Ensure abiword package is always present

Change I9831526581a5fc1f2014c9985637664c79b937bf
moved the required packages list statement into a
conditional block, making it to be ensured only
in the case nodejs_version was set to 'system'.

This was causing the abiword library to not be
installed and then etherpad.o.o was appending the
following error message to new pads:

  Error: Abiword does not exist at this path,
  check your settings file -- To suppress these
  warning messages change suppressErrorsInPadText
  to true in your settings.json

This patch makes the abiword library to always be
installed by moving it out of that conditional

Change-Id: I50f55e4408d850b2bf449b121b9014d511518481
1 file changed
tree: 219b8ba18022cda25d7873e75142b1ca9ae11848
  1. files/
  2. manifests/
  3. spec/
  4. templates/
  5. .gitreview
  7. metadata.json
  8. Rakefile
  9. README.md

OpenStack Etherpad Lite Module

This module installs and configures Etherpad Lite