Each Pulsar {% popover instance %} relies on two separate ZooKeeper quorums.

  • Local ZooKeeper operates at the {% popover cluster %} level and provides cluster-specific configuration management and coordination. Each Pulsar cluster needs to have a dedicated ZooKeeper cluster.
  • Global ZooKeeper operates at the {% popover instance %} level and provides configuration management for the entire system (and thus across clusters). The global ZooKeeper quorum can be provided by an independent cluster of machines or by the same machines used by local ZooKeeper.

Deploying local ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper manages a variety of essential coordination- and configuration-related tasks for Pulsar.

Deploying a Pulsar instance requires you to stand up one local {% popover ZooKeeper %} cluster per Pulsar {% popover cluster %}.

To begin, add all ZooKeeper servers to the quorum configuration specified in the conf/zookeeper.conf file. Add a server.N line for each node in the cluster to the configuration, where N is the number of the ZooKeeper node. Here's an example for a three-node cluster:


On each host, you need to specify the ID of the node in each node‘s myid file, which is in each server’s data/zookeeper folder by default (this can be changed via the dataDir parameter).

{% include admonition.html type=“info” content=" See the Multi-server setup guide in the ZooKeeper documentation for detailed info on myid and more. " %}

On a ZooKeeper server at zk1.us-west.example.com, for example, you could set the myid value like this:

$ mkdir -p data/zookeeper
$ echo 1 > data/zookeeper/myid

On zk2.us-west.example.com the command would be echo 2 > data/zookeeper/myid and so on.

Once each server has been added to the zookeeper.conf configuration and has the appropriate myid entry, you can start ZooKeeper on all hosts (in the background, using nohup) with the pulsar-daemon CLI tool:

$ bin/pulsar-daemon start zookeeper

Deploying global ZooKeeper

The ZooKeeper cluster configured and started up in the section above is a local ZooKeeper cluster used to manage a single Pulsar {% popover cluster %}. In addition to a local cluster, however, a full Pulsar {% popover instance %} also requires a global ZooKeeper quorum for handling some instance-level configuration and coordination tasks.

If you‘re deploying a single-cluster instance, then you will not need a separate cluster for global ZooKeeper. If, however, you’re deploying a multi-cluster instance, then you should stand up a separate ZooKeeper cluster for instance-level tasks.

{% include message.html id=“global_cluster” %}

Single-cluster Pulsar instance

If your Pulsar {% popover instance %} will consist of just one cluster, then you can deploy {% popover global ZooKeeper %} on the same machines as the local ZooKeeper quorum but running on different TCP ports.

To deploy global ZooKeeper in a single-cluster instance, add the same ZooKeeper servers used by the local quorom to the configuration file in conf/global_zookeeper.conf using the same method for local ZooKeeper, but make sure to use a different port (2181 is the default for ZooKeeper). Here's an example that uses port 2184 for a three-node ZooKeeper cluster:


As before, create the myid files for each server on data/global-zookeeper/myid.

Multi-cluster Pulsar instance

When deploying a global Pulsar instance, with clusters distributed across different geographical regions, the global ZooKeeper serves as a highly available and strongly consistent metadata store that can tolerate failures and partitions spanning whole regions.

The key here is to make sure the ZK quorum members are spread across at least 3 regions and that other regions are running as observers.

Again, given the very low expected load on the global ZooKeeper servers, we can share the same hosts used for the local ZooKeeper quorum.

For example, let‘s assume a Pulsar instance with the following clusters us-west, us-east, us-central, eu-central, ap-south. Also let’s assume, each cluster will have its own local ZK servers named such as


In this scenario we want to pick the quorum participants from few clusters and let all the others be ZK observers. For example, to form a 7 servers quorum, we can pick 3 servers from us-west, 2 from us-central and 2 from us-east.

This will guarantee that writes to global ZooKeeper will be possible even if one of these regions is unreachable.

The ZK configuration in all the servers will look like:


Additionally, ZK observers will need to have:

Starting the service

Once your global ZooKeeper configuration is in place, you can start up the service using pulsar-daemon

$ bin/pulsar-daemon start global-zookeeper