Design note: HA with Transactions.

Clients can use transactions (TX or DTX) with the current HA module but:

  • the results are not guaranteed to be comitted atomically on the backups.
  • the backups do not record the transaction in the store for possible recovery.


  1. Atomic: Transaction results must be atomic on primary and backups.

  2. Consistent: Backups and primary must agree on whether the transaction comitted.

  3. Isolated: Concurrent transactions must not interfere with each other.

  4. Durable: Transactional state is written to the store.

  5. Recovery: If a cluster crashes while a DTX is in progress, it can be re-started and participate in DTX recovery with a transaction co-ordinater (currently via JMS)

TX and DTX

Both TX and DTX transactions require a DTX-like prepare phase to synchronize the commit or rollback across multiple brokers. This design note applies to both.

For DTX the transaction is identified by the xid. For TX the HA module generates a unique identifier.

Intercepting transactional operations

Introduce 2 new interfaces on the Primary to intercept transactional operations:

TransactionObserverFactory {
  TransactionObserver create(...);

TransactionObserver {
  publish(queue, msg);
  accept(accumulatedAck, unacked) # NOTE: translate queue positions to replication ids

The primary will register a TransactionObserverFactory with the broker to hook into transactions. On the primary, transactional events are processed as normal and additionally are passed to the TransactionObserver which replicates the events to the backups.

Replicating transaction content

The primary creates a specially-named queue for each transaction (the tx-queue)

TransactionObserver operations:

  • publish(queue, msg): push enqueue event onto tx-queue
  • accept(accumulatedAck, unacked) push dequeue event onto tx-queue (NOTE: must translate queue positions to replication ids)

The tx-queue is replicated like a normal queue with some extensions for transactions.

  • Backups create a TransactionReplicator (extends QueueReplicator)
    • QueueReplicator builds up a TxBuffer or DtxBuffer of transaction events.
  • Primary has TxReplicatingSubscription (extends ReplicatingSubscription

Using a tx-queue has the following benefits:

  • Already have the tools to replicate it.
  • Handles async fan-out of transactions to multiple Backups.
  • keeps the tx events in linear order even if the tx spans multiple queues.
  • Keeps tx data available for new backups until the tx is closed
  • By closing the queue (see next section) its easy to establish what backups are in/out of the transaction.

DTX Prepare

Primary receives dtx.prepare:

  • “closes” the tx-queue
    • A closed queue rejects any attempt to subscribe.
    • Backups subscribed before the close are in the transaction.
  • Puts prepare event on tx-queue, and does local prepare
  • Returns ok if outcome of local and all backup prepares is ok, fail otherwise.

TODO: this means we need asynchronous completion of the prepare control so we complete only when all backups have responded (or time out.)

Backups receiving prepare event do a local prepare. Outcome is communicated to the TxReplicatingSubscription on the primary as follows:

  • ok: Backup acknowledges prepare event message on the tx-queue
  • fail: Backup cancels tx-queue subscription

DTX Commit/Rollback

Primary receives dtx.commit/rollback

  • Primary puts commit/rollback event on the tx-queue and does local commit/rollback.
  • Backups commit/rollback as instructed and unsubscribe from tx-queue.
  • tx-queue auto deletes when last backup unsubscribes.

TX Commit/Rollback

Primary receives tx.commit/rollback

  • Do prepare phase as for DTX.
  • Do commit/rollback phase as for DTX.


When tx commits, each broker (backup & primary) pushes tx messages to the local queue.

On the primary, ReplicatingSubscriptions will see the tx messages on the local queue. Need to avoid re-sending to backups that already have the messages from the transaction.

ReplicatingSubscriptions has a “skip set” of messages already on the backup, add tx messages to the skip set before Primary commits to local queue.


Backups abort all open tx if the primary fails.


Keep tx atomic when backups catch up while a tx is in progress. A ready backup should never contain a proper subset of messages in a transaction.


  • Guard placed on Q for an expected backup.
  • Transaction with messages A,B,C on Q is prepared, tx-queue is closed.
  • Expected backup connects and is declared ready due to guard.
  • Transaction commits, primary publishes A, B to Q and crashes before adding C.
  • Backup is ready so promoted to new primary with a partial transaction A,B.

TODO: Not happy with the following solution.

Solution: Primary delays ready status till full tx is replicated.

  • When a new backup joins it is considered ‘blocked’ by any TX in progress.
    • create a TxTracker per queue, per backup at prepare, before local commit.
    • TxTracker holds set of enqueues & dequeues in the tx.
    • ReplicatingSubscription removes enqueus & dequeues from TxTracker as they are replicated.
  • Backup starts to catch up as normal but is not granted ready till:
    • catches up on it's guard (as per normal catch-up) AND
    • all TxTrackers are clear.

NOTE: needs thougthful locking to correctly handle

  • multiple queues per tx
  • multiple tx per queue
  • multiple TxTrackers per queue per per backup
  • synchronize backups in/out of transaction wrt setting trackers.

TODO: A blocking TX eliminates the benefit of the queue guard for expected backups.

  • It won't be ready till it has replicated all guarded positions up to the tx.
  • Could severely delay backups becoming ready after fail-over if queues are long.




New tests:

  • TX transaction tests in python.
  • TX failover stress test (c.f. test_failover_send_receive)

Existing tests:

  • JMS transaction tests (DTX & TX)
  • qpid/tests/src/py/qpid_tests/broker_0_10/, run against HA broker.