blob: 262c71b08171fc897cbad88c5db0cd457235e77e [file] [log] [blame]
# == Class: backuppc::server
# This module manages backuppc
# === Parameters
# [*ensure*]
# Present or absent
# [*service_enable*]
# Boolean. Will enable service at boot
# and ensure a running service.
# [*wakup_schedule*]
# Times at which we wake up, check all the PCs,
# and schedule necessary backups. Times are measured
# in hours since midnight. Can be fractional if
# necessary (eg: 4.25 means 4:15am).
# [*max_backups*]
# Maximum number of simultaneous backups to run. If
# there are no user backup requests then this is the
# maximum number of simultaneous backups.
# [*max_user_backups*]
# Additional number of simultaneous backups that users
# can run. As many as $Conf{MaxBackups} + $Conf{MaxUserBackups}
# requests can run at the same time.
# [*max_pending_cmds*]
# Maximum number of pending link commands. New backups will only
# be started if there are no more than $Conf{MaxPendingCmds} plus
# $Conf{MaxBackups} number of pending link commands, plus running
# jobs. This limit is to make sure BackupPC doesn't fall too far
# behind in running BackupPC_link commands.
# [*max_backup_pc_nightly_jobs*]
# How many BackupPC_nightly processes to run in parallel. Each night,
# at the first wakeup listed in $Conf{WakeupSchedule}, BackupPC_nightly
# is run. Its job is to remove unneeded files in the pool, ie: files that
# only have one link. To avoid race conditions, BackupPC_nightly and BackupPC_link
# cannot run at the same time. Starting in v3.0.0, BackupPC_nightly can run
# concurrently with backups (BackupPC_dump).
# [*backup_pc_nightly_period*]
# How many days (runs) it takes BackupPC_nightly to traverse the entire pool.
# Normally this is 1, which means every night it runs, it does traverse the entire
# pool removing unused pool files.
# [*max_old_log_files*]
# Maximum number of log files we keep around in log directory. These files are aged
# nightly. A setting of 14 means the log directory will contain about 2 weeks of old
# log files, in particular at most the files LOG, LOG.0, LOG.1, ... LOG.13 (except today's
# LOG, these files will have a .z extension if compression is on).
# [*df_max_usage_pct*]
# Maximum threshold for disk utilization on the __TOPDIR__ filesystem. If the output
# from $Conf{DfPath} reports a percentage larger than this number then no new regularly
# scheduled backups will be run. However, user requested backups (which are usually
# incremental and tend to be small) are still performed, independent of disk usage. Also,
# currently running backups will not be terminated when the disk usage exceeds this number.
# [*trash_clean_sleep_sec*]
# How long BackupPC_trashClean sleeps in seconds between each check of the trash directory.
# [*dhcp_address_ranges*]
# List of DHCP address ranges we search looking for PCs to backup. This is an array of
# hashes for each class C address range. This is only needed if hosts in the conf/hosts
# file have the dhcp flag set.
# [*full_period*]
# Minimum period in days between full backups. A full dump will only be done if at least
# this much time has elapsed since the last full dump, and at least $Conf{IncrPeriod}
# days has elapsed since the last successful dump.
# [*full_keep_cnt*]
# Number of full backups to keep.
# [*full_age_max*]
# Very old full backups are removed after $Conf{FullAgeMax} days. However, we keep
# at least $Conf{FullKeepCntMin} full backups no matter how old they are.
# [*incr_period*]
# Minimum period in days between incremental backups (a user requested incremental
# backup will be done anytime on demand).
# [*incr_keep_cnt*]
# Number of incremental backups to keep.
# [*incr_age_max*]
# Very old incremental backups are removed after $Conf{IncrAgeMax} days. However,
# we keep at least $Conf{IncrKeepCntMin} incremental backups no matter how old
# they are.
# [*incr_levels*]
# A full backup has level 0. A new incremental of level N will backup all files
# that have changed since the most recent backup of a lower level.
# [*partial_age_max*]
# A failed full backup is saved as a partial backup. The rsync XferMethod can
# take advantage of the partial full when the next backup is run. This parameter
# sets the age of the partial full in days: if the partial backup is older than
# this number of days, then rsync will ignore (not use) the partial full when the
# next backup is run. If you set this to a negative value then no partials will be
# saved. If you set this to 0, partials will be saved, but will not be used by the
# next backup.
# [*incr_fill*]
# Boolean. Whether incremental backups are filled. "Filling" means that the most recent fulli
# (or filled) dump is merged into the new incremental dump using hardlinks. This
# makes an incremental dump look like a full dump.
# [*restore_info_keep_cnt*]
# Number of restore logs to keep. BackupPC remembers information about each restore
# request. This number per client will be kept around before the oldest ones are pruned.
# [*archive_info_keep_cnt*]
# Number of archive logs to keep. BackupPC remembers information about each archive request.
# This number per archive client will be kept around before the oldest ones are pruned.
# [*blackout_good_cnt*]
# PCs that are always or often on the network can be backed up after hours, to reduce PC,
# network and server load during working hours. For each PC a count of consecutive good
# pings is maintained. Once a PC has at least $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} consecutive good pings
# it is subject to "blackout" and not backed up during hours and days specified by $Conf{BlackoutPeriods}.
# [*blackout_zero_files_is_fatal*]
# Boolean. A backup of a share that has zero files is considered fatal. This is used to catch miscellaneous Xfer
# errors that result in no files being backed up. If you have shares that might be
# empty (and therefore an empty backup is valid) you should set this to false.
# [*email_notify_min_days*]
# Minimum period between consecutive emails to a single user. This tries to keep annoying email to users to
# a reasonable level.
# [*email_from_user_name*]
# Name to use as the "from" name for email.
# [*email_admin_user_name*]
# Destination address to an administrative user who will receive a nightly email with warnings and errors.
# [*email_notify_old_backup_days*]
# How old the most recent backup has to be before notifying user. When there have been no backups in this
# number of days the user is sent an email.
# [*email_headers*]
# Additional email headers.
# [*apache_configuration*]
# Boolean. Whether to install the apache configuration file that creates an alias for the /backuppc url.
# Disable this if you intend to install backuppc as a virtual host yourself.
# [*apache_allow_from*]
# A space seperated list of hostnames, ip addresses and networks that are permitted to
# access the backuppc interface.
# [*apache_require_ssl*]
# This directive forbids access unless HTTP over SSL (i.e. HTTPS) is used. Relies on mod_ssl.
# [*backuppc_password*]
# Password for the backuppc user used to access the web interface.
# [*topdir*]
# Overwrite package default location for backuppc.
# === Examples
# See tests folder.
# === Authors
# Scott Barr <>
class backuppc::server (
$ensure = 'present',
$service_enable = true,
$wakeup_schedule = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23],
$max_backups = 4,
$max_user_backups = 4,
$max_pending_cmds = 15,
$max_backup_pc_nightly_jobs = 2,
$backup_pc_nightly_period = 1,
$max_old_log_files = 14,
$df_max_usage_pct = 95,
$trash_clean_sleep_sec = 300,
$dhcp_address_ranges = [],
$full_period = '6.97',
$full_keep_cnt = 1,
$full_age_max = 90,
$incr_period = '0.97',
$incr_keep_cnt = 6,
$incr_age_max = 30,
$incr_levels = [1],
$incr_fill = false,
$partial_age_max = 3,
$restore_info_keep_cnt = 10,
$archive_info_keep_cnt = 10,
$blackout_good_cnt = 7,
$blackout_periods = [ { hourBegin => 7.0,
hourEnd => 19.5,
weekDays => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
}, ],
$blackout_zero_files_is_fatal = true,
$email_notify_min_days = 2.5,
$email_from_user_name = 'backuppc',
$email_admin_user_name = 'backuppc',
$email_notify_old_backup_days = 7,
$email_headers = { 'MIME-Version' => 1.0,
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"', },
$apache_configuration = true,
$apache_allow_from = 'all',
$apache_require_ssl = false,
$backuppc_password = '',
$topdir = $backuppc::params::topdir
) {
include backuppc::params
if empty($backuppc_password) {
fail('Please provide a password for the backuppc user. This is used to login to the web based administration site.')
validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$',
'ensure parameter must have a value of: present or absent')
validate_re($max_backups, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Max_backups parameter should be a number')
validate_re($max_user_backups, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Max_user_backups parameter should be a number')
validate_re($max_pending_cmds, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Max_pending_cmds parameter should be a number')
validate_re($max_backup_pc_nightly_jobs, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Max_backup_pc_nightly_jobs parameter should be a number')
validate_re($df_max_usage_pct, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Df_max_usage_pct parameter should be a number')
validate_re($max_old_log_files, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Max_old_log_files parameter should be a number')
validate_re($backup_pc_nightly_period, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Backup_pc_nightly_period parameter should be a number')
validate_re($trash_clean_sleep_sec, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Trash_clean_sleep_sec parameter should be a number')
validate_re($full_period, '^[0-9]([0-9]*)?(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$',
'Full_period parameter should be a number')
validate_re($incr_period, '^[0-9]([0-9]*)?(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$',
'Incr_period parameter should be a number')
validate_re($full_keep_cnt, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Full_keep_cnt parameter should be a number')
validate_re($full_age_max, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Full_age_max parameter should be a number')
validate_re($incr_keep_cnt, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Incr_keep_cnt parameter should be a number')
validate_re($incr_age_max, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Incr_age_max parameter should be a number')
validate_re($partial_age_max, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Partial_age_max parameter should be a number')
validate_re($restore_info_keep_cnt, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Restore_info_keep_cnt parameter should be a number')
validate_re($archive_info_keep_cnt, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Restore_info_keep_cnt parameter should be a number')
validate_re($blackout_good_cnt, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Blackout_good_cnt parameter should be a number')
validate_re($email_notify_min_days, '^[0-9]([0-9]*)?(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$',
'Email_notify_min_days parameter should be a number')
validate_re($email_notify_old_backup_days, '^[1-9]([0-9]*)?$',
'Blackout_good_cnt parameter should be a number')
$real_incr_fill = bool2num($incr_fill)
$real_bzfif = bool2num($blackout_zero_files_is_fatal)
# Set up dependencies
Package[$backuppc::params::package] -> File[$backuppc::params::config] -> Service[$backuppc::params::service]
# Include preseeding for debian packages
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
file { '/var/cache/debconf/backuppc.seeds':
ensure => $ensure,
source => 'puppet:///modules/backuppc/backuppc.preseed',
# BackupPC package and service configuration
package { $backuppc::params::package:
ensure => $ensure,
service { $backuppc::params::service:
ensure => $service_enable,
enable => $service_enable,
hasstatus => false,
pattern => 'BackupPC'
file { $backuppc::params::config:
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'backuppc',
group => $backuppc::params::group_apache,
mode => '0644',
content => template('backuppc/'),
file { $backuppc::params::config_directory:
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'backuppc',
group => $backuppc::params::group_apache,
require => Package[$backuppc::params::package],
file { "${backuppc::params::config_directory}/pc":
ensure => link,
target => $backuppc::params::config_directory,
require => Package[$backuppc::params::package],
file { [$topdir, "${topdir}/.ssh"]:
ensure => 'directory',
recurse => true,
owner => 'backuppc',
group => $backuppc::params::group_apache,
mode => '0644',
# Workaround for client exported resources that are
# on a different osfamily. Maintain a symlink to alternative
# config directory targets.
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
file { '/etc/BackupPC':
ensure => link,
target => $backuppc::params::config_directory,
'RedHat': {
file { '/etc/backuppc':
ensure => link,
target => $backuppc::params::config_directory,
default: {
notify { "If you've added support for ${::operatingsystem} you'll need to extend this case statement to.":
exec { 'backuppc-ssh-keygen':
command => "ssh-keygen -f ${topdir}/.ssh/id_rsa -C 'BackupPC on ${::fqdn}' -N ''",
user => 'backuppc',
unless => "test -f ${topdir}/.ssh/id_rsa",
path => ['/usr/bin','/bin'],
require => [
# BackupPC apache configuration
if $apache_configuration {
file { $backuppc::params::config_apache:
ensure => $ensure,
content => template("backuppc/apache_${::osfamily}.erb"),
require => Package[$backuppc::params::package],
# Create the default admin account
backuppc::server::user { 'backuppc':
password => $backuppc_password
# Export backuppc's authorized key to all clients
# TODO don't rely on facter to obtain the ssh key.
if ! empty($::backuppc_pubkey_rsa) {
@@ssh_authorized_key { "backuppc_${::fqdn}":
ensure => present,
key => $::backuppc_pubkey_rsa,
name => "backuppc_${::fqdn}",
user => 'backup',
options => [
type => 'ssh-rsa',
tag => "backuppc_${::fqdn}",
# Hosts
File <<| tag == "backuppc_config_${::fqdn}" |>> {
group => $backuppc::params::group_apache,
notify => Service[$backuppc::params::service],
require => File["${backuppc::params::config_directory}/pc"],
File_line <<| tag == "backuppc_hosts_${::fqdn}" |>> {
require => Package[$backuppc::params::package],
# Ensure readable file permissions on
# the known hosts file.
file { '/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts':
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
Sshkey <<| tag == "backuppc_sshkeys_${::fqdn}" |>>