blob: 0f5e884c64cb7b9dcc76cce47905a3b6f0484f9a [file] [log] [blame]
const {Plugin: Embed} = require('remarkable-embed');
// Our custom remarkable plugin factory.
const createVariableInjectionPlugin = variables => {
// `let` binding used to initialize the `Embed` plugin only once for efficiency.
// See `if` statement below.
let initializedPlugin;
const embed = new Embed();
// Call the render method to process the corresponding variable with
// the passed Remarkable instance.
// -> the Markdown markup in the variable will be converted to HTML.
inject: (key) => {
keyparts = key.split(":");
// javadoc:<name>:<url_path>
if (keyparts[0] == 'javadoc') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, javadocUrl, keyparts);
// githubUrl:<name>:<path>
} else if (keyparts[0] == 'github') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, githubUrl + "/tree/master/", keyparts);
// rest api: rest:<name>:<path>
} else if (keyparts[0] == 'rest') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, restApiUrl + "#", keyparts);
} else if (keyparts[0] == 'functions') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, functionsApiUrl + "#", keyparts);
} else if (keyparts[0] == 'source') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, sourceApiUrl + "#", keyparts);
} else if (keyparts[0] == 'sink') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, sinkApiUrl + "#", keyparts);
} else if (keyparts[0] == 'packages') {
return renderUrl(initializedPlugin, packagesApiUrl + "#", keyparts);
} else {
keyparts = key.split("|");
// endpoint api: endpoint|<op>
if (keyparts[0] == 'endpoint') {
const restPath = keyparts[2].split('/')
const restApiVersion = restPath[2]
const restApiType = restPath[3]
let restBaseUrl = restApiUrl
if (restApiType == 'functions') {
restBaseUrl = functionsApiUrl
} else if (restApiType == 'source') {
restBaseUrl = sourceApiUrl
} else if (restApiType == 'sink') {
restBaseUrl = sinkApiUrl
const suffix = keyparts[keyparts.length - 1]
restUrl = ''
if (suffix.indexOf('?version') >= 0) {
restUrl = keyparts[keyparts.length - 1] + '&apiVersion=' + restApiVersion
} else {
restUrl = keyparts[keyparts.length - 1] + 'version=master&apiVersion=' + restApiVersion
return renderEndpoint(initializedPlugin, restBaseUrl + "#", keyparts, restUrl);
return initializedPlugin.render(variables[key])
return (md, options) => {
if (!initializedPlugin) {
initializedPlugin = {
render: md.render.bind(md),
hook: embed.hook(md, options)
return initializedPlugin.hook;
const renderUrl = (initializedPlugin, baseUrl, keyparts) => {
content = '[' + keyparts[1] + '](' + baseUrl + keyparts[2] + ')';
rendered_content = initializedPlugin.render(content);
rendered_content = rendered_content.replace('<p>', '');
rendered_content = rendered_content.replace('</p>', '');
return rendered_content;
const renderEndpoint = (initializedPlugin, baseUrl, keyparts, restUrl) => {
content = '[<b>' + keyparts[1] + '</b> <i>' + keyparts[2] + '</i>](' + baseUrl + restUrl + ')';
rendered_content = initializedPlugin.render(content);
rendered_content = rendered_content.replace('<p>', '');
rendered_content = rendered_content.replace('</p>', '');
return rendered_content;
const url = '';
const javadocUrl = url + '/api';
const restApiUrl = url + "/admin-rest-api";
const functionsApiUrl = url + "/functions-rest-api";
const sourceApiUrl = url + "/source-rest-api";
const sinkApiUrl = url + "/sink-rest-api";
const packagesApiUrl = url + "/packages-rest-api";
const githubUrl = '';
const baseUrl = '/';
const siteVariables = {
const siteConfig = {
title: 'Apache Pulsar' /* title for your website */,
disableTitleTagline: true,
tagline: '',
url: url /* your website url */,
baseUrl: baseUrl /* base url for your project */,
// For type URLs, you would set the url and baseUrl like:
// url: '',
// baseUrl: '/test-site/',
editUrl: `${githubUrl}/edit/master/site2/docs/`,
// Used for publishing and more
projectName: 'pulsar',
organizationName: 'apache',
// For top-level user or org sites, the organization is still the same.
// e.g., for the site, it would be set like...
// organizationName: 'JoelMarcey'
// For no header links in the top nav bar -> headerLinks: [],
headerLinks: [
{doc: 'standalone', label: 'Docs'},
{page: 'download', label: 'Download'},
{doc: 'client-libraries', label: 'Clients'},
{href: '#restapis', label: 'REST APIs'},
{href: '#cli', label: 'Cli'},
{blog: true, label: 'Blog'},
{href: '#community', label: 'Community'},
{href: '#apache', label: 'Apache'},
// Determines search bar position among links
//{ search: true },
// Determines language drop down position among links
{ languages: true }
// If you have users set above, you add it here:
users: [],
/* path to images for header/footer */
headerIcon: 'img/pulsar.svg',
footerIcon: 'img/pulsar.svg',
favicon: 'img/pulsar.ico',
algolia: {
apiKey: 'd226a455cecdd4bc18a554c1b47e5b52',
indexName: 'apache_pulsar',
algoliaOptions: {
facetFilters: ['language:LANGUAGE', 'version:VERSION'],
gaTrackingId: 'UA-102219959-1',
/* colors for website */
colors: {
primaryColor: '#188fff',
secondaryColor: '#205C3B',
translationRecruitingLink: '',
// This copyright info is used in /core/Footer.js and blog rss/atom feeds.
'Copyright © ' +
new Date().getFullYear() +
' The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.' +
' Apache, Apache Pulsar and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.',
highlight: {
// Highlight.js theme to use for syntax highlighting in code blocks
theme: 'atom-one-dark',
// Add custom scripts here that would be placed in <script> tags
scripts: [
stylesheets: [
/* On page navigation for the current documentation page */
onPageNav: 'separate',
/* Open Graph and Twitter card images */
//ogImage: 'img/docusaurus.png',
twitter: true,
twitterUsername: 'apache_pulsar',
twitterImage: 'img/pulsar.svg',
disableHeaderTitle: true,
cleanUrl: true,
//scrollToTop: true,
scrollToTopOptions: {
zIndex: 100,
githubUrl: githubUrl,
projectDescription: `
Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform originally
created at Yahoo! and now a top-level Apache Software Foundation project
markdownPlugins: [
module.exports = siteConfig;