blob: b34b959ff77e662b55591d600d8fb501c1d06c58 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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- name: zookeeperServers
default: ''
description: The quorum connection string for local ZooKeeper
- name: globalZookeeperServers
default: ''
description: The quorum connection string for global ZooKeeper
- name: brokerServicePort
default: '6650'
description: The port on which the standalone broker listens for connections
- name: webServicePort
default: '8080'
description: THe port used by the standalone broker for HTTP requests
- name: bindAddress
description: The hostname or IP address on which the standalone service binds
- name: advertisedAddress
default: ''
description: The hostname or IP address that the standalone service advertises to the outside world. If not set, the value of `InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()` is used.
- name: clusterName
default: standalone
description: The name of the cluster that this broker belongs to.
- name: zooKeeperSessionTimeoutMillis
default: '30000'
description: The ZooKeeper session timeout, in milliseconds.
- name: brokerShutdownTimeoutMs
default: '3000'
description: The time to wait for graceful broker shutdown. After this time elapses, the process will be killed.
- name: backlogQuotaCheckEnabled
default: 'true'
description: Enable the backlog quota check, which enforces a specified action when the quota is reached.
- name: backlogQuotaCheckIntervalInSeconds
default: '60'
description: How often to check for topics that have reached the backlog quota.
- name: backlogQuotaDefaultLimitGB
default: '10'
description: The default per-topic backlog quota limit.
- name: brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsEnabled
default: 'true'
description: Enable the deletion of inactive topics.
- name: brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsFrequencySeconds
default: '60'
description: How often to check for inactive topics, in seconds.
- name: messageExpiryCheckIntervalInMinutes
default: '5'
description: How often to proactively check and purged expired messages.
- name: activeConsumerFailoverDelayTimeMillis
default: '1000'
description: How long to delay rewinding cursor and dispatching messages when active consumer is changed.
- name: clientLibraryVersionCheckEnabled
default: 'false'
description: Enable checks for minimum allowed client library version.
- name: clientLibraryVersionCheckAllowUnversioned
default: 'true'
description: Allow client libraries with no version information
- name: statusFilePath
default: "/usr/local/apache/htdocs"
description: The path for the file used to determine the rotation status for the broker when responding to service discovery health checks
- name: maxUnackedMessagesPerConsumer
default: '50000'
description: The maximum number of unacknowledged messages allowed to be received by consumers on a shared subscription. The broker will stop sending messages to a consumer once this limit is reached or until the consumer begins acknowledging messages. A value of 0 disables the unacked message limit check and thus allows consumers to receive messages without any restrictions.
- name: maxUnackedMessagesPerSubscription
default: '200000'
description: The same as above, except per subscription rather than per consumer.
- name: authenticationEnabled
default: 'false'
description: Enable authentication for the broker.
- name: authenticationProviders
default: 'false'
description: A comma-separated list of class names for authentication providers.
- name: authorizationEnabled
default: 'false'
description: Enforce authorization in brokers.
- name: superUserRoles
default: ''
description: Role names that are treated as "superusers." Superusers are authorized to perform all admin tasks.
- name: brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin
default: ''
description: The authentication settings of the broker itself. Used when the broker connects to other brokers either in the same cluster or from other clusters.
- name: brokerClientAuthenticationParameters
default: ''
description: The parameters that go along with the plugin specified using [`brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin`](#standalone-brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin).
- name: athenzDomainNames
default: ''
description: Supported Athenz authentication provider domain names as a comma-separated list.
- name: bookkeeperClientAuthenticationPlugin
default: ''
description: Authentication plugin to be used when connecting to bookies (BookKeeper servers).
- name: bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParametersName
default: ''
description: BookKeeper authentication plugin implementation parameters and values.
- name: bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParameters
default: ''
description: Parameters associated with the [`bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParametersName`](#standalone-bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParametersName)
- name: bookkeeperClientTimeoutInSeconds
default: '30'
description: Timeout for BookKeeper add and read operations.
- name: bookkeeperClientSpeculativeReadTimeoutInMillis
default: '0'
description: Speculative reads are initiated if a read request doesn't complete within a certain time. A value of 0 disables speculative reads.
- name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckEnabled
default: 'true'
description: Enable bookie health checks.
- name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckIntervalSeconds
default: '60'
description: The time interval, in seconds, at which health checks are performed. New ledgers are not created during health checks.
- name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckErrorThresholdPerInterval
default: '5'
description: Error threshold for health checks.
- name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckQuarantineTimeInSeconds
default: '1800'
description: If bookies have more than the allowed number of failures within the time interval specified by [`bookkeeperClientHealthCheckIntervalSeconds`](#)
- name: bookkeeperClientRackawarePolicyEnabled
default: 'true'
- name: bookkeeperClientIsolationGroups
default: ''
- name: managedLedgerDefaultEnsembleSize
default: '1'
- name: managedLedgerDefaultWriteQuorum
default: '1'
- name: managedLedgerDefaultAckQuorum
default: '1'
- name: managedLedgerCacheSizeMB
default: '1024'
- name: managedLedgerCacheEvictionWatermark
default: '0.9'
- name: managedLedgerDefaultMarkDeleteRateLimit
default: '0.1'
- name: managedLedgerMaxEntriesPerLedger
default: '50000'
- name: managedLedgerMinLedgerRolloverTimeMinutes
default: '10'
- name: managedLedgerMaxLedgerRolloverTimeMinutes
default: '240'
- name: managedLedgerCursorMaxEntriesPerLedger
default: '50000'
- name: managedLedgerCursorRolloverTimeInSeconds
default: '14400'
- name: loadBalancerEnabled
default: 'false'
- name: loadBalancerPlacementStrategy
default: weightedRandomSelection
- name: loadBalancerReportUpdateThresholdPercentage
default: '10'
- name: loadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes
default: '15'
- name: loadBalancerHostUsageCheckIntervalMinutes
default: '1'
- name: loadBalancerSheddingIntervalMinutes
default: '30'
- name: loadBalancerSheddingGracePeriodMinutes
default: '30'
- name: loadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage
default: '1'
- name: loadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage
default: '85'
- name: loadBalancerResourceQuotaUpdateIntervalMinutes
default: '15'
- name: loadBalancerBrokerComfortLoadLevelPercentage
default: '65'
- name: loadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled
default: 'false'
- name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxTopics
default: '1000'
- name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxSessions
default: '1000'
- name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxMsgRate
default: '1000'
- name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxBandwidthMbytes
default: '100'
- name: loadBalancerNamespaceMaximumBundles
default: '128'
- name: replicationMetricsEnabled
default: 'true'
- name: replicationConnectionsPerBroker
default: '16'
- name: replicationProducerQueueSize
default: '1000'
- name: defaultRetentionTimeInMinutes
default: '0'
- name: defaultRetentionSizeInMB
default: '0'
- name: keepAliveIntervalSeconds
default: '30'
- name: brokerServicePurgeInactiveFrequencyInSeconds
default: '60'