QIT released version 0.2.0
QPIDIT-136: Fix python2.7 site package path in PYTHON3PATH issue
3 files changed
tree: 6d4cf64debe41765b576ac463e77166995c1d833
  1. CMakeModules/
  2. docs/
  3. shims/
  4. src/
  5. utils/
  6. .gitignore
  7. CMakeLists.txt
  8. config.sh.in
  9. get-proj-ver
  10. get-python-dir-name
  12. NOTICE
  13. pom.xml
  15. README.md
  16. setup.py

Qpid Client Interoperability Test Suite

This directory contains the Qpid Proton Client API test suite.

All files in this directory are under the Apache License - see LICENSE for details.

Source Code

Source code may be obtained from Apache git server https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid-interop-test.git


A quickstart guide for building and using this test suite is contained in QUICKSTART. Detailed documentation for adding tests and using them are contained in the docs directory.


Issues are tracked in the Apache JIRA at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPIDIT


Support may be obtained from the qpid-users mailing list users@qpid.apache.org.

Installing and Running

See the QUICKSTART file for building, installing and running instructions.

Writing new shims for a test

A detailed description of this process is contained in the docs directory. The very short version of this is as follows:

  1. Write a pair of client programs using the client API under test. The first is a sender which reads the following from the command-line:

    <broker address> <amqp type> <JSON string: test values> ...

    and is responsible for sending messages containing the test values each in a single message in the appropriate AMQP type format.

    The second client program is a receiver, and must read the following from the command-line

    <broker address> <amqp type> <JSON string: num messages>

    and is responsible for receiving messages from the broker and printing the bodies of the received messages appropriately decoded for type . The printed output will be a JSON string containing the identical structure to that sent to the send shim, but containing the received values.

  2. Add a subclass for this client in src/py/qpid-interop-test/types/simple_type_test.py derived from class Shim and which overrides NAME, ENV (as needed), SHIM_LOC, SEND and RECEIVE. SEND and RECEIVE must point to the two clients written in step 1 above.

  3. Add an instance of your new shim class to SHIM_MAP keyed against its name.

That's it!