version you are using, for example: |
| |
| ``` |
| /abs/path/to/amqp.netlite/lib/net45 |
| ``` |
| |
| When building qpid-interop-test (section 3 above), add the following environment variable to the cmake parameters: |
| `-DAMQPNETLITE_LIB_DIR=<abs/path/to/amqp.netlite/lib/net45>`. When cmake completes, look for the following: |
| |
| ``` |
| ``` |
| |
| which shows that the dll was found and the .netlite tests will be enabled. If you see the following, |
| then the required dll was not found: |
| |
| ``` |
| ``` |
| The messages immediately preceding this will give a clue as to why it was not found, one of `AMQPNETLITE_LIB_DIR` |
| not defined or `Amqp.Net.dll` was not found in the path. |
| |
| ### 5.2 Rhea JavaScript Client |
| |
| The following packages need to be installed: |
| |
| * nodejs |
| * npm |
| |
| The Rhea source may be cloned from github: |
| |
| git clone https://github.com/amqp/rhea.git |
| |
| If the `rhea` directory is discovered when qpid-interop-test runs `cmake`, then the Rhea client tests |
| will be enabled. If the directory is not found, it may be set through the `RHEA_DIR` variable |
| when running `cmake`. |