Each of Pulsar's three admin interfaces---the pulsar-admin CLI tool, the Java admin API, and the REST API---requires some special setup if you have authentication enabled in your Pulsar {% popover instance %}.


If you have authentication enabled, you will need to provide an auth configuration to use the pulsar-admin tool. By default, the configuration for the pulsar-admin tool is found in the conf/client.conf file. Here are the available parameters:

{% include config.html id=“client” %}


You can find documentation for the REST API exposed by Pulsar {% popover brokers %} in this reference document.

Java admin client

To use the Java admin API, instantiate a {% javadoc PulsarAdmin admin org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdmin %} object, specifying a URL for a Pulsar {% popover broker %} and a {% javadoc ClientConfiguration admin org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.ClientConfiguration %}. Here's a minimal example using localhost:

URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080");
String authPluginClassName = "com.org.MyAuthPluginClass"; //Pass auth-plugin class fully-qualified name if Pulsar-security enabled
String authParams = "param1=value1";//Pass auth-param if auth-plugin class requires it
boolean useTls = false;
boolean tlsAllowInsecureConnection = false;
String tlsTrustCertsFilePath = null;

ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration();
config.setAuthentication(authPluginClassName, authParams);

PulsarAdmin admin = new PulsarAdmin(url, config);