title: Pulsar concepts and architecture lead: A high-level overview of Pulsar's moving pieces tags:
{% popover Pulsar %} is a multi-tenant, high-performance solution for server-to-server messaging originally developed by Yahoo and now under the stewardship of the Apache Software Foundation.
Pulsar's key features include:
Pulsar is built on the publish-subscribe pattern, aka {% popover pub-sub %}. In this pattern, producers publish messages to topics. Consumers can then subscribe to those topics, process incoming messages, and send an {% popover acknowledgement %} when processing is complete.
Once a {% popover subscription %} has been created, all messages will be retained by Pulsar, even if the consumer gets disconnected. Retained messages will be discarded only when a consumer {% popover acknowledges %} that they've been successfully processed.
A producer is a process that attaches to a topic and publishes messages to a Pulsar {% popover broker %} for processing.
Producers can send messages to brokers either synchronously (sync) or asynchronously (async).
Mode | Description |
Sync send | The producer will wait for acknowledgement from the broker after sending each message. If acknowledgment isn't received then the producer will consider the send operation a failure. |
Async send | The producer will put the message in a blocking queue and return immediately. The client library will then send the message to the broker in the background. If the queue is full (max size configurable, the producer could be blocked or fail immediately when calling the API, depending on arguments passed to the producer. |
Messages published by producers can be compressed during transportation in order to save bandwidth. Pulsar currently supports two types of compression:
If batching is enabled, the producer will accumulate and send a batch of messages in a single request. Batching size is defined by the maximum number of messages and maximum publish latency.
A consumer is a process that attaches to a topic via a subscription and then receives messages.
Messages can be received from {% popover brokers %} either synchronously (sync) or asynchronously (async).
Mode | Description |
Sync receive | A sync receive will be blocked until a message is available. |
Async receive | An async receive will return immediately with a future value---a CompletableFuture in Java, for example---that completes once a new message is available. |
When a consumer has successfully processed a message, it needs to send an {% popover acknowledgement %} to the broker so that the broker can discard the message (otherwise it stores the message).
Messages can be acknowledged either one by one or cumulatively. With cumulative acknowledgement, the consumer only needs to acknowledge the last message it received. All messages in the stream up to (and including) the provided message will not be re-delivered to that consumer.
{% include admonition.html type=‘warning’ content=‘Cumulative acknowledgement cannot be used with shared subscription mode, because shared mode involves multiple consumers having access to the same subscription.’ %}
Client libraries can provide their own listener implementations for consumers. The Java client, for example, provides a {% javadoc MesssageListener client org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageListener %} interface. In this interface, the received
method is called whenever a new message is received.
As in other pub-sub systems, topics in Pulsar are named channels for transmitting messages from producers to consumers. Topic names are URLs that have a well-defined structure:
{% include topic.html p=“property” c=“cluster” n=“namespace” t=“topic” %}
Topic name component | Description |
persistent | It identifies type of topic. Pulsar supports two kind of topics: persistent and non-persistent. In persistent topic, all messages are durably persisted on disk (that means on multiple disks unless the {% popover broker %} is {% popover standalone %}), whereas non-persistent topic does not persist message into storage disk. |
property | The topic's {% popover tenant %} within the instance. Tenants are essential to {% popover multi-tenancy %} in Pulsar and can be spread across clusters. |
cluster | Where the topic is located. Typically there will be one {% popover cluster %} for each geographical region or data center. |
namespace | The administrative unit of the topic, which acts as a grouping mechanism for related topics. Most topic configuration is performed at the namespace level. Each property (tenant) can have multiple namespaces. |
topic | The final part of the name. Topic names are freeform and have no special meaning in a Pulsar instance. |
{% include admonition.html type=“success” title=“No need to explicitly create new topics” content=“Application does not explicitly create the topic but attempting to write or receive message on a topic that does not yet exist, Pulsar will automatically create that topic under the namespace.” %}
A namespace is a logical nomenclature within a property. A property can create multiple namespaces via admin API. For instance, a property with different applications can create a separate namespace for each application. A namespace allows the application to create and manage a hierarchy of topics. For e.g. my-property/my-cluster/my-property-app1
is a namespace for the application my-property-app1
in cluster my-cluster
for my-property
. Application can create any number of topics under the namespace.
A subscription is a named configuration rule that determines how messages are delivered to {% popover consumers %}. There are three available subscription modes in Pulsar: exclusive, shared, and failover. These modes are illustrated in the figure below.
In exclusive mode, only a single consumer is allowed to attach to the subscription. If more than one consumer attempts to subscribe to a topic using the same subscription, the consumer receives an error.
In the diagram above, only Consumer-A is allowed to consume messages.
Exclusive mode is the default subscription mode.
In shared or round robin mode, multiple consumers can attach to the same subscription. Messages are delivered in a round robin distribution across consumers, and any given message is delivered to only one consumer. When a consumer disconnects, all the messages that were sent to it and not acknowledged will be rescheduled for sending to the remaining consumers.
In the diagram above, Consumer-B-1 and Consumer-B-2 are able to subscribe to the topic, but Consumer-C-1 and others could as well.
{% include message.html id=“shared_mode_limitations” %}
In failover mode, multiple consumers can attach to the same subscription. The consumers will be lexically sorted by the consumer's name and the first consumer will initially be the only one receiving messages. This consumer is called the master consumer.
When the master consumer disconnects, all (non-acked and subsequent) messages will be delivered to the next consumer in line.
In the diagram above, Consumer-C-1 is the master consumer while Consumer-C-2 would be the next in line to receive messages if Consumer-C-2 disconnected.
{% include explanations/partitioned-topics.md %}
{% include explanations/non-persistent-topics.md %}
At the highest level, a Pulsar {% popover instance %} is composed of one or more Pulsar {% popover clusters %}. Clusters within an instance can replicate data amongst themselves.
In a Pulsar cluster:
The diagram below provides an illustration of a Pulsar cluster:
At the broader {% popover instance %} level, an instance-wide ZooKeeper cluster called {% popover global ZooKeeper %} handles coordination tasks involving multiple clusters, for example geo-replication.
The Pulsar message {% popover broker %} is a stateless component that's primarily responsible for running two other components:
Messages are typically dispatched out of a managed ledger cache for the sake of performance, unless the backlog exceeds the cache size. If the backlog grows too large for the cache, the broker will start reading entries from {% popover BookKeeper %}.
Finally, to support {% popover geo-replication %} on global topics, the broker manages replicators that tail the entries published in the local region and republish them to the remote region using the Pulsar Java client library.
{% include admonition.html type=“info” content=“For a guide to managing Pulsar brokers, see the Clusters and brokers guide.” %}
A Pulsar {% popover instance %} consists of one or more Pulsar clusters. Clusters, in turn, consist of:
Clusters can replicate amongst themselves using geo-replication.
{% include admonition.html type=“info” content=“For a guide to managing Pulsar clusters, see the Clusters and brokers guide.” %}
In any Pulsar {% popover instance %}, there is an instance-wide cluster called global
that you can use to mange non-cluster-specific namespaces and topics. The global
cluster is created for you automatically when you initialize metadata for the first cluster in your instance.
Global topic names have this basic structure (note the global
{% include topic.html p=“my-property” c=“global” n=“my-namespace” t=“my-topic” %}
Pulsar uses Apache Zookeeper for metadata storage, cluster configuration, and coordination. In a Pulsar instance:
When creating a new cluster
Pulsar provides guaranteed message delivery for applications. If a message successfully reaches a Pulsar {% popover broker %}, it will be delivered to its intended target.
This guarantee requires that non-{% popover acknowledged %} messages are stored in a durable manner until they can be delivered to and acknowledged by {% popover consumers %}. This mode of messaging is commonly called persistent messaging. In Pulsar, N copies of all messages are stored and synced on disk, for example 4 copies across two servers with mirrored RAID volumes on each server.
Pulsar uses a system called Apache BookKeeper for persistent message storage. BookKeeper is a distributed write-ahead log (WAL) system that provides a number of crucial advantages for Pulsar:
In addition to message data, cursors are also persistently stored in BookKeeper. Cursors are {% popover subscription %} positions for {% popover consumers %}. BookKeeper enables Pulsar to store consumer position in a scalable fashion.
At the moment, Pulsar only supports persistent message storage. This accounts for the persistent
in all {% popover topic %} names. Here's an example:
{% include topic.html p=“my-property” c=“global” n=“my-namespace” t=“my-topic” %}
In the future, Pulsar will support ephemeral message storage.
A {% popover ledger %} is an append-only data structure with a single writer that is assigned to multiple BookKeeper storage nodes, or {% popover bookies %}. Ledger entries are replicated to multiple bookies. Ledgers themselves have very simple semantics:
The main strength of Bookkeeper is that it guarantees read consistency in ledgers in the presence of failures. Since the ledger can only be written to by a single process, that process is free to append entries very efficiently, without need to obtain consensus. After a failure, the ledger will go through a recovery process that will finalize the state of the ledger and establish which entry was last committed to the log. After that point, all readers of the ledger are guaranteed to see the exact same content.
Given that Bookkeeper ledgers provide a single log abstraction, a library was developed on top of the ledger called the managed ledger that represents the storage layer for a single topic. A managed ledger represents the abstraction of a stream of messages with a single writer that keeps appending at the end of the stream and multiple {% popover cursors %} that are consuming the stream, each with its own associated position.
Internally, a single managed ledger uses multiple BookKeeper ledgers to store the data. There are two reasons to have multiple ledgers:
In BookKeeper, journal files contain BookKeeper transaction logs. Before making an update to a ledger, a bookie needs to ensure that a transaction describing the update is written to persistent (non-volatile) storage. A new journal file is created once the bookie starts or the older journal file reaches the journal file size threshold (configured using the journalMaxSizeMB
A future version of BookKeeper will support non-persistent messaging and thus multiple durability modes at the topic level. This will enable you to set the durability mode at the topic level, replacing the persistent
in topic names with a non-persistent
Pulsar enables messages to be produced and consumed in different geo-locations. For instance, your application may be publishing data in one region or market and you would like to process it for consumption in other regions or markets. Geo-replication in Pulsar enables you to do that.
Pulsar was created from the ground up as a {% popover multi-tenant %} system. To support multi-tenancy, Pulsar has a concept of {% popover properties %}. Properties can be spread across {% popover clusters %} and can each have their own authentication and authorization scheme applied to them. They are also the administrative unit at which storage quotas, message TTL, and isolation policies can be managed.
The multi-tenant nature of Pulsar is reflected mostly visibly in topic URLs, which have this structure:
{% include topic.html p=“property” c=“cluster” n=“namespace” t=“topic” %}
As you can see, the property is the most basic unit of categorization for topics (and even more fundamental than the {% popover cluster %}).
{% include explanations/properties-namespaces.md %}
Pulsar supports a pluggable authentication mechanism which can be configured at broker and it also supports authorization to identify client and its access rights on topics and properties.
Pulsar exposes a client API with language bindings for Java and C++. The client API optimizes and encapsulates Pulsar's client-broker communication protocol and exposes a simple and intuitive API for use by applications.
Under the hood, the current official Pulsar client libraries support transparent reconnection and/or connection failover to {% popover brokers %}, queuing of messages until {% popover acknowledged %} by the broker, and heuristics such as connection retries with backoff.
{% include admonition.html type=“success” title=“Custom client libraries” content=" If you‘d like to create your own client library, we recommend consulting the documentation on Pulsar’s custom binary protocol. " %}
When an application wants to create a producer/consumer, the Pulsar client library will initiate a setup phase that is composed of two steps:
Whenever the TCP connection breaks, the client will immediately re-initiate this setup phase and will keep trying with exponential backoff to re-establish the producer or consumer until the operation succeeds.
Clients connecting to Pulsar {% popover brokers %} need to be able to communicate with an entire Pulsar {% popover instance %} using a single URL. Pulsar provides a built-in service discovery mechanism that you can set up using the instructions in the Deploying a Pulsar instance guide.
You can use your own service discovery system if you'd like. If you use your own system, there is just one requirement: when a client performs an HTTP request to an endpoint, such as http://pulsar.us-west.example.com:8080
, the client needs to be redirected to some active broker in the desired {% popover cluster %}, whether via DNS, an HTTP or IP redirect, or some other means.