Use nodejs class to install nodejs

This is a backward incompatible change. Sorry. But now we can rely on a
much better portable system for installing nodejs using the nodesource
packages instaed of building it ourselves. This is important because the
system packages on some distros (like Ubuntu Trusty) can no longer talk
to npm resulting in a failed etherpad install.

You can continue to use the system packages if you desire using the same
old config. But you now need to provide the nodejs class'
repo_url_suffix as your nodejs_version parameter should you not want to
use the system packages.

Note that transitioning from system to the nodesource packaged nodejs is
not currently supported by this change. Basically this means that if you
have an existing system setup which uses old npm you may want to just
redeploy your server from scratch using the nodesource packages to move

Change-Id: Ia686f9eba15e0a3dfa81d08aecc212853b3f7189
1 file changed
tree: 550046f9b027e4aa5c54113964c202a7146ab393
  1. files/
  2. manifests/
  3. spec/
  4. templates/
  5. .gitreview
  6. Gemfile
  8. metadata.json
  9. Rakefile

OpenStack Etherpad Lite Module

This module installs and configures Etherpad Lite