1. 8f88738 QPIDIT-84: Update README and QUICKSTART (change to markdown from text); added a users guide by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  2. ae5bc34 QPIDIT-83: Classpath for JMS shims points to Maven repository rather than installed directory by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  3. d300ca4 QPIDIT-82: JMS tests fail intermittantly with null message by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  4. 932552d QPIDIT-59 QPIDIT-60: Added HOWTO docs for writing tests and shims by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  5. 39bedc3 QPIDIT-56: Additional improvements for handling local folder containing Rhea by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  6. 83fc550 QPIDIT-51: Added --broker-type parameter to test command-line args, if used will not test broker for connection properties by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  7. daf0c0a QPIDIT-52 QPIDIT-55: Changed DIRECTORY for PATH in get_filename_component for compatibility with cmake 2.x versions (used in RHEL) by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  8. 7e86858 QPIDIT-52 QPIDIT-55: Added better detection of Proton install following pattern suggested by Chuck Rolke by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  9. 2aee759 QPIDIT-53: Fixed shims so that property disabling SASL is used correctly in all Python shims by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  10. c8f80b5 QPIDIT-53: SASL disabled for Python shims and for the broker discovery (ie module broker_properties) by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  11. 5b4cc51 QPIDIT-66: Install shims into libexec directory by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  12. 1bccde6 QPIDIT-73: Fixed Rhea JS shim handling of AMQP char type by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  13. 8d88331 QPIDIT-72: Return correct value for null message. by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  14. 79fcae6 QPIDIT-62: AMQP.Net Lite shim feature complete by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  15. 98bbff8 NO-JIRA: fix debug typo by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  16. a9229c1 QPIDIT-70: Get encoding to work right by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  17. f5c4263 QPIDIT-70: Properly encode json results by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  18. 26faaad Merge branch 'master' of https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid-interop-test by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  19. 456a349 QPIDIT-57 QPIDIT-62: Added mechanism to disable shims if they are not installed. Added cmake file for detecting node.js and npm for Rhea and disabling install if not found. Fixed minor cmake problem in AMQP DotNetLite cmake script by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  20. 8b71071 QPIDIT-71: cmake fails to detect program mono version by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  21. 99af3b2 QPIDIT-62: Add AMQP.Net Lite shim - hook up new shim by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  22. 91d746e QPIDIT-69: Missing file jms_types.py replaced by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  23. a178957 QPIDIT-62: Fix sender to support null message type by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  24. 0569f2b QPIDIT-62: Add AMQP.Net Lite client shims by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  25. 73d7b9c QPIDIT-67: Additional #include needed on some versions of Fedora by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  26. 69f02aa QPIDIT-67: Added missing #includes after recent checkin by Andrew Stitcher which cleans up the Proton C++ binding headers by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  27. 73a2aa6 QPIDIT-59: Minor updates to HOWTO file by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  28. e622fa5 QPIDIT-2: Added --include-type and --exclude-type parameters, as well as --no-skip flag to control tests by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  29. 2ce7f69 QPIDIT-59: Added a HOWTO for writing shims by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  30. 547f1dd QPIDIT-2: Added mutually exclusive options --exclude-shim and --include-shim to tests by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  31. 236d707 QPIDIT-40: Added daemon status to sender and receiver threads so that they will respond to KeyboardInterrupts by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  32. 0e15379 QPIDIT-52: Make qpid-interop-test installable. Now the test is installable via the use of cmake / make from the top level directory. by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  33. 2380159 QPIDIT-50: Dereference Json::ValueConstIterator as object by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  34. ca103a0 QPIDIT-49: Describe C++ dependencies better by Chuck Rolke · 7 years ago
  35. fc29349 NO_JIRA: Update instructions in QUICKSTART by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  36. 1c1ec17 QPIDIT-48: Added --sender and --receiver options to reamining tests; also some minor code clean-up by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  37. fc408e3 QPIDIT-48: Removed --broker, added --sender and --receiver options. This allows sender and reciever to use different IP addresses for use in dispatch router or other distributed tests. Also some minor tidy-up: removed bangs from test strings (as they are difficult to use on the bash command-line) and (slightly) improved debug strings in the shim Sender and Receiver functions by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  38. 97cad30 QPIDIT-47: Patch accepted into upstream Rhea. Removed patch file and text in README concerning the patch. by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  39. 156ac5a QPIDIT-47: Add Rhea javascript client. Also includes minor adjustments to python and c++ shims owing to expended tests and not using message ids as a part of the test. by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  40. 5579efd QPIDIT-43 QPIDIT-44: Minor fix for compiling on RHEL which does not occur on Fedora (again) by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  41. 59fbdfe QPIDIT-43 QPIDIT-44: Minor fix for compiling on RHEL which does not occur on Fedora by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  42. 188fb09 QPIDIT-43 QPIDIT-44: Complete Large Content test for AMQP, some fixes to other shims and test fixtures by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  43. 62ff8f4 QPIDIT-43: Fix for previous checkin: Change in logic broke existing tests by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  44. f17dac3 QPIDIT-43: WIP messaging features: added connection properties test into main test harness and into the python shim. The C++ shim is incomplete woing to the inability to access these properties through the C++ bindings ATM. by Kim van der Riet · 7 years ago
  45. f27896d QPIDIT-42: Omitted fix for Python receiver shim for handling "queue://" and "topic://" prefix added to address by some brokers by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  46. 138dc7d QPIDIT-43 QPIDIT-44 QPIDIT-45: Added framework for new tests: AMQP features test, AMQP and JMS DTX and large content tests by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  47. aa01b8e QPIDIT-42: Fix for shim compilation error owing to missing include by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  48. 424d236 QPIDIT-42: JMS headers/properties test finalized. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  49. 514bac7 QPIDIT-41: Reorganized dir structure and tidied up the test code. Copied the old jms_messages_test to a new jms_hdrs_props_test and simplified the jms_messages_test to include only message body tests. Simplified parameters sent to shims to the same format for all shims, only one JSON string to and returned from receiver shim. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  50. 83b89fe QPIDIT-41: Re-organization of project directory structure by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  51. baed642 QPIDIT-40: Fixed bug in last commit: global name 'os' not defined by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  52. 9047325 QPIDIT-40: Kill not working for groups, changed to terminate process group and kill process group by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  53. 6717f24 QPIDIT-40: Also added queue name to receiver thread name by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  54. cd3ab86 QPIDIT-40: Added os kill based on testing where some threads could not be killed by process.kill() by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  55. 5dc1005 QPIDIT-40: Improvement to terminate and kill code based on testing, also some pylint-suggested tidy-ups by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  56. f5d177d QPIDIT-40: Added thread kill after timeout. Also improved reporting of errors from shims using stderr. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  57. c810fc3 QPIDIT-22: Updated JMS client dependencies for JMS 2.0 by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  58. 54c1e4a QPIDIT-38: Added better handling of message property keys in Python Receiver shim which was failing when it encountered properties added by the Artemis broker and were not part of the original test message. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  59. 1c5a913 QPIDIT-36: Changed test harnesses so that send and receive shims work concurrently on different threads. The sender is started prior to the receiver for allowing operation against brokerless dispatch router configurations. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  60. ec0e4bb NO_JIRA: Tidy-up of Python code by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  61. 038afc5 QPIDIT-22: Minor fix for Artemis, which adds message properties not part of the origianl message - pyhton client did not handle this. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  62. 8876c8f QPIDIT-33: JMS headers added to tests; JMS properties still to be completed when proton C++ API issues are fixed. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  63. 3545a9f QPIDIT-34: Fixed issue with trailing carriage return no longer present in latest versions of jsoncpp - added explicit test for trailing carraige return before removing it by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  64. 69cb5a2 QPIDIT-22: Updates to match recent changes to the Proton C++ API. Minor fix to QUICKSTART file by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  65. 422f555 QPIDIT-33: WIP: Added JMS Message type (which has no body) to tests. Updates to QUICKSTART file. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  66. b37d02f QPIDIT-22: Skipped tests that dont run on Artemis by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  67. f33dffc QPIDIT-21: Uptaded for latest changes to Proton C++ API by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  68. 159efd4 QPIDIT-32: Improvements to Maven pom.xml files from Robbie Gemmell. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  69. c8712d8 QPIDIT-32: Added build.plugins.plugin.version for maven-compiler-plugin in the pom.xml files to silence warning (recommended since maven 3.0) by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  70. 36c7b3b NO_JIRA: Fixed whitespace issues in code: removed tabs, fixed indentation, removed trailing whitespace by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  71. 4e6f4f2 NO_JIRA: Fixed whitespace issues in code: removed tabs, fixed indentation, removed trailing whitespace by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  72. f4b87a1 QPIDIT-32: Added Maven pom files, removed jars directory containing copies of dependent jars. Also updated to latest Proton C++ API by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  73. 87e8eae QPIDIT-22: Fixed an error in the use of JAVA_HOME exposed by Jenkins by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  74. a3753a4 QPIDIT-21: Updated to reflect latest C++ API changes in Qpid Proton by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  75. a2bee83 QPIDIT-22: Added support for MAVEN_REPO_PATH environment variable in JMS tests for use on Jenkins by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  76. ece4349 QPIDIT-21: C++ API changed, adjusted qpid-proton-cpp shims, also reduced verbosity of JMS tests to match AMQP type tests by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  77. 35536d6 QPIDIT-22: Updates to QUICKSTART, reduced size of some test messages to avoid Qpid bug (will add large message tests later), fixed names of shims to be consistent across tests, removed old comments by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  78. c1e7146 NO_JIRA: Update to QUICKSTART file by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  79. 4f9b9ac QPIDIT-22: Updated AMQP and types test to latest Proton C++ API. Files missed in last commit by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  80. 901635a QPIDIT-22: Updated AMQP and types test to latest Proton C++ API. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  81. ab9f27a NO_JIRA: Minor updates to README and QUICKSTART by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  82. ab84b0e QPIDIT-22: Updated c++ shims for latest changes to Proton c++ API. WIP - JMS shims not working, issues with AMQP types by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  83. bcd3684 QPIDIT-22: Added test skips for both Qpid and ActiveMQ brokers on AMQP null type (until underlying bug is fixed) so that test can pass. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  84. 75c7366 QPIDIT-22: Removed +inf and -inf from 32-bit float in both JMS and AMQP type tests because of failure in RHEL7 (see PROTON-1149) by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  85. b381453 QPIDIT-24: Updated AMQP type and JMS message tests so that a failure in obtaining connection properties does not prevent the tests from running. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  86. d7ea0b7 NO_JIRA: small addition to check if connection properties are successfully returned in JMS messaging test. This brings this test to the same as the AMQP types test in this regard. A trivial change which terminates the test with a message instead of crashing when broker fails to return connection properties. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  87. 1ab3a14 QPIDIT-21: Fixes to accomodate recent changes to the C++ Proton binding by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  88. 62aaea8 PROTON-1061: Fixed error in Python mapping in which int types were treated as AMQP type long. Fix to paths in QUICKSTART text file. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  89. b07013e NO-JIRA: Added exit code to tests so that calling scripts can determine success or failure by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  90. e2dd1a3 NO_JIRA: Update to QUICKSTART file, removed spurious include from src/py/qpid-interop-test/test_type_map.py by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  91. 2204fc5 QPIDIT-22: Add ability to run on Jenkins continuous integration platform. Added ability to find qpid-proton and qpid-jms components from build locations. Some tidy-up. by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  92. 5f7ac58 QPIDIT-21: Add shims for C++ client by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  93. 6c8ab3b QPIDIT-20: Added ability to detect broker and automatically exclude tests that fail for that broker by Kim van der Riet · 8 years ago
  94. 899a9a8 QPIDIT-18: Added JSON transfer of structured data between test and shims. Also: QPIDIT-6: AMQP type decimal64 fails..., QPIDIT-5: AMQP type decimal32 fails..., QPIDIT-3: AMQP type decimal128 hangs... by Kim van der Riet · 9 years ago
  95. 4dfa2bd Added some .gitignore files to help ignore build artifacts and temp dirs by Kim van der Riet · 9 years ago
  96. 6c8f781 NO-JIRA: Update of AMQP type support patch etc/proton-python-amqp-types.patch. Update QUICKSTART file. Commented out some troublesome types in simple_type_tests.py so that the those that do work will complete. by Kim van der Riet · 9 years ago
  97. ebdacb0 QPIDIT-17: Add JMS test suite with Qpid-JMS and Proton-Python clients. by Kim van der Riet · 9 years ago
  98. 77eba67 QPIDIT-1: Intial commit of qpid-jms shim by Kim van der Riet · 9 years ago
  99. 6d0d603 QPIDIT-1: Intial checkin of Proton Python test shim by Kim van der Riet · 9 years ago