Added configuration options and templating for smtps options
'smtpd_sasl_auth_enable' and 'smtpd_client_restrictions'. Neither is
certain and fixed. You might want to restrict authenticated sessions to
the submission port for example, and you might or might not want to
accept mail from unauthenticated connections on 465.

Note that the use of port 465 isn't standards compliant anyway but I
feel like to unauthenticated clients it should behave like port 25.

Hmm... Greylisting on 465...
2 files changed
tree: b1c4f0f1fbcc23e65ecee45b84b5b3f45128388b
  1. manifests/
  2. templates/
  3. tests/
  4. ChangeLog
  6. Modulefile



This module is meant for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, its clones and FreeBSD. It still requires some major clean up, but is currently fully functional.

  • postfix::dbfile : Manage Postfix DB configuration files
  • postfix::file : Manage flat text Postfix configuration files
  • postfix::server : Manage the main Postfix instance


class { '::postfix::server':
  myhostname              => '',
  mydomain                => '',
  mydestination           => "\$myhostname, localhost.\$mydomain, localhost, $fqdn",
  inet_interfaces         => 'all',
  message_size_limit      => '15360000', # 15MB
  mail_name               => 'example mail daemon',
  virtual_mailbox_domains => [
  virtual_alias_maps      => [
  virtual_transport         => 'dovecot',
  # if you want dovecot to deliver to,
  # uncomment this: (c.f.
  # dovecot_destination     => '${user}@${nexthop}',
  smtpd_sender_restrictions => [
  smtpd_recipient_restrictions => [
  smtpd_sasl_auth       => true,
  sender_canonical_maps => 'regexp:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical',
  ssl                   => '',
  submission            => true,
  header_checks         => [
    '# Remove LAN (Webmail) headers',
    '/^Received: from .*\.example\.ici/ IGNORE',
    '# Sh*tlist',
    '/^From: .*@(example\.com|example\.net)/ REJECT Spam, go away',
    '/^From: .*@(lcfnl\.com|.*\.cson4\.com|.*\.idep4\.com|.*\.gagc4\.com)/ REJECT user unknown',
  postgrey              => true,
  spamassassin          => true,
  sa_skip_rbl_checks    => '0',
  spampd_children       => '4',
  # Send all emails to spampd on 10026
  smtp_content_filter   => 'smtp:',
  # This is where we get emails back from spampd
  master_services       => [ ' inet n  -       n       -      20       smtpd'],

Parameters for

The most common parameters are supported as parameters to the postfix::server class, but any other ones may be added using the $extra_main_parameters hash parameter, to which keys are parameter names and values can be either a value string or array of strings.

Example :

class { '::postfix::server':
  extra_main_parameters => {
    'virtual_mailbox_lock' => [
    virtual_minimum_uid => '1000',


  • The service will only be reloaded on configuration change, meaning that changes requiring a full restart won't be applied, such as changes to listening interfaces.