tree: 83a25ed1bde93e52380af6de8e3f85fd24481c35 [path history] [tgz]
  1. ci-build-macos.yaml
  2. ci-cancel-duplicate-workflows.yaml
  3. ci-cpp-build-centos7.yaml
  4. ci-cpp-build-windows.yaml
  5. ci-cpp.yaml
  6. ci-documentbot.yml
  7. ci-go-functions-style.yaml
  8. ci-go-functions-test.yaml
  9. ci-integration-backwards-compatibility.yaml
  10. ci-integration-cli.yaml
  11. ci-integration-function.yaml
  12. ci-integration-messaging.yaml
  13. ci-integration-process.yaml
  14. ci-integration-pulsar-io-ora.yaml
  15. ci-integration-pulsar-io.yaml
  16. ci-integration-schema.yaml
  17. ci-integration-sql.yaml
  18. ci-integration-standalone.yaml
  19. ci-integration-thread.yaml
  20. ci-integration-tiered-filesystem.yaml
  21. ci-integration-tiered-jcloud.yaml
  22. ci-integration-transaction.yaml
  23. ci-license.yaml
  24. ci-maven-cache-update.yaml
  25. ci-owasp-dep-check.yaml
  26. ci-owasp-dependency-check.yaml
  27. ci-pulsar-website-build.yaml
  28. ci-pulsarbot.yaml
  29. ci-python-build-3.9-client.yaml
  30. ci-shade-test.yaml
  31. ci-unit-broker-broker-gp.yaml
  32. ci-unit-broker-client-api.yaml
  33. ci-unit-broker-client-impl.yaml
  34. ci-unit-broker-jdk8.yaml
  35. ci-unit-broker-other.yaml
  36. ci-unit-proxy.yaml
  37. ci-unit.yaml

GitHub Workflows

This directory contains all Pulsar CI checks.

Required Workflows

When adding new CI workflows, please update the .asf.yaml if the workflow is required to pass before a PR can be merged. Instructions on how to update the file are below.

This project uses the .asf.yaml to configure which workflows are required to pass before a PR can be merged. In the .asf.yaml, the required contexts are defined in the github.protected_branches.*.required_status_checks.contexts.[] where * is any key in the protected_branches map.

You can view the currently required status checks by running the following command:

curl -s -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' | \
jq .protection

These contexts get their names in one of two ways depending on how the workflow file is written in this directory. The following command will print out the names of each file and the associated with the check. If the name field is null, the context will be named by the id.

for f in .github/workflows/*.yaml; \
do FILE=$f yq eval -o j '.jobs | to_entries | {"file": env(FILE),"id":.[].key, "name":.[]}' $f; \

Duplicate names are allowed, and all checks with the same name will be treated the same (required or not required).