title: ZooKeeper and BookKeeper administration

Pulsar relies on two external systems for essential tasks:

ZooKeeper and BookKeeper are both open-source Apache projects.

{% include admonition.html type=‘info’ content=' Skip to the How Pulsar uses ZooKeeper and BookKeeper section below for a more schematic explanation of the role of these two systems in Pulsar. ' %}


{% include explanations/deploying-zk.md %}

ZooKeeper configuration

In Pulsar, ZooKeeper configuration is handled by two separate configuration files found in the conf directory of your Pulsar installation: conf/zookeeper.conf for local ZooKeeper and conf/global-zookeeper.conf for global ZooKeeper.

Local ZooKeeper

Configuration for local ZooKeeper is handled by the conf/zookeeper.conf file. The table below shows the available parameters:

{% include config.html id=“zookeeper” %}

Global ZooKeeper

Configuration for global ZooKeeper is handled by the conf/global-zookeeper.conf file. The table below shows the available parameters:

{% include config.html id=“global-zookeeper” %}


{% popover BookKeeper %} is responsible for all durable message storage in Pulsar. BookKeeper is a distributed write-ahead log WAL system that guarantees read consistency of independent message logs called {% popover ledgers %}. Individual BookKeeper servers are also called bookies.

{% include admonition.html type=“info” content=" For a guide to managing message persistence, retention, and expiry in Pulsar, see this guide. " %}

Deploying BookKeeper

{% include explanations/deploying-bk.md %}

Configuring BookKeeper

Configurable parameters for BookKeeper bookies can be found in the conf/bookkeeper.conf file.

Minimum configuration changes required in conf/bookkeeper.conf are:

# Change to point to journal disk mount point

# Point to ledger storage disk mount point

# Point to local ZK quorum

# Change the ledger manager type

{% include admonition.html type=‘info’ content=‘Consult the official BookKeeper docs for more information about BookKeeper.’ %}

BookKeeper persistence policies

In Pulsar, you can set persistence policies, at the {% popover namespace %} level, that determine how {% popover BookKeeper %} handles persistent storage of messages. Policies determine four things:

  • The number of {% popover acks %} (guaranteed copies) to wait for each ledger entry
  • The number of {% popover bookies %} to use for a topic
  • How many writes to make for each ledger entry
  • The throttling rate for mark-delete operations

Set persistence policies

You can set persistence policies for BookKeeper at the {% popover namespace %} level.


Use the set-persistence subcommand and specify a namespace as well as any policies that you want to apply. The available flags are:

-a, --bookkeeper-ack-quoromThe number of acks (guaranteed copies) to wait on for each entry0
-e, --bookkeeper-ensembleThe number of {% popover bookies %} to use for topics in the namespace0
-w, --bookkeeper-write-quorumHow many writes to make for each entry0
-r, --ml-mark-delete-max-rateThrottling rate for mark-delete operations (0 means no throttle)0
$ pulsar-admin namespaces set-persistence my-prop/my-cluster/my-ns \
  --bookkeeper-ack-quorom 3 \
  --bookeeper-ensemble 2


{% endpoint POST /admin/namespaces/:property/:cluster/:namespace/persistence %}

More info


int bkEnsemble = 2;
int bkQuorum = 3;
int bkAckQuorum = 2;
double markDeleteRate = 0.7;
PersistencePolicies policies =
  new PersistencePolicies(ensemble, quorum, ackQuorum, markDeleteRate);
admin.namespaces().setPersistence(namespace, policies);

List persistence policies

You can see which persistence policy currently applies to a namespace.


Use the get-persistence subcommand and specify the namespace.

$ pulsar-admin namespaces get-persistence my-prop/my-cluster/my-ns
  "bookkeeperEnsemble": 1,
  "bookkeeperWriteQuorum": 1,
  "bookkeeperAckQuorum", 1,
  "managedLedgerMaxMarkDeleteRate": 0


{% endpoint GET /admin/namespaces/:property/:cluster/:namespace/persistence %}

More info


PersistencePolicies policies = admin.namespaces().getPersistence(namespace);

How Pulsar uses ZooKeeper and BookKeeper

This diagram illustrates the role of ZooKeeper and BookKeeper in a Pulsar cluster:

ZooKeeper and BookKeeper

Each Pulsar {% popover cluster %} consists of one or more message {% popover brokers %}. Each broker relies on an ensemble of {% popover bookies %}