Non-persistent can be used in applications that only want to consume real time published messages and do not need persistent guarantee that can also reduce message-publish latency by removing overhead of persisting messages.
In all of the instructions and commands below, the topic name structure is:
It shows current statistics of a given non-partitioned topic.
msgRateIn: The sum of all local and replication publishers' publish rates in messages per second
msgThroughputIn: Same as above, but in bytes per second instead of messages per second
msgRateOut: The sum of all local and replication consumers' dispatch rates in messages per second
msgThroughputOut: Same as above, but in bytes per second instead of messages per second
averageMsgSize: The average size in bytes of messages published within the last interval
publishers: The list of all local publishers into the topic. There can be zero or thousands
averageMsgSize: Average message size in bytes from this publisher within the last interval
producerId: Internal identifier for this producer on this topic
producerName: Internal identifier for this producer, generated by the client library
address: IP address and source port for the connection of this producer
connectedSince: Timestamp this producer was created or last reconnected
subscriptions: The list of all local subscriptions to the topic
my-subscription: The name of this subscription (client defined)
type: This subscription type
consumers: The list of connected consumers for this subscription
consumerName: Internal identifier for this consumer, generated by the client library
availablePermits: The number of messages this consumer has space for in the client library‘s listen queue. A value of 0 means the client library’s queue is full and receive() isn't being called. A nonzero value means this consumer is ready to be dispatched messages.
replication: This section gives the stats for cross-colo replication of this topic
connected: Whether the outbound replicator is connected
inboundConnection: The IP and port of the broker in the remote cluster's publisher connection to this broker
inboundConnectedSince: The TCP connection being used to publish messages to the remote cluster. If there are no local publishers connected, this connection is automatically closed after a minute.
msgDropRate: for publisher: publish: broker only allows configured number of in flight per connection, and drops all other published messages above the threshold. Broker also drops messages for subscriptions in case of unavailable limit and connection is not writable.
{ "msgRateIn": 4641.528542257553, "msgThroughputIn": 44663039.74947473, "msgRateOut": 0, "msgThroughputOut": 0, "averageMsgSize": 1232439.816728665, "storageSize": 135532389160, "msgDropRate" : 0.0, "publishers": [ { "msgRateIn": 57.855383881403576, "msgThroughputIn": 558994.7078932219, "averageMsgSize": 613135, "producerId": 0, "producerName": null, "address": null, "connectedSince": null, "msgDropRate" : 0.0 } ], "subscriptions": { "my-topic_subscription": { "msgRateOut": 0, "msgThroughputOut": 0, "msgBacklog": 116632, "type": null, "msgRateExpired": 36.98245516804671, "consumers" : [ { "msgRateOut" : 20343.506296021893, "msgThroughputOut" : 2.0979855364233278E7, "msgRateRedeliver" : 0.0, "consumerName" : "fe3c0", "availablePermits" : 950, "unackedMessages" : 0, "blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs" : false, "address" : "/", "connectedSince" : "2017-07-26 15:13:48.026-0700", "clientVersion" : "1.19-incubating-SNAPSHOT" } ], "msgDropRate" : 432.2390921571593 } }, "replication": {} }
Topic stats can be fetched using stats
$ pulsar-admin non-persistent stats \ non-persistent://test-property/cl1/ns1/tp1 \
{% endpoint GET /admin/non-persistent/:property/:cluster/:namespace/:destination/stats %}
String destination = "non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic"; admin.nonPersistentTopics().getStats(destination);
It shows detailed statistics of a topic.
Topic internal-stats can be fetched using stats-internal
$ pulsar-admin non-persistent stats-internal \ non-persistent://test-property/cl1/ns1/tp1 \ { "entriesAddedCounter" : 48834, "numberOfEntries" : 0, "totalSize" : 0, "cursors" : { "s1" : { "waitingReadOp" : false, "pendingReadOps" : 0, "messagesConsumedCounter" : 0, "cursorLedger" : 0, "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : 0 } } }
{% endpoint GET /admin/non-persistent/:property/:cluster/:namespace/:destination/internalStats %}
String destination = "non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic"; admin.nonPersistentTopics().getInternalStats(destination);
Partitioned topics in Pulsar must be explicitly created. When creating a new partitioned topic you need to provide a name for the topic as well as the desired number of partitions.
$ bin/pulsar-admin non-persistent create-partitioned-topic \ non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic \ --partitions 4
{% endpoint PUT /admin/non-persistent/:property/:cluster/:namespace/:destination/partitions %}
String topicName = "non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic"; int numPartitions = 4; admin.nonPersistentTopics().createPartitionedTopic(topicName, numPartitions);
Partitioned topics have metadata associated with them that you can fetch as a JSON object. The following metadata fields are currently available:
Field | Meaning |
partitions | The number of partitions into which the topic is divided |
$ pulsar-admin non-persistent get-partitioned-topic-metadata \ non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic { "partitions": 4 }
{% endpoint GET /admin/non-persistent/:property/:cluster:/:namespace/:destination/partitions %}
String topicName = "non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic"; admin.nonPersistentTopics().getPartitionedTopicMetadata(topicName);
It unloads a topic.
Topic can be unloaded using unload
$ pulsar-admin non-persistent unload \ non-persistent://test-property/cl1/ns1/tp1 \
{% endpoint PUT /admin/non-persistent/:property/:cluster/:namespace/:destination/unload %}
String destination = "non-persistent://my-property/my-cluster-my-namespace/my-topic"; admin.nonPersistentTopics().unload(destination);