Pulsar clusters consist of one or more Pulsar {% popover brokers %}, one or more {% popover BookKeeper %} servers (aka {% popover bookies %}), and a {% popover ZooKeeper %} cluster that provides configuration and coordination management.
Clusters can be managed via:
command of the pulsar-admin
endpoint of the admin REST APIclusters
method of the {% javadoc PulsarAdmin admin org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdmin %} object in the Java APINew clusters can be provisioned using the admin interface.
{% include message.html id=“superuser” %}
You can provision a new cluster using the create
subcommand. Here's an example:
$ pulsar-admin clusters create cluster-1 \ --url http://my-cluster.org.com:8080 \ --broker-url pulsar://my-cluster.org.com:6650
{% endpoint PUT /admin/clusters/:cluster %}
ClusterData clusterData = new ClusterData( serviceUrl, serviceUrlTls, brokerServiceUrl, brokerServiceUrlTls ); admin.clusters().createCluster(clusterName, clusterData);
When provision a new cluster, you need to initialize that cluster's metadata. When initializing cluster metadata, you need to specify all of the following:
You must initialize cluster metadata before starting up any brokers that will belong to the cluster.
{% include admonition.html type=“warning” title=“No cluster metadata initialization through the REST API or the Java admin API” content=' Unlike most other admin functions in Pulsar, cluster metadata initialization cannot be performed via the admin REST API or the admin Java client, as metadata initialization involves communicating with ZooKeeper directly. Instead, you can use the pulsar
CLI tool, in particular the initialize-cluster-metadata
command. ' %}
Here's an example cluster metadata initialization command:
bin/pulsar initialize-cluster-metadata \ --cluster us-west \ --zookeeper zk1.us-west.example.com:2181 \ --global-zookeeper zk1.us-west.example.com:2184 \ --web-service-url http://pulsar.us-west.example.com:8080/ \ --web-service-url-tls https://pulsar.us-west.example.com:8443/ \ --broker-service-url pulsar://pulsar.us-west.example.com:6650/ \ --broker-service-url-tls pulsar+ssl://pulsar.us-west.example.com:6651/
You‘ll need to use --*-tls
flags only if you’re using TLS authentication in your instance.
You can fetch the configuration for an existing cluster at any time.
Use the get
subcommand and specify the name of the cluster. Here's an example:
$ pulsar-admin clusters get cluster-1 { "serviceUrl": "http://my-cluster.org.com:8080/", "serviceUrlTls": null, "brokerServiceUrl": "pulsar://my-cluster.org.com:6650/", "brokerServiceUrlTls": null "peerClusterNames": null }
{% endpoint GET /admin/clusters/:cluster %}
You can update the configuration for an existing cluster at any time.
Use the update
subcommand and specify new configuration values using flags.
$ pulsar-admin clusters update cluster-1 \ --url http://my-cluster.org.com:4081 \ --broker-url pulsar://my-cluster.org.com:3350
{% endpoint POST /admin/clusters/:cluster %}
ClusterData clusterData = new ClusterData( serviceUrl, serviceUrlTls, brokerServiceUrl, brokerServiceUrlTls ); admin.clusters().updateCluster(clusterName, clusterData);
Clusters can be deleted from a Pulsar {% popover instance %}.
Use the delete
subcommand and specify the name of the cluster.
$ pulsar-admin clusters delete cluster-1
{% endpoint DELETE /admin/clusters/:cluster %}
You can fetch a list of all clusters in a Pulsar {% popover instance %}.
Use the list
$ pulsar-admin clusters list cluster-1 cluster-2
{% endpoint GET /admin/clusters %}
Peer clusters can be configured for a given cluster in a Pulsar {% popover instance %}.
Use the update-peer-clusters
subcommand and specify the list of peer-cluster names.
$ pulsar-admin update-peer-clusters cluster-1 --peer-clusters cluster-2
{% endpoint POST /admin/clusters/:cluster/peers %}
admin.clusters().updatePeerClusterNames(clusterName, peerClusterList);