blob: 746ae18c18a93e2c68ce2d1b5401fddf744771c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.qpid.framing;
import org.apache.qpid.test.utils.QpidTestCase;
public class AMQShortStringTest extends QpidTestCase
public static final AMQShortString HELLO = new AMQShortString("Hello");
public static final AMQShortString HELL = new AMQShortString("Hell");
public static final AMQShortString GOODBYE = new AMQShortString("Goodbye");
public static final AMQShortString GOOD = new AMQShortString("Good");
public static final AMQShortString BYE = new AMQShortString("BYE");
public void testEquals()
assertEquals(GOODBYE, new AMQShortString("Goodbye"));
assertEquals(new AMQShortString("A"), new AMQShortString("A"));
assertFalse(new AMQShortString("A").equals(new AMQShortString("a")));
* Test method for
* {@link org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString#AMQShortString(byte[])}.
public void testCreateAMQShortStringByteArray()
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = "test".getBytes("UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
fail("UTF-8 encoding is not supported anymore by JVM:" + e.getMessage());
AMQShortString string = new AMQShortString(bytes);
assertEquals("constructed amq short string length differs from expected", 4, string.length());
assertTrue("constructed amq short string differs from expected", string.toString().equals("test"));
* Test method for
* {@link org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString#AMQShortString(java.lang.String)}
* <p>
* Tests short string construction from string with length less than 255.
public void testCreateAMQShortStringString()
AMQShortString string = new AMQShortString("test");
assertEquals("constructed amq short string length differs from expected", 4, string.length());
assertTrue("constructed amq short string differs from expected", string.toString().equals("test"));
* Test method for
* {@link org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString#AMQShortString(byte[])}.
* <p>
* Tests an attempt to create an AMQP short string from byte array with length over 255.
public void testCreateAMQShortStringByteArrayOver255()
String test = buildString('a', 256);
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = test.getBytes("UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
fail("UTF-8 encoding is not supported anymore by JVM:" + e.getMessage());
new AMQShortString(bytes);
fail("It should not be possible to create AMQShortString with length over 255");
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
assertEquals("Exception message differs from expected",
"Cannot create AMQShortString with number of octets over 255!", e.getMessage());
* Test method for
* {@link org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString#AMQShortString(java.lang.String)}
* <p>
* Tests an attempt to create an AMQP short string from string with length over 255
public void testCreateAMQShortStringStringOver255()
String test = buildString('a', 256);
new AMQShortString(test);
fail("It should not be possible to create AMQShortString with length over 255");
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
assertEquals("Exception message differs from expected",
"Cannot create AMQShortString with number of octets over 255!", e.getMessage());
public void testValueOf()
String string = buildString('a', 255);
AMQShortString shortString = AMQShortString.valueOf(string, true, true);
assertEquals("Unexpected string from valueOf", string, shortString.toString());
public void testValueOfTruncated()
String string = buildString('a', 256);
AMQShortString shortString = AMQShortString.valueOf(string, true, true);
assertEquals("Unexpected truncated string from valueOf", string.substring(0, AMQShortString.MAX_LENGTH -3) + "...",
public void testValueOfNulAsEmptyString()
AMQShortString shortString = AMQShortString.valueOf(null, true, true);
assertEquals("Unexpected empty string from valueOf", AMQShortString.EMPTY_STRING, shortString);
public void testValueOfNullAsNull()
AMQShortString shortString = AMQShortString.valueOf(null, true, false);
assertEquals("Unexpected null string from valueOf", null, shortString);
* A helper method to generate a string with given length containing given
* character
* @param ch
* char to build string with
* @param length
* target string length
* @return string
private String buildString(char ch, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
return sb.toString();