id: version-2.6.3-io-cassandra-sink title: Cassandra sink connector sidebar_label: Cassandra sink connector original_id: io-cassandra-sink

The Cassandra sink connector pulls messages from Pulsar topics to Cassandra clusters.


The configuration of the Cassandra sink connector has the following properties.


rootsStringtrue" " (empty string)A comma-separated list of Cassandra hosts to connect to.
keyspaceStringtrue" " (empty string)The key space used for writing pulsar messages.

Note: keyspace should be created prior to a Cassandra sink.
keynameStringtrue" " (empty string)The key name of the Cassandra column family.

The column is used for storing Pulsar message keys.

If a Pulsar message doesn't have any key associated, the message value is used as the key.
columnFamilyStringtrue" " (empty string)The Cassandra column family name.

Note: columnFamily should be created prior to a Cassandra sink.
columnNameStringtrue" " (empty string)The column name of the Cassandra column family.

The column is used for storing Pulsar message values.


Before using the Cassandra sink connector, you need to create a configuration file through one of the following methods.

  • JSON

        "roots": "localhost:9042",
        "keyspace": "pulsar_test_keyspace",
        "columnFamily": "pulsar_test_table",
        "keyname": "key",
        "columnName": "col"
  • YAML

        roots: "localhost:9042"
        keyspace: "pulsar_test_keyspace"
        columnFamily: "pulsar_test_table"
        keyname: "key"
        columnName: "col"


For more information about how to connect Pulsar with Cassandra, see here.