tree: ce2981cffc98b49f7811408872d6af77789e8e05 [path history] [tgz]
  1. pulsar/

This directory contains the Helm Chart required to do a complete Pulsar deployment on Kubernetes.

Install Helm

Before you start, you need to install helm. Following helm documentation to install it.

Deploy Pulsar


Install Minikube

Install and configure minikube with a VM driver, e.g. kvm2 on Linux or hyperkit or VirtualBox on macOS.

Create a K8S cluster on Minikube

minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=4 \

Set kubectl to use Minikube.

kubectl config use-context minikube

After you created a K8S cluster on Minikube, you can access its dashboard via following command:

minikube dashboard

The command will automatically trigger open a webpage in your browser.

Install Pulsar Chart

Assume you already cloned pulsar repo in PULSAR_HOME directory.

  1. Go to Pulsar helm chart directory
    cd ${PULSAR_HOME}/deployment/kubernetes/helm
  2. Install helm chart.
    helm install --values pulsar/values-mini.yaml ./pulsar

Once the helm chart is completed on installation, you can access the cluster via:

  • Web service url: http://$(minikube ip):30001/
  • Pulsar service url: pulsar://$(minikube ip):30002/