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Apache Flink Connectors for Pulsar

This page describes how to use the connectors to read and write Pulsar topics with Apache Flink stream processing applications.

Build end-to-end stream processing pipelines that use Pulsar as the stream storage and message bus, and Apache Flink for computation over the streams. See the Pulsar Concepts page for more information.



This Flink streaming job is consuming from a Pulsar topic and couting the wordcount in a streaming fashion. The job can write the word count results to stdout or another Pulsar topic.

The steps to run the example:

  1. Start Pulsar Standalone.

    You can follow the instructions to start a Pulsar standalone locally.

    $ bin/pulsar standalone
  2. Start Flink locally.

    You can follow the instructions to download and start Flink.

    $ ./bin/
  3. Build the examples.

    $ cd ${PULSAR_HOME}
    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
  4. Run the word count example to print results to stdout.

    $ ./bin/flink run  ${PULSAR_HOME}/examples/flink-consumer-source/target/pulsar-flink-streaming-wordcount.jar --service-url pulsar://localhost:6650 --input-topic test_src --subscription test_sub
  5. Produce messages to topic test_src.

    $ bin/pulsar-client produce -m "hello world test again" -n 100 test_src
  6. You can check the flink taskexecutor .out file. The .out file will print the counts at the end of each time window as long as words are floating in, e.g.:

PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=hello, count=200) PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=again, count=200) PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=test, count=200) PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=world, count=200) PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=hello, count=100) PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=again, count=100) PulsarConsumerSourceWordCount.WordWithCount(word=test, count=100) ```

Alternatively, when you run the flink word count example at step 4, you can choose dump the result to another pulsar topic.

$ ./bin/flink run  ${PULSAR_HOME}/examples/flink-consumer-source/target/pulsar-flink-streaming-wordcount.jar --service-url pulsar://localhost:6650 --input-topic test_src --subscription test_sub --output-topic test_dest

Once the flink word count example is running, you can use bin/pulsar-client to tail the results produced into topic test_dest.

$ bin/pulsar-client consume -n 0 -s test test_dest

You will see similar results as what you see at step 6 when running the word count example to print results to stdout.