id: io-rabbitmq-sink title: RabbitMQ sink connector sidebar_label: “RabbitMQ sink connector” original_id: io-rabbitmq-sink

The RabbitMQ sink connector pulls messages from Pulsar topics and persist the messages to RabbitMQ queues.


The configuration of the RabbitMQ sink connector has the following properties.


connectionNameStringtrue" " (empty string)The connection name.
hostStringtrue" " (empty string)The RabbitMQ host.
portinttrue5672The RabbitMQ port.
virtualHostStringtrue/The virtual host used to connect to RabbitMQ.
usernameStringfalseguestThe username used to authenticate to RabbitMQ.
passwordStringfalseguestThe password used to authenticate to RabbitMQ.
queueNameStringtrue" " (empty string)The RabbitMQ queue name that messages should be read from or written to.
requestedChannelMaxintfalse0The initially requested maximum channel number.

0 means unlimited.
requestedFrameMaxintfalse0The initially requested maximum frame size in octets.

0 means unlimited.
connectionTimeoutintfalse60000The timeout of TCP connection establishment in milliseconds.

0 means infinite.
handshakeTimeoutintfalse10000The timeout of AMQP0-9-1 protocol handshake in milliseconds.
requestedHeartbeatintfalse60The exchange to publish messages.
exchangeNameStringtrue" " (empty string)The maximum number of messages that the server delivers.

0 means unlimited.
prefetchGlobalStringtrue" " (empty string)The routing key used to publish messages.


Before using the RabbitMQ sink connector, you need to create a configuration file through one of the following methods.

  • JSON

    { "host": "localhost", "port": "5672", "virtualHost": "/", "username": "guest", "password": "guest", "queueName": "test-queue", "connectionName": "test-connection", "requestedChannelMax": "0", "requestedFrameMax": "0", "connectionTimeout": "60000", "handshakeTimeout": "10000", "requestedHeartbeat": "60", "exchangeName": "test-exchange", "routingKey": "test-key" }
  • YAML

    configs: host: "localhost" port: 5672 virtualHost: "/", username: "guest" password: "guest" queueName: "test-queue" connectionName: "test-connection" requestedChannelMax: 0 requestedFrameMax: 0 connectionTimeout: 60000 handshakeTimeout: 10000 requestedHeartbeat: 60 exchangeName: "test-exchange" routingKey: "test-key"